
  • 网络Leaseback;sale and leaseback;sale-leaseback;lease-back;sale and lease back
  1. 固定资产售后回租决策问题探讨

    Decision-Making on Sale and Leaseback Transactions of Fixed Assets

  2. 通过售后回租交易和高杠杆比例,私人股本公司利用这些错误定价从该行业榨取了大量钱财,让资金缺乏的企业很容易受到经济放缓或收费压力的影响。

    These mispricings , exploited through sale and leaseback deals and high leverage , enabled private equity houses to extract large amounts of money from the sector , leaving thinly capitalised businesses vulnerable to any slowdown or pressure on fees .

  3. 汇丰控股打算售后回租这三座大楼。

    If the three buildings are sold , HSBC plans to lease back the space .

  4. 其中售后回租融资模式是本人根据实践和筹资理论创新出来的一种房地产项目融资模式,在实践中已经得到应用。

    The sales and leaseback financing mode is on the basis of my financing theory , and has been used in practice .