
  • 网络financing securitization
  1. 关于住房融资证券化的必要性与设想

    The Necessity and Propositions of Securitization of Housing Financing

  2. 要加快我国金融市场化的进展,必须推进资金商品化,利率市场化,融资证券化,调控自动化。

    In order to accelerate the process , the paper holds , impetus must be given to capital commercialization , interest-rate marketization , financing securities-orientation and regulation automatization .

  3. 证券市场国际化是20世纪80年代以来世界金融市场的一大发展趋势,是生产国际化和资本国际化发展的必然结果,也是国际融资证券化趋势的必然要求。

    The internationalization on security market is a great development trend of the world financial market since 1980.This is not only the inevitable outcome of the development of the production internationalization and capital internationalization , but also the objective requirement of the securitization of international financing .

  4. 债券融资成为证券化融资的主要手段;

    Bond financing becomes main means of securitization financing ;

  5. 而保理融资、证券化融资、信托融资和外债融资是我国融资租赁公司现阶段最现实的选择和最有可能实现突破的融资渠道。

    While factoring financing , securitization financing , trust financing and foreign debt financing are the most realistic and possible financing channels .

  6. 随着世界金融市场的全球化和融资的证券化,资产支持的证券化融资已经成为项目融资的主要方式之一,在世界范围内得到广泛的应用。

    With the globalization of finance market and financing securitization , ABS has become a major instrument of project financing and been widely applied in many countries .

  7. 同时,大型对冲基金和私人股本集团都在密切留意规避风险的投行所放弃的高杠杆领域,包括收购融资、证券化、资产支持证券等等。

    Meanwhile , large hedge funds and private equity groups are keeping a keen eye on the highly-leveraged areas - buy-out financing , securitisations , asset-backed securities and the like - vacated by risk-shedding investment banks .

  8. 谈高等教育融资的资产证券化

    The capitalized security of higher educational financing

  9. 高校融资与资产证券化

    Financing for University and Asset-backed Securities

  10. 与发行股票、债券以及担保贷款等传统型融资相比,证券化有着很大的不同。

    It is quite different from such traditional means of financing as stock issue , bonds issue and loan against collateral .

  11. 针对资本性的应收账款,作者提出可以用债转股、代理融资、资产证券化、国际保理等方式来加以解决。

    It is directed against the nature of daily account receivable and these methods are brought out , such as debt to share , factoring , asset security and international factoring .

  12. 结合实际,笔者认为我国券商的投资银行业务应该在支持企业改造的并购产品、项目融资、资产证券化上积极创新,实现业务功能的多样化。

    Combining to reality , I think that the business of investment bank of the securities firms of our country should innovate actively on merger products which will support enterprises to transform , project financing , assets securitization , to realize the diversification of the business function .

  13. ABS国际项目融资是以资产证券化模式运作的国际项目融资,通过发行ABS项目债券在国际资本市场上融资。

    ABS International Project Financing makes use of the mode of asset securitization in international project financing , issuing ABS project bonds in the international capital market .

  14. 作为一种创新的融资手段,资产证券化给会计带来了冲击和挑战。

    As a creative monetary means , it also brings an impact and challenge to accounting .

  15. 作为一种融资方式,资产证券化自从20世纪70年代在美国出现之后,就得到了迅速发展。

    Asset Securitization is a new financing technique , which comes out from USA in 1970s . In just 30 years , it developed very fast .

  16. 一种相对比较新的公司融资方式&资产证券化已发展成为美国金融市场的主要力量之一。

    A relatively new method of corporate finance known as asset securitization has emerged as one of the major forces in the United States ' financial markets .

  17. 企业或私人投资、共同基金融资、资产支持证券化等方式都突破了传统的政府凡事大包大揽的方式。

    Enterprise or private investment , common fund , the Asset - backed Securitization , etc , all break through the traditional mode , in which government undertakes the whole things .

  18. 作为有别于传统融资方式的融资手段,资产证券化显然是一种金融创新。

    As one of the means of financing , asset securitization is evident to be a kind of innovation in finance , which is very much difference from traditional financing means .

  19. 第二,改善宏观经济环境,尤其是融资体制与模式的改革,促进融资证券化,构建合理的直接融资与间接融资比例模式。

    Secondly , improve the macro-economy environment , especially the investment and the financing system , and construct a good flat in order to support the development of commercial banks and the enterprises .

  20. 在当前政府财力有限,己有融资方式存在局限性的情况下,探讨如何在基础设施融资中运用资产证券化融资方式,以引入民间资本来应对当前的融资困境有重要的现实意义。

    At the present time , the financial resources of government are limited , and there are some limitations in the existing way of financing . So it is significant for us to explore the way we utilize ABS in infrastructure financing .

  21. 第四章为房地产开发融资模式创新,主要是结合国外成熟房地产市场的融资模式,提出拓展房地产开发融资渠道的对策,同时对房地产项目融资的证券化进行初步研究。

    The Chapter Four discusses the innovation of the financing mode of the development of real estate and makes the initial study of the stock form of the credit of the development of real estate .