
  • 网络DownTown;downtown area
  1. 今夜闹市区交通繁忙。

    There is heavy traffic in the downtown area tonight .

  2. 闹市区超高层续建工程安全防护体系

    Safety Protection System for Reconstruction of Super High-Rise Building in Downtown Area

  3. 他从小在巴拿马城中心闹市区的穷街陋巷里长大。

    He was raised on the mean streets of the central market district of Panama City .

  4. 十多年前,小辣椒川菜馆(LittlePepper)诞生在皇后区法拉盛闹市区竞争激烈的华裔聚居地。

    Little Pepper began life a dozen years ago in the competitive Chinese nucleus of downtown Flushing , Queens .

  5. 福和慧素食餐厅(FuHeHui)清幽静谧,隐身于上海车水马龙、喧嚣嘈杂的闹市区。

    Fu He Hui is a haven of stillness amid the car horns and frantic traffic of Shanghai .

  6. 这条步道连通了五个繁华街区(包括艺术气息浓厚的FountainSquare)与闹市区若干一流的公共场所,包括州议会大厦、CityMarket和白河州立公园,这座250公顷的公园内有印第安纳波利斯动物园和另外六个重要的旅游景点。

    The path connects five downtown neighborhoods , including arty Fountain Square , to top downtown sites , including the Capitol Building , City Market and White River State Park , a 250-acre park that hosts the Indianapolis Zoo and six more major attractions .

  7. 他在QuanyeBazaar商务中心租了一间80平米大的房子,那里地处闹市区,离办公场所和学院也很近。

    He rented an80-square meter space in the Quanye Bazaar , a business center with convenient access and office buildings and colleges nearby .

  8. 那晚,他独自去了约翰内斯堡闹市区的一间酒吧。

    Night , he alone went to a downtown Johannesburg Bar .

  9. 闹市区的商店将会成批的倒闭关门。

    High street stores will fail and close by the hundreds .

  10. 汽车向第九路飞驰,然后又转向闹市区。

    The car sped up to Ninth Avenue and turned downtown .

  11. 闹市区多种小断面桩井控制爆破开挖

    Excavation of Various Small Transect Pile-wells in Downtown Districts by Controlled Blasting

  12. 闹市区超大、超深基坑降水施工技术

    Dewatering Technology for Super Large and Deep Foundation Pit in Downtown Area

  13. 那家旅馆位于闹市区以北两英里处。

    The hotel is situated two miles north of downtown .

  14. 介绍了衡阳市闹市区高架桥爆破拆除工程。

    This essay introduces a viaduct demolition project in a busy street .

  15. 用全息照相法分析闹市区车床结构的特性

    Analysing the characteristics of lathe structure in the city centre using holography

  16. 我们发现,叛军士兵已经在闹市区设立检查点。

    We found fighters manning checkpoints in the downtown area .

  17. 玛当娜是在曼哈顿的闹市区首次成名的。

    Madonna first made it big in the downtown scene .

  18. 我们去伦敦,看看闹市区。

    Let 's go up to London and see the bright lights .

  19. 闹市区深基坑逆作法施工的环境控制

    Environment Control of Top-Down Construction Method for Deep Foundation Pit in Downtown Area

  20. 闹市区高楼的定向爆破实践

    High Building Demolished by Directional Blasting in Urban District

  21. 豪华高层公寓,筑在闹市区的安静小巢。

    A luxurious high-rise apartment house , a quiet dwelling in downtown area .

  22. 不准在闹市区的冰激凌店闲逛。

    Not to loiter downtown in ice cream stores .

  23. 闹市区不封道条件下已有高架桥的拆除技术

    Construction Technology for Dismantling Existing Viaduct Bridge without Blocking Traffic in Downtown Area

  24. 中城闹市区西街和第三大街处发生火灾了

    That 's a fire on Western and 3rd in downtown Central City .

  25. 我父母都在闹市区工作。

    My parents both go downtown to work .

  26. 闹市区的新公寓都是他们造的。

    They make all the new condos downtown .

  27. 是的,你要是去闹市区,不妨就来店里抽只雪茄。

    Better , drop in and have a cigar , if you are downtown .

  28. 他去闹市区买吸尘器。

    He goes downtown for a vacuum cleaner .

  29. 闹市区内狭长型沉井下沉纠偏施工技术研究

    Study on Construction Technique of Correcting Deviation for Elongated Caisson Sinking in Downtown Area

  30. 莫非我坐在一条闹市区的长凳上?

    Did I sit on a downtown bench ?