
rónɡ zī zū lìn
  • finance lease;financial lease;financial leasing;capital lease
  1. 我国企业融资租赁影响因素的实证研究&基于logisti分c析

    An Empirical Research of Factors that Influence the Financial Lease in Chinese Enterprises

  2. 谈融资租赁固定资产及其帐务处理

    Talk on Financial Lease of Fixed Assets and Its Accounting Treatment

  3. 我国加入WTO以后,与世界经济接轨是其主要的发展途径,融资租赁业在我国必将得到快速发展。

    With the WTO 's entry of our country , it is an important avenue to great economic development that to get joint with the world economic .

  4. 基于CAPM模型的工程建设融资租赁风险分析

    Risk Analysis of CAPM Model Based Financing Tenancy of Project

  5. MS金融租赁公司于2008年在天津成立,是一家专门从事融资租赁业务和经营租赁业务的专业化金融租赁公司。

    MS financial leasing Co. , Ltd was established in 2008 in Tianjing , China . It is a company specialized in financial and operating lease .

  6. 本文用Excel表格处理软件制作融资租赁业务的租金计算模型。

    With the help of Excel Spreadsheet Processing Software , an effective calculating model for rent of capital business is suggested in this article .

  7. 然而从融资租赁的渗透率和与GDP的占比情况来看,与发达国家相比,我国融资租赁业的发展还显得相对滞后。

    However , from the view of penetration of financial leasing and the proportion to GDP , compared with the developed countries , the development of Chinese financial leasing still lagged behind .

  8. 铁路货车租赁业务,不论是经营租赁还是融资租赁在国内都比较少见,本文是站在ZB公司立场上针对此类业务分析铁路货车租赁业务的风险管理。

    Railway freight cars lease business is rare in domestic market whatever for operating lease or finance lease .

  9. YD租赁公司作为行业领导者在融资租赁行业积累了多年经验,一直以来是行业内的佼佼者。

    As the industry leader in the financial leasing industry , YD leasing company has accumulated many years of experience , has been the industry leader .

  10. 引领日本企业大举进入点心债券市场的是欧力士(orix)和日立资本(hitachicapital)等融资租赁公司,它们通过购买机械设备并将其租赁给银行贷款成本较高的客户使资金跨境流入中国。

    The big push into the dim sum market has been led by leasing companies such as Orix Corporationand Hitachi capital , which have moved funds across the border into China to buy equipment and machinery to lease to customers facing higher costs for bank loans .

  11. 本文以SZY公司融资租赁项目为例,通过介绍融资租赁的各种形式,比较融资租赁和银行借款的现金流、收益状况,初步得出通过售后租回获得商业地产项目融资的项目模式。

    After introducing various forms of the finance lease , comparing cash flow and earnings of different finance leases and bank borrowings , preliminary draw for commercial real estate project financing project mode .

  12. 论我国融资租赁公司风险管理措施的完善

    Approaches to Enhance Financial Lessors ' Risk Management Measures in China

  13. 构建电网工程建设融资租赁模式的研究

    The Innovation Research for Financing Grid Engineering by Financial Lease Model

  14. 第二章是有关融资租赁概念及理论的介绍。

    Chapter 2 is about concepts and theories of financing lease .

  15. 我国公立医院融资租赁医疗设备存在的问题与对策

    The Problems of Financial-leasing in Public Hospitals in China and Strategies

  16. 关于发展国融资租凭业的研究论我国融资租赁的发展与创新

    A Study on China 's Development and Innovation of Financial Leasing

  17. 融资租赁从2001年开始,成功地被引用在印刷行业。

    From 2001 , financial leasing was introduced into printing industry .

  18. 这三种是最常见的融资租赁模式。

    These above are the most common mode of finance leases .

  19. 利用出口融资租赁扩大我国机电产品出口研究

    Research in Boosting Export of China 's Machines Through Export Finance Lease

  20. 融资租赁在医院医学设备采购中的应用

    The application of finance leasing in hospital medical equipment purchasing

  21. 我国融资租赁的发展环境及其改善

    On the Developing Environment Lease Financing and its Improvement in our Country

  22. 汽车融资租赁和汽车消费信贷比较分析

    Comparative Analysis between Auto Financing Lease and Auto Consumption Credit

  23. 火热的冰河时期&融资租赁在中国难以发展的深层次原因分析

    Further Analysis on Obstacles to Rental Financing Development in China

  24. 对补偿贸易与融资租赁帐务处理的探讨

    On the Account Disposal in Compensate Trade and Financing Tenancy

  25. 对车辆实行单车融资租赁承包后技术管理工作的探讨

    Discussion on Technical Management Work after Single vehicle Lease Contact

  26. 依照融资租赁规定,对财产的剩余价值进行处理;

    Disposing of the residual value of properties under a financial lease ;

  27. 租赁,特别是融资租赁业务的迅速发展,客观上要求有相应的准则或制度对租赁会计予以规范。

    The rapid development of renting , corresponding rules to standardize it .

  28. 试论我国厂商融资租赁的发展对策

    Countermeasures Against the Development of Manufacturers ' Participation in Chinese Financial Lease

  29. 工程机械融资租赁给施工企业带来的机遇和挑战

    Opportunities and Challenges of the Financial Leasing to Construction Companies

  30. 我国是在八十年代初引进了融资租赁业务。

    Our country is in the 1980s to introduce lease financing business .