
qù wū jì
  • detergent;cleaner
  1. 增清剂肥皂或去污剂中用的研磨剂或填料采用凝胶渗透色谱法确定PVC中增塑剂的种类及含量

    An abrasive or filler used in a soap or detergent . The determination of kinds and contents of phthalate plasticizers in PVC samples by gel permeation chromatography

  2. 通过有机溶剂/去污剂对血浆中指示病毒VSV灭活的观察评估有机溶剂/去污剂对脂包膜病毒死活的效果。

    The effect of the Solvent / Detergent for the inactivation of viruses was evaluated by addition of VSV marker viruse to plasma .

  3. 这种特效去污剂基本去不掉汤渍。

    This special stain remover was almost ineffective in removing the soup stain .

  4. 蚕类核酸的研究1.氯仿去污剂法分离纯化蚕类DNA

    Studies of Silkworm ( Bombyx mori ) Nucleic Acids 1.Isolation and purification of DNA by the method of chloroform and detergent

  5. 研究背景三氯乙烯(TCE)是一种有机溶剂,在工业上作为脱脂、清洗和去污剂应用广泛。

    Background Trichloroethylene ( TCE ) is an organic solvent mainly used as degreaser in industry .

  6. TY-1型机动车擦亮去污剂的研制

    Development of TY-1 type motor vehicles polish cleaner

  7. 用去污剂SDS、DOC、DMG和DIG增溶裙带菜类囊体膜,经PAGE分离色素-蛋白质复合物,并测定其光谱特性。

    The pigment-protein complexes were separated by the SDS-PAGE , and their spectrum characteristics were determined . The results of PAGE separation varied with detergents . DOC solubilization yielded 10 pigment-containing bands and resulted in a large number of free pigments .

  8. 他会用湿海绵,沾上厨房里随手找到的去污剂,一般是Windex或409洗涤剂,轻轻擦拭牛仔裤上的污渍。

    He gently spot-cleans spills with a damp sponge and ' whatever is under the kitchen sink-usually Windex or 409 . '

  9. 为了克服这些问题,dosSantos博士和Mayer博士使用了一种特殊的去污剂,这种去污剂可以粘附在每个胶囊周围聚合氰基丙烯酸正丁酯的外壳上,阻止这些胶囊黏在一起,并保护它们免受电解液的破坏。

    To overcome these problems , Dr dos Santos and Dr Mayer used special detergents that stick to the polymerised butylcyanoacrylate shell around each capsule , which stops them sticking together and protects them from the electrolytes .

  10. 方法用去污剂SDS和CTAB破坏细胞膜结构,使胞内核酸释放,用酚/氯仿/异戊醇去除蛋白质,异丙醇沉淀DNA,TE溶解DNA。

    Methods We used detergent SDS and CTAB to destroy the structure of cell membrane and liberate the cellular nucleic acids , then removed the proteins using phenol / chloroform / isoamyl alcohol , precipitated the DNA using isopropanol , and finally dissolved the DNA using TE buffer .

  11. 与AlloDerm相比,无细胞真皮基质具有以下主要优点:①由于延长去污剂的作用时间,真皮中残留的细胞成分被完全清除,因此制得的真皮基质更为理想;

    The acellular dermal matrix had some main advantages over AlloDerm : ① Because of prolongation of detergent action processing , the remaining cellular components in dermis were completely removed . So the dermal matrix prepared by this way was more ideal .

  12. 透明油的制备及在皮革去污剂中的应用

    Preparation of Transparent Oil and it 's Application of the Leather

  13. 这种名牌去污剂,去除污渍,效果显著。

    This famous household cleaner works wonderfully in removing stains .

  14. 碱性去污剂具备有效的乳化和反絮凝作用。

    Alkaline detergents are effective for emulsification and deflocculation .

  15. 你使用过那种新的去污剂吗?效果非常好。

    Have you tried that new stain remover ? It works like magic .

  16. 剥离型压制去污剂研制与性能

    Development of Peeled-up Coating Contamination Solution and its Capability

  17. 处理后有机溶剂和去污剂残存量极少。

    There was only a lit-tle residual solvent and detergent left after treatment .

  18. 松木去污剂直接联系着。

    And the pine cleaner is directly connected .

  19. 用非离子去污剂提高胶内酶切效率的初探

    Improvement of In-gel Digestion by Adding Non-ion Detergent

  20. 凭松木去污剂够不够逮捕他?

    Is pine cleaner enough to arrest him ?

  21. 去污剂对菠菜类囊体膜结构与功能的影响

    Effects of Detergents on the Structure and Function of the Thylakoid Membrane of Spinach

  22. 5.用去污剂处理

    Step 5 Treat the area with stain remover

  23. 我们怎么才能把去污剂去掉呢?

    Now what gets out stain remover ?

  24. 这种去污剂能去除难洗的污渍。

    This detergent can remove stubborn stains .

  25. 罗伦斯:市面上一定有好的去污剂是我们可以贩卖的。

    Lawrence : There must be a decent stain remover out there we can sell .

  26. 用去污剂处理;

    Treat the area with stain remover ;

  27. 一种在凝胶电泳前用来使蛋白质发生变性并用统一的电荷覆盖蛋白质的去污剂。

    A detergent used to denature proteins and cover them in uniform charge before gel electrophoresis .

  28. 我们有去污剂吗?

    Have we any stain remover ?

  29. 皮肤放射性沾染去污剂及去污技术研究

    Study of Decontamination Technigue on Skin

  30. 先用去污剂处理衣物,然后用洗衣机洗涤。

    Pretreat the glue with a stain remover and wash the garment in your washing machine .