
yāng jī
  • rail;corncrake;water rail
  1. 这是亚尔达布拉秧鸡。

    This is the aldabran rail .

  2. 不能飞的新西兰秧鸡,有偷窃习惯,短的翅膀上有刺状物用于格斗。

    Flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting .

  3. 沼泽秧鸡已经被IUCN红色名录列为极危物种,其威胁主要来自引入的獴和鲶鱼。

    CCZR has already been listed as the most dangerous species by the red list of IUCN , the main threats is from the introduced mongoose and catfish .

  4. 2003年,她的小说《羚羊与秧鸡》与读者见面。

    In 2003 her novel Oryx and Crake , which published .

  5. 技术统治与生态灾难:试析反乌托邦生态小说《羚羊与秧鸡》

    Technocracy and Eco-disaster : an Analysis of Dystopian Eco-novel Oryx and Crake ;

  6. 新西兰不能飞的鸟,与秧鸡类似。

    Flightless New Zealand birds similar to gallinules .

  7. 秧鸡一种秧鸡科的短嘴鸟,如长脚秧鸡。

    Any of several short-billed birds of the family rallidae , such as the corncrake .

  8. 江西省两种鸟类新记录&白喉斑秧鸡和红颈瓣蹼鹬

    Slaty-legged Crake and Red-necked Phalarope : Two New Bird Records from Jiangxi Province , China

  9. 秧鸡科的几种水鸟之任一种,如番鸡、秧鸡或黑鸭,居住在沼泽地。

    Any of various water birds of the family Rallidae , as the gallinule , rail , or coot , that inhabit marshland .

  10. 一种秧鸡科的生活在沼泽中的鸟,特点为羽毛呈棕色,翅膀短,只能短距离飞行。

    Any of various marsh birds of the family Rallidae , characteristically having brownish plumage and short wings adapted only for short flights .

  11. 例如,信号塔每年造成2000多只黄秧鸡死亡,这大概是其总数量的百分之九。

    For example , tower impacts kill more than 2000 yellow rails per year . That 's roughly 9 percent of the total population .

  12. 本文旨在从科技与道德的角度分析玛格丽特·阿特伍德的最新一部小说《羚羊与秧鸡》中的社会意义。

    This text aims to reveal the social significances in Margaret Atwood 's latest novel Oryx and Crake from the perspectives of science and morality .

  13. 腿颈嘴都较长,在水中觅食,生活于内陆沼泽的鸟类;鹤;秧鸡;大鸨。

    Inland marsh-dwelling birds with long legs and necks and bills that wade in water in search of food : cranes ; rails ; bustards .

  14. 阿特伍德基于对现实环境问题的深刻关注创作的《羚羊与秧鸡》成为当代环境启示录文学的典范。

    Atwood , based on her great concern about the practical environmental problems , created Oryx and Crake , which has become a representative of contemporary environmental apocalypticism .

  15. 第二、三章分别从环境启示录内涵的两个方面入手,对小说《羚羊与秧鸡》这一文本进行解读,挖掘其中的环境启示录意蕴。

    Chapter Two and Three interpret the novel Oryx and Crake from the two aspects of the connotation of environmental apocalypticism , excavating the connotation of environmental apocalypticism in it .

  16. 论文旨在分析她于2003年发表的小说《羚羊与秧鸡》。在这部小说中,阿特伍德拜访了未来世界,为读者描绘了一幅地球毁灭和人类灭绝的可怕景象。

    This thesis is to illustrate her fiction & Oryx and Crake ( 2003 ) in which Atwood visits the future and depicts for the readers the frightening global devastation and human annihilation .

  17. 从《羚羊与秧鸡》看阿特伍德的人文关怀讨论试图通过应景诗的基本特点,说明琼生诗歌中较强的道德关怀、琼生诗歌中赞美的技巧以及他对读者问题的处理。

    Efforts are made to reveal how traits of these public poems result in the strong moral concern in Jonson , and how he in turn deals with related problems concerning the audience and his praising technique .

  18. 肥沃的火山灰滋养了一大片棕榈树林,那也曾是许多珍稀物种的栖息地,包括生长在复活节岛上的苍鹭、鹦鹉、秧鸡和猫头鹰,而如今他们都消失了。

    Rich volcanic soils nourished a forest of giant palms that was home to many unique species , including Easter Island versions of herons , parrots , rails and owls . Today , they are all gone .

  19. 并深入剖析了小说中的诗意因素:秧鸡的转变、吉米的善良、雪人承载的希望、羚羊的神秘与天真、社会各层人士保护环境的努力。

    Then it digs on the poetic factors : the change of Crake from destroyer to savior , the goodness of Jimmy , Snowman the star of hope , the innocence and naiveness of Oryx , and the environment protection endeavors of the society .