
  • 网络equity finance;Equity financing
  1. 但伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon)的股票交易拥有一个世纪之久的先发优势,并提供了在很大程度上受到限制的英镑权益融资市场。

    But stock trading in the City of London has a centuries-old first-mover advantage and a largely captive market for sterling equity financing .

  2. 企业外部融资分为债务融资和权益融资两种方式。

    Corporate external financing comprise of debt financing and equity financing .

  3. CEPA条件下如何改善广东科技型中小企业权益融资困境

    How to improve Guangdong scientific and technology small and medium enterprise right 's financing difficulty under CEPA condition

  4. 依据Myers(1984)、Myers和Majluf(1984)的分析,公司存在这样一个融资顺序:留存收益、债务融资、权益融资。

    According to Myers ( 1984 ) and Myers and Majluf ( 1984 ) 's analysis , a firm 's financing order is retained earnings , debt and equity .

  5. 第四章:农民专业合作社权益融资。

    Chapter four is about farmers ' professional cooperative right financing .

  6. 这种现象反映出我国上市公司中权益融资作用的扭曲。

    These phenomena show the distortion of equity financing functions .

  7. 余下部分主要为权益融资和贸易融资。

    Equity and trade finance provide most of the rest .

  8. 农业类上市公司权益融资的道德风险解释&基于代理成本理论的企业经营者行为分析

    Discussion on the Moral Risk of Equity Financing of Agriculture Listed Company

  9. 在我国,企业通过权益融资的主要形式是发行股票,但能够上市的企业还只是少数。

    In China , only a small number of listed companies can issue stock .

  10. 公司通过各种融资方式融资的结果形成了企业的资本结构,也就是公司全部资本中权益融资与债务融资两者各占的权重及其比例关系。

    Company uses various financing ways , which result in the formation of enterprise capital structure .

  11. 权益融资需要企业所有者出让企业的所有权利益来换取资本。

    Equity financing requires that you sell an ownership interest in the business in exchange for capital .

  12. 企业融资来源按照分类方式的不同主要有内部融资以及外部融资、负债性融资与权益融资之分。

    As for financing , there are external finance and internal finance , debt finance and rights finance .

  13. 而不同的资金来源,主要是权益融资还是债务融资之间的数量关系将对公司财务状况和提高公司经济效益具有十分重要的影响。

    And different capital sources , namely the proportion of corporation share and debt have important influence to corporation benefits .

  14. 另外权益融资公司的长期市场回报呈下滑趋势,主要与权益发行前市场投资者的估价心理等因素有关。

    And it also finds that the long-term market performances become worse due to the investors'evaluations before issuing and other factors .

  15. 研究发现,在债务融资和权益融资中都存在利用正常应计项目和异常应计项目进行盈余管理。

    All evidences show that either equity financing or debt financing undertakes earnings management through the normal accruals and abnormal accruals .

  16. 如果公司偏好风险则融资组合中权益融资较少,反之则较多。

    If corporation hates risk , it will have less stocks In their financing combination , contrarily it will get more stocks .

  17. 规模较大的公司,其资本结构中负债融资的比例可较高;规模较小的公司,应把重心放在权益融资上。

    Larger companies ' capital structure may be with a higher proportion of debt financing . Smaller companies should focus on equity financing .

  18. 文章以国内A股上市公司数据为基础,研究了企业外部融资和未来经营业绩之间的关系。研究发现,不管是权益融资还是债务融资,在融资后,企业的经营业绩都下跌。

    This paper based on the listed company data of A stock , researched the relationship between outer financing and future business performance .

  19. 在新增资金中,权益融资和债务融资均减少,但权益融资降幅更大,因此,其债务比率上升;

    In the new capitals , the amount of the equity and debt has declined compared with before , but the new equity falls more .

  20. 计算杠杆融资项目的净现值,如仍按全权益融资项目的方法计算,其结果会有所不同,直接影响投资决策的正确性。

    The result will be different to calculate NPV of levered projects with methods for all-equity projects , and it will directly influence the correctness of investment decision .

  21. 当公司需要从外部筹集资金时,大股东控制权稳固的公司偏好权益融资,大股东控制权不太稳固的公司偏好债务融资。

    When companies need the outside financing , companies strongly controlled by large shareholders prefer equity financing , whereas companies less strongly controlled by large shareholders prefer debt financing .

  22. 权益融资的主要缺点是稀释了所有者的利益,随着其他投资者所占权益份额的扩大企业控制权也可能失去。

    The major disadvantage to equity financing is the dilution of your ownership interests and the possible loss of control that may accompany a sharing of ownership with additional investors .

  23. 在内源融资规模小难以满足企业发展,权益融资门槛又太高的情况下,中小企业可以依赖的就只剩下商业银行的信贷融资了。

    Given that internal financing sources are too limited to meet the demand and the threshold of equity financing is too high , SMEs can only rely on credit financing from commercial banks .

  24. 上市公司的权益融资策略主要受法人持股比率、流动资产增长率、年初资产负债率和与流动负债增长率影响。

    The equity financing strategy is mainly influenced by juridical person 's stock holding ratio , short-term asset growth ratio , debt ratio at the beginning of the year and short-term debt growth ratio .

  25. 基于代理成本理论,对权益融资的代理成本问题进行了分析,并进一步阐述了农业上市公司应如何选择最优融资结构。

    In this article the agency cost of equity financing was analyzed based on the theory of agency cost , the question how the agricultural listed companies choose their own optimal financing structure was elaborated .

  26. 筹集资金是企业健康、持续发展的重要保障,而配股做为我国上市公司权益融资的重要渠道,对于上市公司的发展具有重要意义。

    Raising capital is the foundation of an enterprise 's sound and continuous development , while as an important channel for equity capital raising of China 's Listed companies , placement has significant influence to their further development .

  27. 结合我国上市公司实践,用行为财务理论对其权益融资偏好、投资策略的选择以及股票股利偏好进行了行为分析。

    Combination of listed companies in our country the practice of behavioral finance theory with the rights and interests of the financing of their preference , investment strategy and the selection of preferred stock dividends for the behavior analysis .

  28. 中小企业融资难,难在融资渠道的狭窄,当内源融资规模过小,权益融资门槛又太高时,中小企业可以倚赖的只剩下商业银行信贷融资方式。

    SME financing difficulties , difficulties in financing the narrow channel , when the source of financing small scale , the threshold is too high interests of the financing , SMEs can rely on the only commercial bank credit financing .

  29. 市场在获悉上市公司拟权益融资公告时,对不同融资方式及相同融资方式下不同控制权结构的公司所表现出的股价变动效应是否存在差异。

    Second , we want to know when the market learns the financing announcement , whether there exist differences on the stock price effects between two financing ways and among the different voting rights structures under the same financing way .

  30. 在金融市场不发达的制度环境中,家族企业面临严重的融资约束,权益融资较为困难,债务融资尤其是信贷融资是企业的主要融资渠道。

    In the undeveloped financial markets , family firms are facing serious financing constraints , and equity financing is very difficult for them . Thus , debt financing , especially credit financing , becomes a main financing channel for family firm .