
  1. “去哪儿,老兄?”司机问道。

    ' Where to , buddy ? ' the driver asked .

  2. “你去哪儿啦?”她尖声问道。

    ' Where have you been ? ' she rasped .

  3. 她有没有说起她要去哪儿?

    Did she mention where she was going ?

  4. 你们两个去哪儿?

    Where are you two headed ?

  5. 我无论去哪儿他都跟着我。

    He follows me everywhere .

  6. 只要能离开那个小屋,去哪儿她都乐意。

    She 'd gladly have gone anywhere to get away from the cottage

  7. 如果他有什么想法的话,他知道去哪儿能找到我。

    If he 's got something on his mind he knows where to find me

  8. 他们可以想去哪儿就去哪儿,谁给的钱多就给谁干活儿。

    They could wander where they wished and take jobs from who paid best .

  9. 每年我父亲都会召开一次家庭会议,讨论我们要去哪儿度假。

    Every year my father would call a family powwow to discuss where we were going on vacation .

  10. 现在他被伊顿公学开除了,他去哪儿上学呢?他将来又会怎样呢?

    Where will he go to school now he 's been thrown out of Eton ? What will become of him ?

  11. 今年夏天你去哪儿度假?

    Where are you going for your vacation this summer ?

  12. 喂,你去哪儿?

    Hey , where are you going ?

  13. 你选定去哪儿了吗?

    Have you chosen where to go ?

  14. 本不想说出自己要去哪儿,但他的一位朋友非让他说出不可。

    Ben didn 't want to tell where he was going , but his friend forced his hand .

  15. 你妹妹早就从这个市镇搬走了,时隔多年了我不知道你去哪儿能找到她。

    I don 't know where you 'll find your sister after all these years , she moved away from the town a long time ago .

  16. B:好吧。去哪儿?

    B : All right.Where shall ?

  17. C:哦,艾米,你去哪儿了?我一整天都在打你电话。

    C : Oh , Amy.Where have you been ? I ' ve been trying to call you on your mobile phone all day .

  18. 我把她的手提箱放在左肩上,把她的包放在右肩上,然后问道:“去哪儿?”

    I threw her suitcase over my left shoulder , put her bags on my right and asked , " Where to ? "

  19. 这样一来,每天放学后,我和爸爸就会为我去哪儿上大学而引发争吵。

    So every day after school , my dad and I had blown out fights about where I would go to college .

  20. 我秘密受雇于人,先生,船长说,这位先生让我去哪儿我就去哪儿。

    I was employed , sir , said the captain , on secret orders , and to sail this ship where that gentleman ordered me to sail it .

  21. 一只斑鸿恰巧也在那里休息,听见猫头鹰呼味呼味地喘气,就对猫头鹰说:“你这样急急忙忙地赶路,去哪儿呀?”

    It happened that a turtledove was also resting there . Hearing the panting of the owl , it asked : " Where are you going in such a hurry ? "

  22. 去哪儿获得了大量现金,金额甚至超过了很多公司的IPO募资规模。

    The company got lots of cash , more than in most IPOs .

  23. Henry你昨天去哪儿了?怎么没有来继续疗程

    Hey , where were you today , Henry ? 'Cause you missed our session .

  24. 去哪儿一位发言人说,现在还无法提供其IPO计划的具体情况。

    A Qunar spokeswoman said details aren 't yet available on Qunar 's IPO plans .

  25. 去哪儿的大股东百度将178702519股去哪儿的A类股和11450000股去哪儿的B类股,置换为携程增发的11488381股普通股。

    Baidu , which is the majority shareholder of Qunar , exchanged 178702519 Class A shares and 11450000 Class B shares for 11488381 newly issued ordinary shares in Ctrip .

  26. 我知道ryan中校去哪儿了。

    I know where Colonel ryan 's headed .

  27. clearyourhead:整理思路remind:提醒,记起有时候你需要退一步整理思路,想想看你究竟是谁…想去哪儿。

    I need some air - Gossip girl : Sometimes you need to step outside clear your head and remind yourself of who you are ... And where you want to be . -

  28. 现在,我可以在Twitter上发#加美拉去哪儿了,就像世界各地成千上万的粉丝们一样。

    Now , I could have taken to Twitter with the hashtag \# WheresGamora , like millions of fans did across the world ,

  29. 去哪儿(QunarCaymanIslands)是一家旅游服务网站,类似于Kayak。

    Qunar Cayman Islands is similar to kayak .

  30. 《多莉去哪儿》(FindingDory)票房大卖和上海迪士尼度假区开业都对股价回升起到了促进作用。

    Blockbuster results for " Finding Dory " at the box office helped , as did the opening of Shanghai Disneyland .