
huáng bāo chē
  • rickshaw;jinrikisha;jinricksha;jinrichshaw
黄包车 [huáng bāo chē]
  • [rickshaw] 〈方〉∶人拉车

黄包车[huáng bāo chē]
  1. 他拉黄包车,这可能是人类最古老的载客服务形式了。

    He pulls a rickshaw , probably the oldest form of human taxi service .

  2. GaryPayne和DickDehn在一起54年了,当他们乘坐黄包车经过时,人群发出了响亮的欢呼。

    Gary Payne and Dick Dehn , 54 years together , also earned loud applause as they rode by in a rickshaw .

  3. 例如,逛街或乘坐黄包车。

    for example , going out to thestreets or taking rickshaw rides .

  4. 那些曾经推黄包车的孩子们现在都蹬上了三轮车。

    Boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs .

  5. 啊啊,但是我这一双弱腕,怕吃不下一部黄包车的重力。

    Oh , but my useless muscles couldn 't even cope with a rickshaw .

  6. 伙计,我的黄包车呢?

    Dude , where 's my rickshaw ?

  7. 这个人是拉黄包车的,他努力干活养活家人。

    This man is a rickshaw wallah and he works hard to raise his family .

  8. 天啊,我好像把黄包车挂在了……一匹马前面!

    Oh my , I seemed to have put the cart before the ... Horse !

  9. 这两个盗贼仍然想用“黄包车”(注:指中国的坦克,带有讽刺性)和空中战机搞联合演习!

    Both are rogues , still it sounds like Rickshaw and Fighters in joint Military exercise !

  10. 该公司甚至还考虑与一家电动黄包车厂商合资生产售价在3000美元的车。

    It is even exploring a venture with a maker of electric rickshaws to make a $ 3,000 car .

  11. 这里是租辆黄包车,然后游览城中那些古老地段的绝佳地点。

    This is a good place to rent a 5 ) rickshaw and tour the old section of the city .

  12. 我正待寻觅归路,忽见一个老人拉着一辆空的黄包车。

    Just as I was looking for the way back , an old man appeared , pulling an empty rickshaw .

  13. 黄包车夫串通一气,夜间在大马路上抢乘客的东西,遭殃的既有中国人也有外国人。

    Ricksha boys were operating in gangs , robbing both Chinese and foreigners on the main str ~ eets at night .

  14. 该车的设计者建议车夫可以通过贷款的方式来购买电力黄包车,并在两到三年的时间内还清贷款。

    The designers suggest that rickshaw pullers could repay a loan to buy a Soleckshaw within about two or three years .

  15. 这个城市里的黄包车谁都不作兴跑,一脚一脚挺踏实地踱着,好像饭后千步似的。

    The ordinary rickshaw pullers of this city were not brisk runners , but walked deliberately along as if taking an after-meal stroll .

  16. 九岁的皮加的父亲是黄包车车夫,十一岁的尼图的父亲是摩托车维修厂的帮工。

    Nine-year-old Puja 's father is a rickshaw driver and eleven-year-old Nitu 's dad works as a helper in a motor repair garage .

  17. 他说,最近几年德里通过把黄包车高污染的两冲程马达改装成使用更清洁的液化天然气从而减少了污染物的排放。

    In recent years , Delhi reduced pollution after rickshaws which had used high-polluting two-stroke engines switched to using cleaner-burning liquefied natural gas , he said .

  18. 与此同时,当地政府今年开始整顿泰姬陵的周围环境&违法建筑被清除、摩托车被禁止通行,黄包车只能在指定区域内活动。

    This year local authorities began a simultaneous campaign to clean up the surroundings of the Taj by demolishing illegal structures , banning squatting and restricting rickshaws to designated areas .

  19. 村里有80台电视机(由此看来,印度媒体行业的繁荣一点也不让人奇怪),有三个卫星电视天线,几辆三轮机动黄包车,甚至还有一辆摩托车。

    The village counts 80 televisions ( no wonder India 's media industry is booming ), three satellite dishes , a few three-wheeled auto rickshaws and even a two-wheeler or motorcycle .

  20. 我曾接触过印度和孟加拉国的妇女,她们获取小额贷款来购买奶牛、黄包车或丝线,以维持自己和家庭的生计。

    I have met women in India and Bangladesh who are taking out small loans to buy milk cows , or rickshaws , or thread in order to create a livelihood for themselves and their families .

  21. 世界上的黄包车数以百万计(仅亚洲就有一亿多个),难怪性能质量会参差不齐:既有高科技的混合动力车,也有最基本的脚踏式。

    With millions of rickshaws on the road worldwide ( there are over 100 million motorized rickshaws in Asia alone ), it 's no surprise that they can range from the high-tech hybrids to the more basic pedal-powered types .