
  1. 他们的使节带着成箱的黄金宝石和200名奴隶,都是授之以七种呻吟之术的性感女孩和光滑皮肤的男孩。

    Their envoy came to us with chests of gold and gems and two hundred slaves , nubile girls and smooth-skinned boys trained in the way of the seven sighs .

  2. 他的艺术家雕刻了巨大的大理石雕像,外面还包上黄金和宝石。

    His artists created huge statues of marble and covered them with gold and jewels .

  3. 一枚硬币!你在忽悠我呢吧?别忘了那上面可是镶满了黄金和宝石呀!

    Ben : One coin ! Are you kidding ? Don 't forget that there was much gold and many gemstones on it !

  4. 巨大的木驳船在河的两岸巡行,用运载的柚木和稻米来交换黄金、宝石和从国外进口的商品。

    Immense wooden barges patrolled its banks , exchanging cargos of teak and rice for gold , precious stones and imported goods from abroad .

  5. 在苏格拉底居住的城市,一位富婆正在出售一辆外表缀满了黄金和宝石的马车。

    In the city that Socrastes was living in , a rich woman was selling a carriage with much gold and many gemstones on it .

  6. 深渊说,智慧不在它里面;是的,智慧本不像珍珠、黄金和宝石那样多。

    It was wisdom that the " depths " said they did not contain , and that could not be compared with jewels or gold or precious stones .

  7. 新的管道将沿着英国人过去修建的缅甸公路这条公路仍然运载着木材、黄金、宝石、和其他缅甸的原材料,往北进入中国,并输入廉价的产品。

    The new pipelines will follow the route of the old British-built Burma Road , which still carries timber , gold , gemstones and other Burmese raw materials north to China and brings in cheap manufactures .

  8. 除了股票、基金这些金融工具,黄金、宝石这类具有保值升值能力并且风险相对较小的投资方式越来越多地受到人们关注。

    In addition to stocks , funds of these financial instruments , gold , precious stones , such has the ability to preserve and increase appreciation and relatively features few risk is getting more and more attention .

  9. 哥伦比亚声称发现了三个世纪前在加勒比海被英国击沉的西班牙圣荷西号巨型遇难帆船。据悉这艘闻名历史的帆船上载有大量的黄金、银币和宝石。

    Colombia says it has found the shipwreck of a storied Spanish galleon laden with gold , silver and precious stones , three centuries after it was sunk by the British in the Caribbean .