
máo lǐ qiú sī
  • Mauritius
毛里求斯[máo lǐ qiú sī]
  1. 有了这样的榜样,弹丸岛国毛里求斯希望今年晚些时候上映的中日合拍片《深夜前的五分钟》(FiveMinutestoTomorrow)也能带给它好运。

    The tiny island country of Mauritius hopes it can similar buzz when the movie ' Five Minutes to Tomorrow ' is released later this year .

  2. 印度企业家协会(TiE)的分会遍及了从明尼苏达州到毛里求斯的各个地方。它是一个全球性关系网,包括1万名印度企业家和专业人士。

    The Indus Entrepreneurs ( TiE ), a global network of 10,000 Indian entrepreneurs and professionals , has chapters ranging from Minnesota to Mauritius .

  3. CRI新闻,高君雅(音译)毛里求斯玫瑰山报道。

    For CRI , this is Gao Yunya reporting from Rose Hill , Mauritius .

  4. 毛里求斯2013年泰国成了中国观光客眼中的大热旅游地,一定程度上应当感谢2012年的叫座影片《泰囧》(LostinThailand),这部“兄弟喜剧”不断冲刷着票房纪录。

    MAURITIUS Thailand became a major destination for the Chinese in 2013 , thanks in large part to the 2012 box-office hit ' Lost in Thailand , ' a buddy-comedy that smashed box office records .

  5. Hoel还记录了毛里求斯在发展方面取得的成功。

    Hoel also was able to capture Mauritius as a development success story .

  6. 此次展览中,摄影师JohnHogg和ArneHoel用相机描绘了博茨瓦纳、毛里求斯、纳米比亚和南非的多样性。

    As part of the exhibit , the diversity of Botswana , Mauritius , Namibia , and South Africa is expressed through the lenses of photographers John Hogg and Arne Hoel .

  7. 通过毛里求斯经济转型项目(METAP),世行也将支持开展一系列投资环境改革。

    Under the Mauritius Economic Transition Project ( METAP ), the IBRD is also providing support to a range of investment climate reforms .

  8. 总部设在毛里求斯的IOR-ARC由印度洋沿海的18个国家组成,包括了非洲、南亚和东南亚的国家。

    IOR-ARC , based in Mauritius , consists of18 coastal states bordering the Indian Ocean , including countries in Africa , South Asia and South-East Asia .

  9. 2016年9月,总部位于巴黎的法国ESSEC高等商学院开始在摩洛哥首都拉巴特授课,该学院位于这里的非洲-大西洋新校区将在2017年投入使用,目的是吸引整个西非地区的学生,与设在毛里求斯的东非-印度洋校区形成互补。

    In September , Paris-based Essec began teaching in Rabat , Morocco , where its new Africa-Atlantic campus opens next year , with the aim of attracting students from across west Africa , complementing its east Africa-Indian Ocean campus in Mauritius .

  10. 图为毛里求斯天利经济贸易合作区。

    The picture shows Mauritius Tianli Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone .

  11. 非洲和毛里求斯统计学和应用经济学研究所;

    Iamam ; african and Mauritian Institute of statistics and applied economics ;

  12. 受这些批评的影响,毛里求斯政府官员提高了补偿标准。

    Stung by the criticism , government officials have increased the compensation .

  13. 非洲的两朵奇葩&欣欣向荣的博茨瓦纳和毛里求斯

    Two Rare Flowers in Africa & Thriving Botswana and Mauritius

  14. 小小的毛里求斯里总共一百二十万人口,其中九十万都是印度人是多么的惊人啊。

    How astonishing that tiny Mauritius has0.9m Indians out of a1.2m population .

  15. 已经灭绝的毛里求斯岛上笨重的不会飞的鸟,与鸽子近缘。

    Extinct heavy flightless bird of Mauritius related to pigeons .

  16. 有越来越多的毛里求斯人正在学习汉语。

    An increasing number of Mauritian people are learning Chinese .

  17. 宽夫海伦在毛里求斯从事茶叶生产已经有六个年头。

    Kuanfu Hailun has the tea industry in Mauritius for 6 years .

  18. 毛里求斯是第一个消除了贸易壁垒的国家,

    Mauritius was the first country to get away with trade barriers ,

  19. 塞拉里昂在下边,毛里求斯在上边。

    Sierra Leone down there . Mauritius is up there .

  20. 毛里求斯人来自世界各地。

    Mauritians originate from the four corners of the world .

  21. 当他在毛里求斯时,我们照看了一星期他的仓鼠。

    We had his hamster for a week while he was in maaritius .

  22. 他的祖先是从法国的布列塔尼乡村前往非洲的毛里求斯岛的移民。

    His ancestors migrated to Mauritius from a country of Brittany , France .

  23. 中国与毛里求斯从去年12月正式开始自由贸易协定谈判。

    China and Mauritius officially negotiations on the free trade agreement last December .

  24. 我们将委托贵公司作为我公司在毛里求斯的业务代理。原译文。

    We hereby entrust your company to be our business agent in Mauritius .

  25. 毛里求斯岛上本地人或居民。毛里求斯人口、环境与发展问题所有党派议会小

    All-Party Parliamentary Group on Population , Environment and Development-Mauritius

  26. 孙功谊是中国驻毛里求斯大使。

    China 's ambassador to Mauritius is Sun Gongyi .

  27. 你们拿到去毛里求斯的票了?

    You guys get your tickets to mauritius .

  28. 我要最快去毛里求斯的航班。

    I need the fastest flight to mauritius .

  29. 毛里求斯将成为世界上第四个邮票发行国。

    Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps .

  30. 相比其地理的多样性,毛里求斯文化的包罗万象更令人惊异。

    The cultural diversity of Mauritius is even more astonishing than its geographical diversity .