
  • 网络huangpi;Huangpi District
  1. 黄陂区卫生机构改革后血防管理模式探讨

    Discussing on the administration model of schistosomiasis control after reform in Huangpi District

  2. 武汉市黄陂区土地利用变化趋势分析

    Analysis on the Land Use Change Trend of Huangpi District of Wuhan City

  3. 武汉市黄陂区林业有害生物的现状与对策

    Current Status and Countermeasure on Harm Biology in Forestry in Huangpi District of Wuhan City

  4. 武汉市黄陂区野生园林植物资源及其利用评价

    Investigation and Evaluation on Exploitation and Utilization of Wild Landscape Plant Resources in Huangpi Region of Wuhan City

  5. 结果表明,地处城市边缘区的黄陂区耕地面积的变化主要是受社会经济的快速发展、人口增长、农业结构调整及耕地比较效益的影响。

    The result indicates that the growth of population and economic development are dominical factors for change of Huangpi cultivated land .

  6. 基于国民经济和人口发展目标的建设用地需求规模预测研究&以武汉市黄陂区为例

    To Forecast the Need for Construction Land Based on the Development Objective of National Economy and Population & Instance of Huangpi District , Wuhan

  7. 湖泊缓解热岛功能的不连通的区域集中分布在黄陂区和新洲区大别山余脉和湖泊湿地范围较少、植被分布不均的地方。

    No functional connectivity area which lake wetland decreasing heat island distributed in the chain of Dabie mountain and little lake wetlands and vegetation of Huangpi District and Xinzhou District . 5 .

  8. 最后结合黄陂区上一轮土地利用总体规划实施情况,利用效用函数综合评价方法,进行了实例验证,并提出了规划修编和实施管理的建议。

    Lastly , the paper has given a example check according to the overall situation of implementation of the overall land use planning of Huangpi district on the method of effective-functions comprehensive evaluation .

  9. 第二部分通过调查、访谈及实地考察等方法得出黄陂区中学青年教师队伍的学历状况、职业认同、教学水平等现状以及存在的问题。

    The second part , through surveys , interviews and site visits and other methods to arrive at Huangpi District Secondary School , knowing academic qualifications of young teachers , professional identity , status and education level of the problems .