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  1. 结论胎膜早破是造成孕产妇感染和难产及新生儿感染的高危因素,孕周越小、破膜时间越长对母儿结局的影响越大。

    Conclusions PROM is high risk factors of pregnancy and infant infection .

  2. 比如,5年期美国国债的损益平衡通胀率最近几周越涨越高。

    The inflation breakeven rate for 5-year US Treasuries , say , has nudged ever higher in recent weeks .

  3. 自从北约直升机上周越过边界朝目标开火,据称致死若干反叛者,关系就一直紧张。

    Relations have been tense since NATO helicopters last weekend opened fire on targets across the border , killing several alleged insurgents .

  4. EP患者腹腔游离血P、外周血P越高,腹腔内出血越多(P<0.001)。

    The higher EP patients in dissociating hemoperitoneum P and peripheric blood P , the more the hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity ( P < 0.001 ) .

  5. Twitter的早期投资者克里斯·萨卡(ChrisSacca)早前公布了一份长达8500字的措辞严厉的分析报告,要求对Twitter的服务重新进行更深入的思考。这使得科斯特罗最近几周面临越来越大的压力。

    Pressure on Costolo grew in recent weeks after Chris Sacca , an early Twitter investor , went public with an 8500-word analysiscalling for a much deeper rethinking of Twitter 's service .

  6. 年龄越高,两周患病率越高,老年卫生服务需要越多。

    Older residents had higher two-week prevalence rate and required more health services .

  7. 世界上第二大拍卖行的前景本周看上去越来越动荡不定。

    The future of the world 's second largest auctioneer looks increasingly unstable this week .

  8. 通常,桩周土刚度越大,桩身初始后屈曲平衡路径越趋于稳定。

    Usually , stiffness of surrounding soil helps to bring more stable initial post-buckling equilibrium path .

  9. 癌区及癌周粘膜肌厚度越厚,胃癌患者预后越差(P<0.01);

    The thicker the muscularis mucosae in tumour regions or border regions of gastric cancer , the poorer the prognosis of the patients ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 尽管财务大臣野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)本周的措辞越来越强硬,但自地震发生后不久七国集团的联合干涉以来,这还是财务省首次同意日本央行抛售日元。

    Yoshihiko Noda , the finance minister , has been stepping up the rhetoric all week but this is the first time since the g7-backed co-ordinated intervention soon after the earthquake that the Ministry of finance has given the go ahead to the BoJ to sell yen .

  11. 过去几周,她越来越六神无主。

    Over the past several weeks , she had grown increasingly restless .

  12. 本周里,你越是能少决定自己的观点,就越可以保持思想开放。

    This week , the less you can commit yourself , the more you 'll keep your options open .

  13. 白膜的纵向应变与周向应变比值越小,白膜对导静脉的限制作用越强。

    When the longitudinal strain is much less than the coronary , the restriction to the emissary veins becomes stronger .

  14. 另外,叶根泄漏流的周向速度分量越大,泄漏流对转子流场的不利影响也越大。

    Additionally , the larger the circumferential velocity component of hub leakage flow , the greater the deleterious effect of hub leakage upon the rotor flow .

  15. 洁治的周期越短,维护牙周健康的作用越明显。2.在良好的口腔卫生宣教下,建议固定正畸患者每3个月洁治一次,以保证牙周健康。

    With good oral health education , it was recommended that patients with fixed orthodontic treatment should receive periodontal scaling every three month to protect periodontal health . 3 .

  16. 孕周、出生体重与转归显著相关(p0.05),孕周越大、出生体重越大的早产儿转归越好。

    Gestational weeks and birth weight is significant correlation with outcome ( p0.05 ), the greater gestational weeks 、 birth weight , the better outcome .