
  • 网络the passenger pigeon;Ectopistes migratorius
  1. 你可能还会在内陆地区的森林里遇上山狮3,4,5,6,7和旅鸽。

    You might also encounter mountain lions2,3,4,5,6 and 7passenger pigeons .

  2. 虽然你可能不会看到欧洲殖民者们当初遇到的数亿只旅鸽形成的黑压压的旅鸽云。

    Although you might not see the clouds of trillions of pigeons encountered by European settlers .

  3. 查尔斯.曼恩在他的书《1491》中声称欧洲人带来了天花、蓝绿茎牧草和蜜蜂,搅乱了当地的生态系统,欧洲人看到的庞大的旅鸽群其实是生态系统混乱的一个表现。

    In his book 1491 , Charles C. Mann argues that the huge flocks seen by European settlers may have been a symptom of a chaotic ecosystem perturbed by the arrival of smallpox , bluegrass , and honeybees .