
  • 网络Right poverty;poverty of rights;entitlement poverty
  1. 此外,政治家对贫困问题的关注以及媒体对贫困问题的宣传和报道,将推动权利贫困的社会认知不断加深。

    In addition , politician 's concern of the problem of poverty and some medium 's publicity of the problem of poverty with report way , will push the cognition of the poverty of rights to deepen continuously .

  2. 学者们从社会剥夺与社会排斥理论、能力贫困理论以及一些经典的公民权利理论得到启发,逐步形成了权利贫困的观念,这是在学术界层面形成的对权利贫困的社会认知。

    Scholars gain elicitation from the theory of social deprivation and social exclusion , poverty of capability and some classical theories of civil rights , and they form the view of poverty of rights gradually . This is the cognition of the poverty of rights in academe .

  3. 农民阶层政治参与权利贫困问题研究

    Research on Poverty Problem of Peasant Class Political Participation Rights

  4. 最后文章提出了本文关于权利贫困理论研究的六点设想。

    Finally , it puts forward hypothesis on study of the poverty of right .

  5. 中国农民的权利贫困分析

    An Analysis of Chinese Farmers ' Right Impoverished

  6. 权力增生与权利贫困

    Proliferation of Power and Poverty of Right

  7. 贫困的内涵到目前为止可以概括为三种类型:收入贫困、能力贫困和权利贫困。

    So far the intention of poverty can be summarized into three types : income poverty , capability poverty and power poverty .

  8. 贫困生不仅经济贫困、心理贫困,最重要的是权利贫困,是典型的弱势群体。

    Poor college student is a typical vulnerable groups , including economic poverty , psychological poverty , and right poverty most importantly .

  9. 民众的贫困一般可以分为四类即物质贫困、能力贫困、权利贫困和动机贫困。

    People 's poverty can generally be divided into four kinds , i.e. , material poverty , ability poverty , right poverty and motive poverty .

  10. 摘要构建和谐社会必须消除不和谐现象,权利贫困是造成社会不和谐的本源性因素,许多不和谐现象都是由权利贫困引起的。

    Constructing harmonious society must eliminate disharmonic phenomena , rights poverty is the fountain factor that causes disharmony , most disharmony were caused by rights poverty .

  11. 农村教育权利贫困的形成主要是制度上的原因,而且导致农村在贫困中恶性循环。

    The real restrictive factor is the poverty of education right , as a result of the unfair system , which leads to a vicious spiral for rural area in poverty .

  12. 鉴于当前农民的权利贫困现状,消除制度性歧视,创建公平公正的制度环境,完善农民权利保障机制,才能确保农民的财产性收入。

    In view of the current situation , the system of discrimination should be eliminated and a fair and just system environment should be created to ensure that farmers can own more property income .

  13. 本文以浙江省外来青年农民工为对象,探讨青年农民工人文贫困现状这一话题,试图从知识贫困、人力贫困和权利贫困三个维度分析青年农民工人文现状。

    With migrant workers in Zhejiang as an example , this paper , discusses the humanistic poverty of migrant workers from three aspects , i.e.in knowledge , in social ability and in human rights .

  14. 对此,笔者从公平与正义的理论分析入手,对农民土地财产权利贫困的内容:农民土地使用权贫困、农民土地处分权贫困、农民土地收益权贫困进行了探讨。

    Thus , the writer analyses the contents of farmers ' land property from fairness and justness theories , which contains the farmers ' poverty of using rights , punishing rights and income rights of land .

  15. 在借鉴和吸收国内外对贫困问题研究的理论成果基础上,文章揭示了贫困的外延和内涵,指出当前我国的城市贫困由物质贫困、社会权利贫困、能力贫困、社会资源贫困四方面构成。

    On the basis of consulting and absorbing theories in which scholars studied the poverty problem , the author gives a detailed introduction of urban poverty , that urban poverty is consisted on material poverty , social right poverty , quality poverty and social source poverty .

  16. 从农民土地财产权利的贫困看社会公平正义

    Fairness and Justice in the Poverty Rights of Chinese Farmers ' Land Property

  17. 论中国城市社会权利的贫困

    On Ch in ese Urban Poverty in Social Rights

  18. 面对着当前农民权利的贫困,在解决物质和能力贫困的基础上,应将扶贫的重点转向权利扶贫。

    In the face of " poverty " of the present peasant 's right , and on the basis of solving the material and ability poorly , China should turn the focal point of the poverty alleviation to the right poverty alleviation .

  19. 贫困既是一个经济问题,也是一个社会问题,同时还是生态与政治权利问题,贫困呈现出多元化特征。

    Poverty is not only economic and social problems , but also ecological and political problems .

  20. 制度权利失衡:农民贫困问题的制度根源探析

    The Unbalance of the Systems Authority : the analysis on the Issue of the Rural Poverty from the System 's Perspective

  21. 农民工的贫困原因是由于农民工与城市人相比缺乏公正的社会权利,即农民工的社会权利贫困是造成农民工地位低下的深层次原因。

    The reason for this is that they lack equal social rights compared to the urban population .

  22. 这些权利的缺失不但从一定程度上造成了农民经济和权利上的贫困,增大了对农村社会救助的需求,降低了获取农村社会救助的能力。

    The Lack of these rights not only leaded the farmers to be poverty on the right and economy to some extent , increased demand for the rural social assistance , and also reduced the ability to obtain the rural social assistance .

  23. 宪法规定了广泛的公民权利,实施权利需要配置资源,在我国工业化进程中,宪法规定的农民的公民权利被搁置,造成农民公民权利的贫困。

    In the country 's industrialization process , the Constitution stipulates the fundamental rights of farmers have been shelved . The citizen 's right to receive education is one of the citizen 's most fundamental rights prescribed in the Constitution .