
  • Chinese musical instruments;Chinese Music Instruments;Chinese Instruments
  1. 中国乐器英文译名初探

    A Study the Translation of Names of Chinese Musical Instruments

  2. 中国乐器的声况及其情况

    The Tune and Feeling of Chinese Musical Instruments

  3. 背景音乐放的是用中国乐器演奏的《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)的主题曲《随它吧》(LetItGo)。

    A Chinese instrumental version of " Let It Go " from " Frozen " played on the sound system .

  4. 我把她送来学习一下传统的中国乐器。

    I 'm bringing her to learn a traditional Chinese musical instrument .

  5. 我也看见一些中国乐器。

    But I see many Chinese instruments as well .

  6. 从古至今,中国乐器林林总总,非常丰富。

    And , there are numerous Chinese musical instruments from the ancient times .

  7. 唢呐是典型的中国乐器吗?

    Is the suona a typical Chinese musical instrument ?

  8. 怀满铿锵&中国乐器收藏与李元庆的学科意识

    Chinese Instrument Collection and Discipline Consciousness of Li Yuan-qing

  9. 二胡的确是我最喜欢的中国乐器。

    It 's really my favorite Chinese musical instrument .

  10. 引爆中国乐器业

    Detonating China 's musical instrument industry

  11. 一些有关中国乐器的每日英语,以及西方人是如何庆祝他们的生日的。

    Some everyday English about Chinese instruments , and how people in western cultures celebrate birthdays .

  12. 本章主要论述宋代乐器在中国乐器发展史上的历史地位,以及宋代乐器对后世的影响。

    It mainly argues the history status of MISD , and its influence upon the musical instruments of aftertime .

  13. 皮影戏由传统的中国乐器如笛子和二胡等伴奏,非常受欢迎。

    Accompanied by traditional Chinese musical instruments such as the flute and urheen , shadow plays are very popular .

  14. 对2006年中国乐器行业状况及形成原因进行了分析。

    Producing and managing situation of musical instrument industry in China of year 2006 has been analyzed in this paper .

  15. 不,但他以前出口中国乐器,象古筝鼓。

    No , but he used to export Chinese musical instruments , such as zithers ( kucheng ), flutes and drums .

  16. “中国乐器信息网”是由全国乐器工业信息中心主办的行业权威资讯网站。

    China Musical Instrument Information Website ( CMIIW ) is the exclusive informative website by China Musical Instrument industry Information Center .

  17. 使用一种或几种中国乐器与管弦乐队搭配进行创作是近些年来乐坛十分流行的音乐体裁形式。

    Using symphony orchestra associated with one or several Chinese instruments is a very popular music combination for music composition in these years .

  18. 问及他在专辑中用到传统的中国乐器是否只是为了能够进入中国的市场时,这名29岁的音乐人摇摇头。

    Asked whether the phrase and his use of rural tribal Chinese instruments in his album were just gimmicks to break into the lucrative China-market , the29-year-old shook his head .

  19. 我想这是当代中国乐器艺术家改变的一个趋势,趋近于西方的风格,就像马友友取的英文名字一样。

    I think this is a trend in musical instrument performers'circles in China , trying to emulate the Western style such as that of Yo Yo Ma in the name of progress .

  20. 由于声音悦耳,学习便利,携带方便,价格不高,笛子(笛)亚洲最流行的中国乐器之一。

    Because it sounds great , is easy to learn , light to carry and inexpensive , the Dizi ( Chinese Bamboo Flute ) is one of most popular Chinese instruments in Asia .

  21. 同样,中国乐器与西方乐器的声学需求也不同,尼科尔说,两者之间的差异将成为未来几年内专业人士讨论的主要问题。

    China and Southeast Asia are among the fastest-growing markets in the industry for the next few decades , says Andrew Nicol , principal of Arup 's theater and acoustic practice for Asia .

  22. 记者走访了参加这个项目的第一所美国学校--俄勒冈州梅德福市的圣玛利学校。在俄勒冈州梅德福市圣玛利学校,11年纪的一个班正在学习传统中国乐器的名称。

    The first U.S. school to take part in the program was St. Mary 's School in Medford , Oregon , where an 11th-grade class is running through a list of words for traditional Chinese instruments .

  23. 民族器乐作曲家、演奏家、教育家以及中国民族乐器改革家。

    He was Chinese traditional musical instrument composer , instrumentalist and educators .

  24. 本文总结了对一些中国民族乐器的声学研究。

    The acoustical aspects of some Chinese musical instruments are summarized in this paper .

  25. 中国民族乐器的声学

    Acoustics of Chinese musical instruments

  26. 塞纳河畔回荡华夏乐声&“中国古代乐器展”系列活动在巴黎

    Echoes of Chinese Music over the River Seine : Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Musical Instruments in Paris

  27. 第三方面主要总结了20世纪中国民族乐器改进的学术意义。

    The third is to sum up the academic significance of the Chinese national musical instruments improvement .

  28. 本文不属于对中国民族乐器中笛属乐器的全面研究。

    It is not an overall research about the flute family instruments of the national instruments of Chinal .

  29. 琵琶作为中国传统乐器之一,有着繁多的演奏技巧和丰富的艺术表现力。

    Pipa is one of the Chinese traditional musical instruments , there are many performance technique and abundant artistic expression .

  30. 有西洋乐器、中国古典乐器,什么都有真是一个节目和一个节目目不暇接。

    Western musical instrument , classical Chinese musical instruments , everything is really a program , and a dizzying program .