
wǎ zú
  • Wa nationality;the Va nationality
佤族 [wǎ zú]
  • [Wa nationality] 缅甸东北部佤族各邦和中国云南省邻近地区的部族,他们保留了古老的文化特点--亦称佧佤族

佤族[wǎ zú]
  1. 佤族社区中蚊帐使用率极低,logistic回归分析肯定了蚊帐使用与疟疾预防知识相关;

    The bednet coverage was extremely low in Wa communities . Multivariate logistic regression confirmed the relationship between bednet usage and knowledge of malaria prevention .

  2. 云南西盟佤族中疟疾防治的IEC信息和渠道研究(英文)

    Study on messages and channels of IEC for malaria control in Wa ethnic in Ximeng , Yunnan Province .

  3. 在佤族中的IEC干预应使用以人际交流为主,并有其它渠道支持的综合渠道。

    IEC intervention in Wa ethnic should use mixed channels and interpersonal communication will be the principal channel with supports of other channels .

  4. 结论需要通过与现行直接防治措施相结合IEC活动,纠正佤族群众的看法和让其行为更为健康。

    Conclusion It is necessary to correct their perception and change into more healthy behaviors by information-education-communication activities closely combining with present directive control measures .

  5. 我们在首府垒固(loikaw)呆了两个晚上,后来转入了东部的掸邦(shanstate),即和泰国北部和老挝接壤的金三角地区,在那里我们游览了佤族和阿卡族村庄。

    We spend two nights in the state capital of Loikaw , before moving up into Eastern Shan state , the Golden Triangle region bordering northern Thailand and Laos , where we travel to ethnic Wa and Akha villages .

  6. 云南西盟佤族对疟疾的认知情况(英文)

    Wa People 's perception of malaria in Ximeng , Yunnan .

  7. 从佤族民间故事看女性民俗

    To read the female folk-custom through Wa people 's folk tales

  8. 佤族木鼓文化研究综述

    Summary of the Research on Wood Drum Culture of Dai Nationality

  9. 佤族丧葬习俗的文化背景与社会功能

    The Cultural Background and Social Function in the Wa Funeral Customs

  10. 目的了解佤族群众对疟疾的认知情况。

    Objective To learn layperson perception of Wa ethnic toward malaria .

  11. 佤族的药食同源文化

    On the Homologous Culture of Medicine and Food of the Wa Nationality

  12. 佤族木鼓象征与功能的文化解读

    A Cultural Analysis of the Wooden-drum Symbolization and Function The cultural differences

  13. 佤族儿童社会化初探

    A Tentative Study of Socialization of the Wa Nationality Children

  14. “兀儿”是佤族在丧葬仪式中使用的一种吹管乐器。

    The main threads of it is the process of obsequies ceremony .

  15. 虔诚佤族人的信仰中心是血祭。

    The beliefs of the religious Wa people centered on blood sacrifices .

  16. 佤族是我省的独有民族之一。

    Wa people is the only one ethnical group in yunnan province .

  17. 佤族舞蹈是中国民族文化宝库中的一块瑰宝,在全国享有极高的声誉。

    The dancing of Wa is a gem of the Chinese nationality culture .

  18. 论佤族的牛崇拜

    On the Buffalo - Worship of the Wa Nationality

  19. 佤族的自然崇拜与生态保护

    The Nature Worship and Ecological Protection of Wa People

  20. 有神秘多姿的佤族文化;

    There is mysterious and colourful culture of Wa ;

  21. 佤族原始宗教与伦理道德的关系

    On the relationship of primitive religion and moral ethics of the Wa people

  22. 佤族教育研究

    A Study on Education of the Wa Nationality

  23. 近代云南沧源佤族人民反帝斗争的重大贡献

    The Significance and Contribution of Wa people to the Victory of Anti-imperialist War Contemporary

  24. 中国佤族人口分布格局及社会发展浅析

    The Population Distribution Pattern of the Wa Nationality in China and their Social Development

  25. 本文是对佤族女作家群进行的专题研讨。

    This article is the project research on the female writers of WA nationality .

  26. 西盟县佤族疟疾防治的医学人类学研究

    Medical anthropology study on malaria control among Wa Ethnic in Ximeng County , Yunnan Province

  27. 他们是佤族,布朗族和德昂族。

    They areWa , Blang and Deang .

  28. 缅甸佤邦北部佤族区居民的就医行为差。

    In Wa Ethnic in northern Wa state areas of Myanmar , Poor health-seeking behaviour .

  29. 失落的佤族文明

    The Lost Civilization of Wa Minority

  30. 目的评价佤族患疟求医的现状、费用支付能力和障碍。

    Objectives To assess current situation , affordability and obstacles on malaria treatment-seeking in Wa ethnic .