
  • 网络Financing risk;funding risk;financial risk
  1. 欧洲部分国家希望欧洲债券完全取代欧洲大陆所有的主权债务,这样一来融资风险就可以分散到欧元区全部17个成员国身上。

    There are constituents in Europe that want the Eurobond to totally replace all sovereign debt in the continent , therefore spreading out the funding risk to all 17 members of the euro .

  2. 高等院校BOT项目的管理和融资风险控制

    Management of BOT Project and Control of Financing Risk in College

  3. 基于风险价值VAR的BOT项目投融资风险分析

    Risk Analyses of BOT Project Investment and Finance Based on VaR

  4. 广东LNG试点工程项目融资风险研究

    Risks Research of Item Financing in Guangdong Liquefied Natural Gas Test Project

  5. BT项目融资风险及应对策略

    Financing risks and countermeasures of BT projects

  6. BOT项目融资风险评价

    Financing risk evaluation of BOT project

  7. 随后,论文在对基础设施的项目融资风险进行识别基础上,主要运用VaR(ValueAtRisk)评价方法对风险进行评估。

    Secondly , the paper is on the foundation of identifying the risk of the Project Financing in infrastructure , evaluating the risk by VaR ( Value at Risk ) .

  8. 第四章:我国城市基础设施BOT项目融资风险控制。

    The methods presented in the paper make it easy to control and manage the BOT project risks .

  9. 针对BT模式的融资风险管理,提出了对该模式的改进意见,能更好的降低风险。

    Aiming at the financing risk management in BT mode , improvements for the mode were proposed to reduce the risks .

  10. 通过算例分析了VaR在基础设施项目融资风险评估中的计算方法、如何进行动态风险评估和可能存在的不足之处;

    Through example , it discusses the computing method and how to assessing dynamic risk in the Project Financing , and the possible weakness .

  11. 从长期来看,合理的控制地方政府融资风险情况下,BT模式对于地方建设起着举足轻重的作用。

    In the long run , BT Mode for the local construction plays an important role under a reasonable control of local government financing risk .

  12. 提出了建立CAPM模型(资产定价模型),对项目融资风险进行定量分析方法。

    The article suggests the establishment of a CAPM model ( capital Asset Price Model ), and analyses the project financing risk .

  13. 其次,分别从经济、金融体系以及宏观经济等角度,对F银行国际贸易融资风险管理的现状加以分析,着重分析了国际贸易融资在管理中存在的风险和授信体系中存在的缺陷。

    Secondly , it analyzes the current status of trade and financing risk management of F bank from the perspective of economical and financing system and macroeconomics . The article focuses on the risk management of international trade financing and the defect of credit system .

  14. 纵观过往对BOT模式的研究,均主要侧重于对投融资风险研究、定价模型研究、特许权期研究等方面,而对BOT项目招标风险还缺乏系统的研究。

    Throughout the past researches on BOT model , most of their main objects are focus on the risk of investment and financing , the pricing model and the concession period , rather than the systematic research of the bidding risk of BOT project .

  15. 论金融危机与中小企业融资风险:冲击与应对

    On Financial Crisis and SME Financing Risk : Impact & Countermeasure

  16. 影响我国融资风险积累的主要因素有那些?

    Those are the main factors affecting the financing risks accumulated ?

  17. 项目融资风险的模糊综合评价方法研究

    Study on the fuzzy synthetic evaluation method of project financing risk

  18. 我国民营企业融资风险预警系统研究

    The Research of Private Enterprises Financing Prediction in Our Country

  19. 房地产投资项目融资风险的灰色模糊评判研究

    The Grey Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Financing Risk in Real Estate Investment

  20. 融资风险规避与高速公路建设管理

    The Elusion of Financial Risk in Expressway Construction and Management

  21. 第二部分:对项目融资风险管理的整体认识。

    Chapter 2 is the whole acquaintance of project financing risk management .

  22. 项目融资风险问题研究

    A Research on the Issue of the Risk During the Project Financing

  23. 第四部分:项目融资风险的分析。

    Chapter 4 is the risk analysis of project management .

  24. 我国基础设施项目投融资风险管理机制研究

    China 's Investment and Financing Infrastructure Projects Research in Risk Management Mechanism

  25. 我国民营企业创业板上市融资风险研究

    Research on the Risk of China 's Private-owned Enterprise in the GEM

  26. 商业房地产项目融资风险的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Appraisal of Financing Risk in Commercial Real Estate

  27. 蒙特卡罗在项目融资风险评估中的应用

    Application of Monte Carlo in Risk Assessment of Project Finance

  28. 知识产权质押融资风险分散和防范机制研究

    The Prevention and Spread Risks Mechanism of Intellectual Property Pledge

  29. 天然气管道项目融资风险研究

    A Study of Risks in Financing Natural Gas Pipeline

  30. 我国上市公司融资风险及其防范

    The Financing Risk and Preventings for Domestic Listed Companies