
  • 网络In Season;Tourist season;High season;peak season;tourism season
  1. 5月至9月是这里的旅游旺季,为期约17周。在高峰时会有4000名游客前来,那时最好的公寓租金约为140欧元一晚。

    High season lasts for about 17 weeks , from May to September , and at the peak , when there can be 4,000 visitors , the best apartments rent for about 140 a night .

  2. 当然要从塞舌尔共和国主岛马伊(Mahi)到达弗雷格特岛并不是一件容易的事,旅游旺季的飞机票费用往往高达2000美元。

    Just don 't forget to factor in the flight from Mahi , the Seychelles'main island , which starts at almost $ 2,000 during the high season & not to mention the flight to Mahi itself .

  3. 旅游旺季在度假小屋住一周通常需花费约70英镑。

    A typical high-season week in a chalet costs about £ 70 .

  4. 旅游旺季宰客行为时有发生。

    Overcharging customers is a frequent occurrence in tourism-peak season .

  5. 限制,在旅游旺季时,动物们通常都得被迫“上工”

    Confinement . Seasonality of tourist trade , animals often ' contracted ' to work .

  6. 英国旅行代理商协会(AssociationofBritishTravelAgents)女发言人图克(FrancesTuke)说,最不希望的是旅游旺季没有游客。

    Missing out on tourists during peak travel season is just what Frances Tuke , spokeswoman for the Association of British Travel Agents , would like to avoid .

  7. 在旅游旺季失去观光者是FrancesTuke希望避免的情况。FrancesTuke是英国旅行者协会(ABTA,AssociationofBritishTravelAgency)女发言人。

    tourists during peak travel season is just what Frances Tuke , spokeswoman for the Association of British Travel Agents , would like to avoid .

  8. 7月是英国旅游旺季。

    July is the height of the tourist season in england .

  9. 旅游旺季的机票比平时贵多少?

    How much more is the air fare during peak season ?

  10. 我们在旅游旺季总是安排得满满的。

    We are always fully committed during the busy traveling season .

  11. 冬末时节是阿尔卑胜地的旅游旺季。

    Late winter is the main holiday season in the alpine resort .

  12. 如果你在旅游旺季去那儿,费用很贵。

    It 's expensive if you go there in season .

  13. 偏重旅游旺季,时间上经营不平衡;

    Over-emphasizes tour peak season , ignores the balance of management on time ;

  14. 毕竟现在是旅游旺季。

    after all , it is the travelling season .

  15. 最后,旅游旺季的时候他还在米苏拉来访者中心工作。

    Finally , he works in the Missoula visitor center during tourist season .

  16. 在旅游旺季,旅馆通常提高收费。

    Hotels usually raise their prices in high season .

  17. 哪些月份是旅游旺季?

    Which months are the peak tourist season ?

  18. 旅游旺季时,旅馆的房费很贵。

    Hotel rooms are more expensive in season .

  19. 查清楚何时是旅游旺季。

    Check when the peak season is .

  20. 现在是旅游旺季,游厗上挤满了游人。

    Now is the busy tourist season , and the pleasure-boat is crowded with tourists .

  21. 旅游旺季结束后,到海边来玩的游客慢慢减少了。

    The number of tourists in the beach area tapered off after the peak season .

  22. 唯一的遗憾是因为赶上旅游旺季,所以我们花了很多时间派对。

    The only problem was that because it was their high season , we spent hours queuing .

  23. 在中国九月是旅游旺季,车票比平时贵很多。

    September is the tourist peak season in china and you have to pay more for tickets .

  24. 旅游旺季到了,许多美国人选择到科德角或泽西海岸游玩。

    Travel season is here , when so many Americans decamp to Cape Cod or the Jersey Shore .

  25. 旅游旺季,机票、火车票紧俏,请君速订。

    During this tourist season airplane and train tickets are in great demand . Please Book without delay .

  26. 黄山风景区旅游旺季游客日分布特征的研究

    The study about the characteristics of the tourist daily distribution at tourism busy seasons in Huangshan Scenic Spot

  27. 随着夏季旅游旺季的到来,也出现了许多新的有关国外目的地的健康危险警示。

    With summer travel season here , so are new warnings about health hazards in many exotic destinations .

  28. 我们估计,酒店将计划及时重新开张,迎接明年的旅游旺季。

    We guess that hotels will be aiming to be back in time for next year 's high season .

  29. 一般来讲,中国“五一”和“十一”的长假是旅游旺季。

    Generally speaking , the two week-long holidays in May and October are peak seasons for travelers in China .

  30. 不要期待贡多拉会很便宜,特别是在旅游旺季,旺盛的需求会让贡多拉更贵。

    Don 't expect the ride to be cheap , especially during peak tourist season when the demand is great .