
  • 网络financing tools;financing vehicles;financial instruments
  1. 本文扩展Stein(1992)的模型,从控股股东角度出发考察在有控制权利益的情形下,企业对不同融资工具的选择,包括发行普通债券、可转换债券以及股票三种融资形式。

    This paper extends the model of Stein ( 1992 ) in order to study how the firms of different profitable abilities under the existence of private benefit of control choose their financing tools , including issuing bonds , equities and convertible bonds .

  2. 优化公司负债结构,创新负债融资工具;

    Optimizing debt structure of listed companies and innovating debt financing tools ;

  3. 作为一种新兴融资工具,ABS模式在资金密集型项目融资中得到越来越多的应用。

    As a new burgeoning financing technique , ABS mode has been used more and more in those project-financing cases that need large funds .

  4. 可转换债券(convertiblebond,简称可转债或转债),是一种兼具债性和股性的可转换融资工具。

    Convertible bonds ( convertible bond , referred to as convertible bonds or convertible bonds ), is both a debt and shares of convertible financing instruments .

  5. 在国际资本市场,私募股权基金是仅次于银行信贷和IPO的重要融资工具。

    In the global capital marketing , private equity fund is an important financing method which is just less used than bank credit or IPO .

  6. 我国推行ABCP新型融资工具的趋势分析

    Trend Analysis on Pushing ABCP of New-Type Financing Tool in Our Country

  7. 欧洲银行一个关键的融资工具市场出现萎缩,突显了这个地区金融机构对欧洲央行(ECB)支持的依赖程度。

    The market for a key funding instrument for banks in Europe has shrunk , highlighting how reliant financial institutions in the region have become on European Central Bank support .

  8. 当前各类产品市场的竞争比以往任何时候都激烈,同时日元汇率自套利交易(carrytrade)消失以来不断走强套利交易在日元被视为廉价融资工具时期极为盛行。

    This is at a time when competition in all product markets has never been stronger and Japan is coping with a currency that has strengthened since the disappearance of the carry trades that flourished when the yen was seen as a cheap funding vehicle .

  9. 房地产投资信托(REITs)是国际社会普遍认可的行之有效的房地产投融资工具。

    Real estate investment trusts ( REITs ) are universally recognized by the international community as one of the most effective real estate investing and financing tools .

  10. 分离交易可转债WBs(WarrantBonds)这一关联股票、债券和权证三种金融工具的初级衍生产品于2006年5月8日被批准为上市公司再融资工具。

    Warrant Bonds ( WBs ) which conjuncts three financial tools including stock , bond and warrant as a junior derivative was approved to be a refinance tool for the list companies in May 8th , 2006 .

  11. 房地产投资信托(REITs)是国外盛行的房地产融资工具,其本质上是一种证券化的产业投资基金,具有其他投资工具无可比拟的特点与优势。

    Real estate investment trusts ( REITs ) is a real-estate financing instrument prevailing abroad . In essence , they are a type of securitized industrial investment fund , with features and advantages unparalleled in other investment instruments .

  12. 在目前市场环境及内部环境下,如何发展好债务融资工具承销业务,如何对该业务进行营销,是许多商业银行需要考虑的的问题,亦是HX银行南京分行所面临的重要课题。

    In the current market environment and regulatory environment , how to develop debt financing instruments underwriting business is many Commercial banks debt financing tool underwriting business need to consider , also facing to HX Bank , Nanjing Branch .

  13. 本论文既为HX银行南京分行债务融资工具承销业务提供了发展对策,同时对其它商业银行开展债务融资工具承销业务也具有一定参考意义。

    In this thesis , both HX Bank , Nanjing Branch of debt financing instruments underwriting business development with the countermeasures , but also the development of other commercial banks debt financing instruments underwriting business also has a certain reference value .

  14. 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)研究发现,在2013年(可获得数据的最近年份),至少一个富裕省份——与上海毗邻的江苏省——的地方政府融资工具(LGFV)所收购的土地超过了房地产开发商所购买的土地。

    Local government financing vehicles ( LGFVs ) in at least one wealthy province , Jiangsu , which borders Shanghai , accounted for more land purchases than property developers did in 2013 - the last year for which data were available - according to research collated by Deutsche Bank .

  15. 实际上不可能每一种融资工具都适用于我们自身。

    Each financial instrument is virtually impossible to apply to our own .

  16. 信用证发展到今天已经成为一种非常重要的国际结算方式和融资工具。

    It has become an important means of international settlement and finance equipment .

  17. 基于企业生命周期的我国房地产开发企业融资工具组合研究

    Study on Financing Fools Combination Based on Enterprise Lifecycle of Real Estate Development Enterprise

  18. 与金融部门合作,开发体育概念的新型融资工具。

    Cooperate with the financial departments to develop new-type financing instruments with sports concepts .

  19. 国际公司完全有理由把创业板视做其融资工具。

    And international companies have good cause for considering AIM as a capital-raising tool .

  20. 由此可见,这些变量影响债务融资工具选择的作用效果呈现差异性。

    Therefore , these variables affect the effect of debt financing tool of difference .

  21. 美国资本市场融资工具&ADR

    An Instrument to Finance in USA Capital Market-ADR

  22. 风险企业产出最大化与融资工具选择

    The Relationship between Total Benefits Maximization and the Financial Method Choice for Venture Firm

  23. 城市基础设施融资工具研究与创新

    Urban Infrastructure Financing Instrument Research and Creation

  24. 票据:从支付工具到融资工具&兼论票据立法的禁锢和解放

    From Payment Tool to Financing Tool & A Study on Prohibition and Emancipation Bill Legislation

  25. 基于证券设计理论的企业债务融资工具研究

    Research on the Debt Financing Instruments in the Enterprise Based on the Security Design Theory

  26. 推行这一融资工具不仅具有良好的发展前景而,且具有十分重要的战略意义。

    Developing this financial technique will have good prospect , and have very important significance .

  27. 地方政府融资工具大约出现在6年前。

    LGFVs appeared about six years ago .

  28. 钜盛华的融资工具使用了常见于结构型资管计划的2:1的杠杆。

    Jushenghua 's vehicles used a 2:1 leverage ratio typical of structured asset management plans .

  29. 可转换债券作为一种成本较低的融资工具,有利于企业的长期经营。

    As a low cost financing tool , the convertible bond is beneficial to long-term operation .

  30. 欧洲应当创建一种融资工具,让中小企业更容易获得信贷。

    And Europe should create a financing vehicle to give smaller companies better access to credit .