
  • 网络peripheral arterial embolism
  1. 本文对29例超声拟诊为周围动脉栓塞的病例进行了回顾性研究,全部病例均经手术、动脉造影或临床确诊。

    Twenty-eight cases with peripheral arterial embolism confirmed by operation , angiography and clinic were examined with two-dimensional and color Doppler .

  2. 其中5例DVT和(或)PTE发生于肺癌确诊前2~6个月,3例NBTE于肺癌确诊前2~7个月出现脑栓塞或周围动脉栓塞表现。

    Cases with DVT and ( or ) PTE occurred 2 ~ 6 months before detection of lung cancer , 3 cases of NBTE had brain and peripheral artery embolism 2 ~ 7 months before detection of lung cancer .

  3. 脑及周围动脉栓塞是左房血栓的一个严重并发症。

    Systemic embolism in mitral stenosis with thrombi within the left atrium is a severe complication .

  4. 多种细菌感染、心功能、周围动脉栓塞、早发性人工瓣膜心内膜炎、主动脉瓣病变为危险因素。

    The risk factors were polymicrobial infection , poor heart function , peripheral arterial embolism , early PVE and aortic valve lesion .

  5. 结果:117例149次急性周围动脉栓塞以下肢发生的频率最高,约占87%,内脏动脉栓塞约占2%,上肢约占10%。

    Results : Approximately 87 % of embolization occurred in lower limbs , that occuring in internal organ was about 2 % and upper extremities 10 % .

  6. 介入性腔内机械性血栓碎吸及溶栓术治疗周围动脉急性血栓栓塞

    Interventional mechanical aspiration and thrombolysis for acute peripheral arterial thrombosis