
  • 网络WA State;the Wa States
  1. 钰诚曾向缅甸佤邦注资近100亿人民币,佤邦与云南接壤,也是缅甸冲突地区。

    Yucheng International had sent nearly 10 billion yuan to Myanmar 's Wa State , a conflict-torn area bordering the southwestern province of Yunnan .

  2. 最大的民族停火团体,包括佤邦联合军和克钦独立组织,都拒绝了政府的建议。

    The largest ethnic ceasefire groups , including the United Wa State Army and the Kachin Independence Organization , have all rejected the junta 's proposal .

  3. 在佤邦地区举行选举值得怀疑。

    Holding elections in the Wa area was in doubt , the source added .

  4. 缅甸佤邦北部佤族区居民的就医行为差。

    In Wa Ethnic in northern Wa state areas of Myanmar , Poor health-seeking behaviour .

  5. 然而,佤邦首府仍然和往常一样繁忙,据他说。

    Nevertheless , the Wa capital is still busy as usual , according to him .

  6. 而缅甸联邦巩固与发展党可能来也可能不来佤邦展开竞选。

    The Union Solidarity and Development Party may or may not come to our area to campaign .

  7. 在佤邦首府,公众场所像往常一样甚至到夜间同样感觉繁忙忙碌。

    Public places in the Wa capital are busy as usual and even busier at nighttime , according to him .

  8. 来自佤邦南邓特区的一家难民在芒卡未找到自己的亲人,准备辗转到另一个地方投亲。

    A Dengte area 's refugee has not found their family member , and to seek relatives in other place .

  9. “我们没有要求他们离开,是军政府自己要这么做的,”一个消息引用一位佤邦官员的话这样说。

    " We did not order them to leave , the junta itself did ," a source quoted one of the Wa officers as saying .

  10. 通过调查必须清醒地认识到佤邦毒情变化,将深刻影响中缅关系及中缅边境的安全与稳定。

    The change of drug situation around the area based on researches will be significant for the border security and stability between Chi-na and Myanmar .

  11. 佤族是云南特有的民族之一,又是一个跨境民族,主要分布在中国云南的沧源、西盟和缅甸的佤邦。

    Wa nationality is a cross-border nationality , mainly distributed in Cangyuan , Ximeng , Lancang of Yunnan , China and the Wa state of Burma .

  12. 如果有新到者,尤其是缅族人,则要接受佤邦官方严格的安全检查。该名知情人士还看到许多缅族人正在汽车工厂和建筑工地工作。

    While new arrivals especially Burmans , undergo intense scrutiny by the Wa authorities , he also saw many Burmans working in automobile workshops and construction projects .

  13. 这个地区四面都被其它政府军势力包围,因而遭到佤邦或者掸邦叛军破坏的可能性微乎其微,大家都赞同这一点。

    As the place was surrounded on all sides by other military units , the possibility of demolition by Wa and Shan rebels was slim , agreed all sources .

  14. 因此,本课题深入研究佤邦毒情发展变化趋势,准确研判,为中国制定对缅甸禁毒战略提供科学依据。

    Therefore , the project is to have a research on the tendency of drug situation of the area and tries to provide scientific basis for policy-makers in China .

  15. 与此同时,军方人士说,从三角军区的一些景栋营已部署接近的佤邦联合军控制的地区。谷歌翻译。

    Meanwhile , military sources said that some battalions from Triangle Area Command based in Kengtung have been deployed close to areas controlled by the United Wa State Army .

  16. 因此,重视卫生人力开发,提高卫生人力素质,是佤邦卫生发展过程中亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , the following issues , the development of health workforce and the improvement of health workforce quality , must be solved urgently for the health development in Wa region .

  17. 内比都希望佤邦联合党向军政府的选举监督机构联邦选举委员会登记参选,但受到佤邦联合党拒绝。

    Naypyidaw wanted the UWSP to register with the junta 's electoral watchdog , the Union Election Commission , and stand in the elections but the party had refused , observers said .

  18. 上述邦一些城镇能举办选举,但在其他乡镇地区,尤其是佤邦联合军控制地区,无处可设立投票站。

    Some towns could host elections but in others , especially areas controlled by the United Wa State Army ( UWSA ), there was nowhere to set up polling booths , it said .

  19. 然而,佤邦一位领导鲍有谊说,一旦开战,拥有20000兵力的佤联军有信心捍卫自己的领土并保障佤邦安全。

    However , a Wa leader , Bao You-yi , said the20,000-strong ethnic army is confident it can defend its territory and guarantee the safety of local Wa communities in the event of a conflict .

  20. 钰诚曾计划在佤邦投资400亿发展自由贸易区,但据知情人士表示,公司也只投资了约10亿人民币。

    Yucheng had plans to invest 40 billion yuan to develop a free-trade zone in Wa State , but people close to the police said it spent only about 1 billion yuan toward that end .

  21. 环球时报说,根据来自邦桑的可靠人士消息,在佤邦避难的前果敢领袖陈家声业已离开。

    Peng Jiasheng , the deposed Kokang leader , who was reported by Global Times to be taking asylum in the Wa State , is believed to have left it , according to a reliable source in Panghsang .