
  • 网络de-individualized;deindividuation;deindividualization;deindividuated
  1. 当你进行远程操控时,就会出现去个体化的问题&你紧盯着屏幕,而且变得不那么愿意体恤别人的感受。

    When you work remotely there is a problem of de-individuation & you focus on screens and become less empathetic .

  2. 同时,在仪式中尽量做到去个体化,牢固树立参与人群之间具有平等性的观念,打造充满符号元素的环境。

    Meanwhile , in the ceremony it is important " to the individual " as far as possible and to firmly establish equality between people involved in the concept , and finally to create an environment full of symbolic elements .