
  1. 它的项目融资规模是世界银行(worldbank)的两倍多。

    Its project financing is more than double that of the world bank .

  2. 公司于2014年9月在纽约证券交易所上市,融资规模达250亿美元,是世界上最大的IPO。

    It floated on the New York Stock Market in September 2014 for $ 25billion , the largest IPO in the world 。

  3. 按照国际标准,中国ipo市场的总体规模确实很大,但单笔ipo的融资规模却要小得多。

    Although the overall size of the IPO market within China has been large by global standards , the individual deals have been much smaller .

  4. 他认为,IMF提出的办法将与奥巴马所提的办法有些不同。奥巴马提议根据批发融资规模征税。

    He said he thought the IMF would propose a method that would be somewhat different to the tax on wholesale funding proposed by Mr Obama .

  5. 阿里巴巴今年9月在纽约上市,IPO融资规模创出有史以来的最高水平,日前该公司发布了上市以来的首份财报。

    which listed in New York in September in the largest-ever initial public offering and which yesterday released its debut set of results as a listed company .

  6. 但数据供应商汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)称,在2007年香港上市首个交易日下跌的公司中,多数为较不引人注目、融资规模低于3亿美元的中型企业。

    But the majority of the first-day losers in Hong Kong in 2007 were more obscure mid - sized companies that raised less than $ 300m , according to Thomson Financial , the data provider .

  7. 随着市场波动更加激烈,仅上周就有数宗IPO缩减了融资规模或者定价低于预期,还有一些公司干脆搁置了IPO计划。

    Several initial public offerings in the past week alone have been scaled back or priced below expectations , with some companies shelving their plans completely as the markets have become more volatile .

  8. 如果上市继续按照今年迄今的速度进行,从IPO数量以及融资规模来看,今年都将是自2000年以来最为红火的一年。

    If listings carry on at the pace they have been going so far , this will be the best year since 2000 both for numbers of IPOs and amounts raised ( see chart ) .

  9. 这个基金已经在意大利的威尼斯机场和加拿大的蒙特利尔港(PortofMontreal)持有股份。它是此类基金中融资规模最大的一个,融资额远远超过最初25亿美元的目标。

    The fund , which already owns stakes in Venice airport in Italy and the Port of Montreal in Canada , is one of the largest raised and vastly exceeded its original target of $ 2.5bn .

  10. 他说,社会融资规模存在着众所周知的概念性问题;亚洲开发银行盯的是M2以及单独的金融领域,例如委托贷款、银行承兑汇票等等。

    ' There are well known conceptual problems ' with TSF , he said . The ADB looks at M2 , he said , as well as separate financial segments such as entrusted loans and bankers ' acceptances .

  11. Twitter公司6日晚上的上市融资规模已经达到18.2亿美元,预计次日清晨将在纽约证券交易所挂牌,交易代码为“TWTR”。

    Twitter this evening raised $ 1.82 billion in its initial public offering , and tomorrow morning is expected to begin trading its shares on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol TWTR .

  12. 亚洲开发银行驻北京办公室经济学部门主管康拉德(JurgenConrad)说,目前的社会融资规模指标用处十分有限。

    Jurgen Conrad , head of the economics unit at the Asian Development Bank 's office in Beijing , said the total social financing gauge in its present form was of limited use .

  13. 三年前,由于不满当时衡量国内货币供应量的指标,中国央行推出了被其称为社会融资规模的指标,并称该指标比银行贷款总额或广义货币供应量(M2)更具代表性。

    Three years ago , unhappy with its existing tools for measuring domestic credit , the PBOC rolled out what it called total social financing , or TSF , trumpeted as a more representative measure than total bank loans or M2 ( broad money supply ) .

  14. 不过,平安保险的可转债和股票增发计划仍需得到监管部门的批准,许多分析师和市场人士认为,政府将要求平安保险缩减其再融资规模。汇丰(HSBC)持有平安保险16.8%的股份。

    But Ping An , which is 16.8 per cent owned by HSBC , still needs regulatory approval for the convertible bond and secondary share sale and many analysts and market participants believe that it will be required by the government to scale back the plan .

  15. 当融资规模不大的情况下,信托是很好的选择;而对于REITs等在国外发展等相当好的融资方式,由于我国目前还缺乏相应的条件,未能有效的开展起来。

    When the scale of financing is moderate , trust is a good choice . For those good developed financing methods in overseas , such as REITs , because our country is still lack of corresponding conditions , those methods were failed to effectively carry out .

  16. 但是,美国银行现在的融资规模可能低于预期。

    But it might now raise less than it had hoped .

  17. 3资本市场发育程度低,直接融资规模小,效率低直接融资不发达,资本市场发展滞后;

    The less developed capital market make direct finance size small and inefficient .

  18. 第五章,中国汽车销售融资规模研究。

    Chapter V , Research on the scale of auto sales financing in China .

  19. 这些交易的融资规模中值和交易前估值都呈现显著上涨的势头。

    The median deal size and average pre-money valuation for these transactions increased significantly .

  20. 民间融资规模相对小,民营经济发展相对缓慢。

    Private financing is relatively small and the development of private economy is relatively slow .

  21. 佐利克领导下的世行扩大了融资规模,同时让成本保持稳定。

    The bank under Mr Zoellick has boosted the volume of financing while holding costs stable .

  22. 内部资本市场融资规模与权益资本成本增量和总资本成本增量均负相关。

    Internal financing are both negatively correlated with equity capital cost increment and total capital cost increment .

  23. 加强宏观审慎管理,引导货币信贷和社会融资规模适度增长。

    We will strengthen macro-prudential management to encourage an appropriate increase of monetary credit and nongovernmental financing .

  24. 奇瑞发言人拒绝透露该公司的融资规模及上市时间计划。

    A Chery spokesman declined to say how much the company plans to raise , or when .

  25. 但是地方政府融资规模近几年的急剧增加,带来一定的的风险隐患。

    But the local government financing scale in recent years has increased dramatically , which brings certain risks .

  26. 此外,提高股权融资规模也能延缓金融危机以来中国企业债务日渐增高的趋势。

    Increasing equity finance could also slow the worrying build-up of Chinese corporate debt since the financial crisis .

  27. 各银行被迫缩小融资规模,而这会产生滚雪球效应。

    The banks have been driven to reduce the amount of financing and this has had a snowball effect .

  28. 信达上市融资规模为25亿美元,挪威石油基金出资1.5亿美元购入了6%左右的股份。

    The fund has bought $ 150m , or about 6 per cent , of the $ 2.5bn deal .

  29. 合理确定负债限度,严格控制负债融资规模;

    Debts limit should be decided reasonably and the scale of mixing funds in debts should be controlled strictly ;

  30. 因此,有时从战术角度而言,启动的融资规模不妨小于真正期望的规模。

    Sometimes it makes tactical sense to start out raising a smaller round than you actually want end up with .