
  • 网络li-yue culture
  1. 礼乐文化&制度与思想的双重建构

    The Culture of Ceremonial Music-the Double Construction of System and Thought

  2. 原始礼乐文化:华夏文明形成研究的新视野

    Primitive Ceremony Culture : New View on the Forming of Chinese Civilization

  3. 孔子是礼乐文化的实践者和总结者,是儒家思想的奠基人。

    Confucius systemized the LiYue culture and created the Confucianism .

  4. 孔子及其弟子对礼乐文化的传承贡献巨大。

    Confucius and his disciples contribute greatly to the cultural transmission of li .

  5. 礼乐文化培养了中国人动态整体观察、思考、做事的思维方式。

    Ritual music culture of Chinese dynamic observation , thinking , work way of thinking .

  6. 河洛唐传奇在河洛礼乐文化的笼罩之下具有浓郁的伦理道德色彩。

    Tang legend of He-luo region under ritual music culture has the rich ethics morals color .

  7. 在孔子那里,文主要表现为礼乐文化。

    In Confucius point of view , " culture " expresses as the courtesy and music culture .

  8. 西周礼乐文化在古代文化中有特殊地位,它可以说是上古三代文化的集成。

    Therefore , it could be said that cultures of these three dynasties made an integrated system .

  9. 礼藏于乐:礼乐文化的形态原型

    Rite Hidden in Music : The Shape Prototypes of the Rite s , Poems and Music Relations

  10. 被禁之原因在其与中华礼乐文化传统相悖。

    The reason of banishing it lay in its running counter with the traditional Chinese ritual and musical system .

  11. 紧扣历史文化背景,由礼乐文化的角度来研究楚辞亦方兴未艾。

    Focusing on historical and culturalbackground , by the angle of the rites to study the songs also burgeoning .

  12. 孝与礼相结合而为孝礼,是礼乐文化的逻辑起点。

    Hence filial piety is combined with rituals as Pietyrite which serves as the logic origin of the culture .

  13. 绪论还对前人对礼乐文化的研究成果进行了总结。

    It is also summarized our predecessors ' the results of research on the propriety and music culture in the introduction .

  14. “金声玉振”是上古礼乐文化中最富有艺术性的部分,在儒家乐论体系中占有重要地位。

    Jinsheng Yuzheng is the most artistic part in ancient ritual and music culture and occupies an important position in Confucian music theory .

  15. 从早期华夏文明演进规律看,原始礼乐文化的发生、发展,既是华夏文明得以盟生的动力,也使华夏文明形成礼乐文化符号表征的原因。

    From its evolution , we know the forming and development of primitive ceremony is both the impetus and symbolic feature of Chinese civilization .

  16. 这就需要我们对古代礼乐文化在批判继承的基础上与时俱进地创新,以促进社会主义和谐社会的全面进步。

    Therefore , we should critically inherit the ancient culture of rites and melody so as to promote the comprehensive progress of our harmonious socialist society .

  17. 他的文化专制主张以全盘否定礼乐文化为代价,李斯成为一个负面的文化角色。

    The policy experienced a developmental course , and it denied all the cultures in amenity and music , LiSi had become a negative culture part .

  18. 孔子所处的鲁国常以周文化正统自居,西周时期的礼乐文化在鲁国有着重要的地位。

    Confucius of Lu in which often plays an important role in Lu week cultural orthodoxy itself , the ritual culture of the Western Zhou Dynasty .

  19. 第四部分分析了《商颂》、《鲁颂》的产生时间以及它们与周代礼乐文化的关系。

    In part 4 , we express the produced time of Shang Song and Lu Song , and the connection with the ceremony culture of Zhou .

  20. 本文拟在礼乐文化嬗变的大背景下考察鲁国祭祀的兴衰,以推动先秦礼制的研究。

    The thesis attempts to study the rise and decline of sacrifices in the State of Lu under the background of ritual and music cultural transmutation .

  21. 正是在这一背景下,礼乐文化逐渐凸显出新的文化气息,是一种原始的人文精神的体现。

    It is on this background that the music culture gradually highlights a new cultural breath , which is an embodiment of original spirit of the humanities .

  22. 社会权力体系的急剧变动中,西周以来的礼乐文化在政治权力中的作用也在发生着深刻的变化。

    Following the sharp changes in social power system , the effect of the manners and music culture on political power had altered in a strong sense .

  23. 和观念作为古代中国礼乐文化核心的精神原则,起源于古代的原始宗教,是早期中国社会共同体根本的精神取向。

    Harmony as the core principle of ancient Chinese culture , developed from the ancient primitive religion , was the prime taste of social community at that time .

  24. 礼乐文化是中国传统文化的荦荦大端,礼文化的研究对认识中国古代文化至关重要。

    The ritual music of Chinese traditional culture and profound culture , its research is the awareness and understanding of ancient Chinese culture , an important and indispensable way .

  25. 在操作层面上,最终确立了礼乐文化和文学的雅正观念,这对巩固政治统治是不无裨益的。

    And on the operating level , was establishment of the concept of an elegant legitimism for such a culture and literature . These efforts helped political control and stability .

  26. 《诗经》是礼乐文化的产物,同时也是礼乐文化的重要组成部分。

    " The Book of Songs " is an outcome of the Ritual music culture , and is an important component of the ritual music culture at the same time .

  27. 《诗经》燕飨诗是周王朝燕飨礼仪的产物,在周代礼乐文化中占有重要地位。

    The banquet and formal entertain poems in the Book of Songs are product of banquet ceremony , which take an important role in the ceremony-and-music culture of Zhou dynasty .

  28. 礼乐文化有什么优缺点?它的局限和长处又何在?对此一直没有达到文化自觉的认识水平。

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of etiquette culture ? Its limitations and strengths where again ? This has not reached the level of understanding of the " cultural consciousness " .

  29. 《诗经》作为周代礼乐文化的重要组成部分,被看作是辅礼而行、施行教化的工具。

    The Book of Songs as an important component of the etiquette and music culture in the Zhou Dynasty is regarded as the complementing use of etiquette and a tool of education .

  30. 《易经》的语言形式与著作年代&兼论西周礼乐文化对中国韵文艺术发展的影响

    The Style and Date of Composition of I Ching and the Influences of the Culture of Rites and Ritual Music in the Western Zhou Dynasty over the Art of Rhymed Verse in China