
  1. 然而,股票市场真的能使得公司提高投资效率吗?一方面,上市使公司得以进入公开资本市场,增强融资谈判能力,提升信息透明度,从而缓解融资约束问题。

    However , could the stock market really help to improve investment efficiency ? On the one hand , to be listed help firm access to public capital markets , increase financing negotiation skills , enhance information transparency , so as to ease the financial constraints .

  2. 该行还在就为第三个矿山融资进行谈判。

    ICBC is also in talks to bankroll a third production site .

  3. 地方政府作为行为主体介入银行再融资的谈判,使分散信贷硬化预算约束的作用降低,银行的行为更加倾向于承担过度的风险;

    If local government get involved in negotiation between banks , the function of decentralized finance to harden budget constraint will be weakened and the bank will incline to take excessive risk .

  4. 融资互换的Nash谈判解

    The Nash - bargaining Solution of Finance Exchange

  5. 但据称由于信贷市场动荡,同时英国央行不愿对交易提供融资支持,因而谈判受到了影响。

    But discussions were said to have been undermined by turmoil in the credit markets and the Bank of England 's reluctance to offer financial support to facilitate a deal .

  6. 房地产投资项房地产投资项目系统策划研究目融资包括投资决策分析、融资决策分析、融资结构分析、融资谈判和项目融资执行五个阶段。

    Real estate financing has five phases , including investment decision-making analysis , financing decision-making analysis , financing structure analysis , financing negotiation , and project financing implementation .