
  • 网络finance costs;Financing Cost
  1. 探讨企业融资成本受哪些因素决定对于企业合理进行融资具有重要意义。

    Discussion what factors decide the corporate finance costs are importantly to the enterprises reasonable financing .

  2. 他警告称:“融资成本非常高,而基础设施建设在放缓、制造业在放缓、经济在放缓。”

    He warned : " finance costs are very high , infrastructure construction is slowing , manufacturing is slowing , the economy is slowing . "

  3. 一定要让中小微企业贷款可获得性明显提高,一定要让综合融资成本明显下降

    Ensure that micro , small , and medium businesses have significantly better access to loans and that overall financing costs drop markedly .

  4. 在本文中,IPO申购的实际收益被定义为投资者扣除融资成本等成本后的净收益。

    IPO application real return is defined as the return of capital for investors net of cost .

  5. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)指出,在欧元区,银行的融资成本已经略低于投资级企业的融资成本。

    As Morgan Stanley notes , bank funding costs have just fallen below investment grade companies in the eurozone .

  6. 然而,单纯就融资成本而言,花旗集团(citigroup)表示,其融资中只会有不到1%会受到影响。

    However , on pure funding costs , Citigroup said less than 1 per cent of its funding would be affected .

  7. 首先,运用剩余收益折现模型(RIM)计算样本公司的股权融资成本。

    First of all , applied the discounted residual income model ( RIM ) to calculate the cost of equity financing of sample companies .

  8. 虽然美联储官员认为该计划可能并不违背《联邦储备法》(federalreserveact),但在他们看来,融资成本在美国并不构成什么大问题,因此,他们对该计划的效力存有疑问。

    Although Fed officials think that such a programme could be legal under the Federal Reserve Act , they do not think that funding costs are a big problem in the US , and hence doubt its effectiveness .

  9. 固定收益市场受到投资银行的欢迎,原因在于债券的收益率已经下降,因而企业的融资成本降低,同时IPO业务又因股市波动吓跑投资者而陷入低迷。

    The popularity of the fixed-income markets comes as yields have fallen , making it cheaper for companies to raise money , while IPOs have struggled as stock-market volatility has scared off investors .

  10. 尤其是,它们需要配合旨在降低融资成本(比如联邦政府担保的借款和美联储(fed)贷款)和便于移除过多有毒资产的措施。

    In particular , they need to work together with the implementation of initiatives aimed at lowering funding costs ( such as federally-guaranteed borrowings and federal reserve facilities ) , and facilitating the removal of the overhang of toxic assets .

  11. 根据市场分割理论,信息不对称性、流动性差异、股价波动性、价值偏好差异和融资成本差异等五大因素对AH股价差有重要影响。

    According to the market segmentation theory , information asymmetry , flowability difference , price volatility , difference of value preference and difference of financing cost have important effects on price difference between A-share and H-share .

  12. 本文采用PEG模型计算股权融资成本,从及时性、完整性、真实性三方面对内部控制信息披露质量指标评价体系进行了构建。

    In this paper , we use PEG model to calculate the cost of equity financing and build the quality evaluation system of internal control information disclosure from three aspects : timeliness , completeness and authenticity .

  13. 在此后的三个月里,MTS的交易量下滑了逾30%,导致欧洲各国政府担心债务融资成本上升。

    Trading volume on MTS declined by more than 30 per cent in the three months afterwards , causing European governments to worry about a rise in the cost of servicing their debt .

  14. 逆转希腊psi决定还将加大希腊政府的融资成本,但通过恢复对欧元区的信任,这将降低其它欧元区政府的融资成本。

    Reversing the Greek psi decision would ralso aise the financing cost on the Greek government , but by restoring trust in the eurozone it would reduce the financing cost of other eurozone governments .

  15. 随着风险债券融资成本的不断下降,一些主流企业也开始愿意承担信用评级下调的后果,尽管AAA评级过去一直是企业财务总管引以为傲的资本。

    With the cost of funding risky debt falling , some mainstream companies have also proved willing to suffer the consequences of credit downgrades , even though treasurers used to view AAA status as a source of pride .

  16. 为此,我们进一步采用Logit模型,从融资成本、破产风险、负债能力约束、代理成本和控制权等因素多角度考察了我国上市公司融资行为的影响因素。

    Therefore , we use a Logit model , examining the determinants of China 's listed companies ' financing behavior from the aspects of financing cost , bankruptcy risk , debt capacity , agency cost and corporate control .

  17. 只用500万法国法郎启动资金建立,而且由于有MaisonBouygues客户存入的押金,所以融资成本很低。

    With just FFr5m in initial share capital , the business was cheap to set up and , because Maison Bouygues 's customers put down deposits , its financing costs were low .

  18. SPE设立的真正目的是分散或转移风险、节约融资成本及合法避税,但是由于会计准则特别是合并报表规则上的漏洞,使SPE沦落为某些企业表外融资、隐藏债务的工具。

    The true purpose of SPE is to distract from risk , to save the cost of financing and to avoid taxes legally , but on account of the shortcomings of consolidation rules , SPE has become means of off-balance sheet financing and hiding debt for some enterprises .

  19. 融资成本、寻租行为和企业内部资本配置

    Financing Cost , Rent Seeking and Capital Allocation inside Firms

  20. 这正加大许多小型银行的融资成本。

    This is raising funding costs for many smaller banks .

  21. 您明白牛熊证的发行价已包括融资成本。

    The issue price of a CBBC includes funding costs .

  22. 融资成本不易降低;

    Decreasing cost of financing is not very easy .

  23. 银行业表示,这将造成融资成本进一步上升,不利于贷款活动。

    Banks say that will make raising cash more expensive and discourage lending .

  24. 第二章为分析师跟进行为影响债务融资成本的理论分析。

    Chapter ⅱ is the analyst behavior theory of the cost of debt financing .

  25. 公司治理与股权融资成本&单一与综合机制的治理效应研究

    Corporate Governance and the Cost of Equity Capital

  26. 融资成本悖论、融资效率悖论是融资偏好悖论的特征表现;

    Paradox of financing cost and efficiency are characteristics of paradox of financing preference .

  27. 股票持有者却要承受更高的融资成本,而不会有风险下降作为补偿。

    Equity holders get stuck with higher financing costs and no compensating fall in risk .

  28. 融资成本的高低直接关系到企业的风险和收益。

    The cost of the financing directly influences the risks and benefits of the enterprises .

  29. 如果未来融资成本上升,为了确保偿付能力,必须进行更多债转股交易。

    If the future financing costs rise , more swaps would be required to ensure solvency .

  30. 本文发现,上市公司在被民营化后债务融资成本增大了;

    This paper finds that the debt financing cost of listed firms increases after their privatizations .