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  • 网络etiquette culture;Culture of Proprieties
  1. 论民族传统体育礼仪文化的当代继承

    On Modern Inheritance of the Etiquette Culture of National Traditional Sports

  2. 论礼仪文化教育与和谐校园的构建

    On the Education of Etiquette Culture and the Cultivation of Harmonious Campus

  3. 和谐文化视野下中华优秀传统礼仪文化的现代发展趋势

    The Modern Development of Chinese Traditional Etiquette From Harmonious Culture Perspective

  4. 在他们所缔造的文化中,其中礼仪文化为世人所注目。

    Among the traditional cultures they developed , their etiquette becomes well-known .

  5. 中日社交礼仪文化与跨文化语言教学

    The Culture of Sino-Japanese Social Etiquette and Inter-cultural Language Teaching

  6. 吸收古代和西方礼仪文化中的积极因素;

    We should also absorb positive factors of ancient and western protocol culture .

  7. 试论现代女性礼仪文化建设的走向

    Study on the Direction of Building the Modern Female Ceremony and Propriety Culture

  8. 浅谈传统礼仪文化与大学生思想道德教育

    Traditional Courteous Culture and College Students ' Moral Education

  9. 因此,有必要对酒店礼仪文化做全面而系统的研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to study hotel etiquette culture comprehensively and systematically .

  10. 人生礼仪文化透视

    Cultural Analysis of Etiquette in Life Culture

  11. 人文奥运背景下乒乓球礼仪文化审视

    Research on Table Tennis Etiquette Culture Based on the Background of the People 's Olympics

  12. 跨国商务礼仪文化的差异

    Difference of Transnational Commercial Etiquette Cultures

  13. 武术教材不能满足青少年身心和谐发展的需要,教学内容忽视礼仪文化和民族精神教育。

    The present teaching materials could not meet the needs of the harmonious development of the young people .

  14. 礼仪文化与人格塑造

    Etiquette culture and personality

  15. 武术礼仪文化的回归是时代的必然,也是武术传播发展的需要。

    The return of the culture of martial arts etiquette is inevitable and necessary , martial arts spread development needs .

  16. 因为这种身份的特殊性和模糊性,他们往往把书法研究,纳入到礼仪文化或道统领域内。

    Due to the specialty and ambiguity of their identity , they put their calligraphy under the rules of Confucianism .

  17. 武术礼仪文化不可避免的带有时代的印记,既有精华,也有糟粕。

    Martial arts etiquette culture is inevitable with the impression of an era , both the essence and there is dross .

  18. 在中国的礼仪文化中,妇女只有在男人举行祭祖仪式时,才会作为最微不足道的角色参与。

    In China 's ritual culture , only when men offer sacrifices to the ancestors do women play a minor role .

  19. 礼仪文化产业化过程不是一蹴而就的,产业发展中总会出现波折及问题。

    The useful of cultural industries is not an easy process , industrial development and the problem will always suffer setbacks .

  20. 只重技术,不重内在的狭隘价值观是导致武术礼仪文化缺失的主要因素之一。

    Only heavy , not heavy inner narrow values is one of the main factors leading to cultural lack of martial arts etiquette .

  21. 但只要传统礼仪文化的根基不断,我们就能更好地与高尔夫礼仪文化的精华相融合。

    As long as the traditional etiquette culture roots did not break , we will be able to absorb golf etiquette culture better .

  22. 它深深植根于中国文化与文明的源头之中,植根于礼仪文化传统之中,特别是其核心国家祭祀系统&国家宗教之中。

    It rooted deeply in the source of Chinese culture and its tradition , especially in state religion & its core national fete system .

  23. 会同馆还是中央政府与四夷贡使进行经济贸易的场所及四夷贡使了解华夏礼仪文化的场所。

    It was also an occasion for the missions to trade with the central government as well as to know the imperial etiquette and culture .

  24. 国家对第三产业的重视,促使文化产业快速发展,礼仪文化资源也逐渐被开发利用。

    National importance of the tertiary industry to promote the rapid development of cultural industries , etiquette and cultural resources have gradually been developed and utilized .

  25. 本文认为,竞技体育的竞争不仅是技术实力的竞争,也是礼仪文化意识的竞争。

    This article holds that competition in competitive sports is not only the technical strength of the competition , etiquette and cultural awareness is also a competition .

  26. 近年来,随着文化产业的蓬勃发展,礼仪文化产业作为文化产业的一个组成部分,也逐渐兴盛起来。

    In recent years , with the rapidly development of cultural industries , cultural industries rituals of cultural industries as an integral part of , has gradually flourished .

  27. 非物质层次文化的表现形式为节事文化、家庭生活文化、艺术文化、乡村制度文化、乡村布局文化、乡村礼仪文化。

    Non-material level culture manifestation for festival matter culture , family life culture , artistic culture , village system culture , village layout culture , village etiquette culture .

  28. 小学生既是中华传统礼仪文化的继承者和发扬者,同时也是新时代礼仪教育的新生主力军。

    Pupils , not only inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese cultural etiquette , but also are the new force of the new era of etiquette education .

  29. 因而,面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来是构建中国现代女性礼仪文化的社会和时代要求。

    So it is the social and times ' requirement of building Chinese modern ceremony and propriety culture that face to the modernization , the world and the future .

  30. 大型石雕从来就不是单纯的审美载体和造型艺术,而是与特定的时代特点、礼仪文化和思想观念等诸多社会问题紧密地联系在一起。

    Large stone carving never is just aesthetic carrier , but connected closely with the particular characteristics of times , rite , culture , thoughts and many other social problems .