
  • 网络self-financing portfolio;financing mix
  1. 融资组合的风险和回报

    Financing mix 's risk and reward

  2. 重点包括:定价理论、投资决策、风险分析、财务策划、派息策略、营运资本管理及企业融资组合等课题。

    Issues addressed include : valuation , investment decision-making , analysis of risk , financial planning dividend policy , working capital management , and the financing mix for a firm .

  3. 我国房地产企业最优融资组合研究

    Research on the Best Financing Combination of Chinese Real Estate Enterprises

  4. 企业投融资组合管理的模糊模型与优化

    Fuzzy Model and Optimization of Enterprise Investment Combination Management

  5. 第四部分:结合企业的生命周期理论,提出我国高新技术中小企业在不同的发展阶段应采取的相应的融资组合。

    Part four : suggests the corresponding financing combinations at the different phases according to the enterprise lifecycle theory .

  6. 目标资本结构组合是公司一定时期计划拥有的融资组合。

    Target capital structure mix is the mix of financing sources that the firm plans to maintain through time .

  7. 如果公司偏好风险则融资组合中权益融资较少,反之则较多。

    If corporation hates risk , it will have less stocks In their financing combination , contrarily it will get more stocks .

  8. 在收购型的私人股本公司,一般合伙人会结合使用基金自有资本和债务融资组合,为某笔交易提供资金。

    In the case of buy-out firms , the GP will use capital drawn down from the fund together with a debt finance package to fund individual deals .

  9. 近代资本结构理论是现代公司金融的研究基石,其探讨的重点在于追求企业价值最大化的情况下,确定一个成本最低的融资组合,从而实现资本结构优化。

    As the cornerstone of modern corporate finance research , modern capital structure theory aims to identify a financing portfolio with the lowest cost when pursuing the maximization of enterprise value . Therefore , the capital structure can be optimized .

  10. 本文研究了当基本价格过程为一类连续半鞅过程时log最优的自融资投资组合的财富过程与等价鞅测度之间的对应关系。

    In this paper , a relationship between the optimal growth portfolio and a martingale measure is studied when the underlying asset price processes are modeled by some continuous special semimartingale .

  11. 基于企业生命周期的我国房地产开发企业融资工具组合研究

    Study on Financing Fools Combination Based on Enterprise Lifecycle of Real Estate Development Enterprise

  12. 此次研讨会进行了广泛和深入的探讨和分析:着重介绍了作为中美气候行动伙伴计划(PCA)项目重要子项目能效融资试点捆绑组合项目;

    The workshop introduced the pilot energy efficiency financing bundling project which is an initiative of the US-China Partnership for Climate Action ( PCA ) program .

  13. 智能楼宇建设的融资渠道优化组合研究

    The Optimum Combination of Financing Channel for Construction of Intelligent Building

  14. 基于模糊遗传算法的自融资有效投资组合研究

    The Ressearch on self-financing effective portfolio based on fuzzy genetic algorithm

  15. 多种融资工具的组合,可以改善铁路资本结构,降低融资成本,提高融资效率。

    Combination of various financing tools can not only ameliorate the railway capital structure , but also reduce the financing cost and improve the financing efficiency .

  16. 约束问题求解存在融资条件下证券组合选择的一种模糊决策方法

    Constraint Processing A Fuzzy Portfolio Selection Decision Methodology under Borrowing Constraint

  17. 自融资均值方差投资组合模型的旋转算法

    A Pivoting Based Algorithm for Self-Financing Mean Variance Portfolio Model

  18. 有融资因素的资产组合投资模型及应用&对马科维茨模型的一个扩展

    The Possessed of Financing Factors Investing Portfolio Model and Its Applying & A Extend to Markowitz 's Means-Variance Model

  19. 同时微型融资机构的资本组合中,民间资本也由2004年的6亿增加到2006年的20亿。

    Meanwhile the microfinance portfolios of private investment funds grew from $ 600m in2004 to $ 2 billion in2006 .

  20. 在经典的金融投资理论基础上,本文考虑了融资约束对投资组合优化的影响。

    Differing from the classical investment theory , this paper considers the influence of the financing constraints on portfolio selection .

  21. 摩根大通认为,还有机会对公司客户的贸易融资敞口进行组合或重组。

    There is also scope to syndicate , or restructure , trade finance exposures to corporate customers , JPMorgan believes .

  22. 利用应用效果较好的均值-半偏差投资组合模型对存在融资情况的投资组合进行分析研究。

    The effective mean-semi-deviation portfolio model is used for the analysis of the investment portfolio with financing in this paper .

  23. 文章从网络企业的角度,对于金融市场、融资方式、融资组合等进行了分析和论述,提出了一些自己的观点。

    From the point of view of Internet Company , the article brings forward some viewpoint in money market , financing mode and financing combination .

  24. 企业选择何种融资方式或融资方式组合,以及融资方式或融资方式组合的选择对成本和收益的影响,这些问题一直是公司财务理论和实务界关注的焦点。

    Choice of financing or corporate financing portfolio , and financing options , or combination of financing costs and benefits of the impact of these issues has been a corporate finance theory and practice focus .

  25. 企业的融资结构是指各种不同融资方式的组合。

    Corporate financing structure is a combination of various financing methods .

  26. 融资数量将根据建设项目的规模而定,融资组合结构的差异则表现在融资类型、融资风险和融资成本上。

    The financing amount is according to scale of construction project . The difference of financing structure is in financing type , financing accident and financing cost .

  27. 企业在选择融资方式与策略时,应通过多种渠道选择适当的融资组合,以达到资本结构最佳,资本成本最低和保持财务灵活性的目的。

    When enterprises choose the ways and strategies of financing , it is advisable for them to choose appropriate financing combinations by various channels so as to satisfy the purpose of best capital structure , lowest capital cost and flexible financial affairs .

  28. 通过对科技型中小企业融资需求特点和融资困境原因的深刻剖析,设计了摆脱融资困境的组合方案,提出了可供操作的具体措施。

    This paper projects financing combination which help the enterprises break away from the financing difficulties , and puts forward concrete countermeasures to manipulate , by the basic of deep-going analyzing the demand characteristics and the reasons of financing difficulties .

  29. 上市公司应树立诚信融资理念,建立增发新股过程中的风险控制机制,并尝试综合采用多种融资方式进行组合融资。

    While the listed companies should set up the idea of honesty and reputation , establish the risk controlling mechanism in new share issue , and attempt composite financing by various ways .

  30. 企业融资管理的重要内容就是如何针对客观存在的融资渠道,选择合理的融资方式,有效地进行融资组合,以降低融资成本,提高融资效益。

    The important content of enterprise financing management is how to use the exist objective financing channel choosing a reasonable financing way and carrying on the financing combination effectively to reduce financing cost and improve financing benefit .