
qì chē zū lìn
  • Car Rental;car leasing
  1. 汽车租赁跨国经营的现状及对策

    Status Quo of Transnational Car Leasing and Approaches to Its Improvement

  2. 该公司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。

    The company has branched out into car leasing .

  3. 随着汽车租赁业的两极分化,生意将流向较大的公司。

    As the car rental industry polarizes , business will go to the bigger companies

  4. H汽车租赁公司上海市场的营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategy of H Car Rental Company in Shanghai Market

  5. 汽车租赁公司Enterprise凭借大量培训而成为最受大学毕业生欢迎的雇主。

    Enterprise , the rental car company , has become a top employer for new college grads because of its extensive training .

  6. SD模型在我国汽车租赁行业发展趋势分析中的应用

    Application of SD Model in Development Trend Analysis of Rent Automobile in Our Country

  7. 即使您可以使用它今天当你收到你的汽车租赁机场,GPS技术在它。

    Even you can use it today when you get a rental car at your airport without GPS in it .

  8. 但也有许多公司仍然坚持提供培训。汽车租赁公司Enterprise凭借大量培训而成为最受大学毕业生欢迎的雇主。

    But others are holding the line . Enterprise , the rental car company , has become a top employer for new college grads because of its extensive training .

  9. 一家全球汽车租赁公司了解可支持其关键业务动力的SOA解决方案的价值主张

    A global car rental company understood the value propositions of a SOA solution that would support its key business drivers

  10. 如今,他正准备将让一嗨汽车租赁有限公司(ehicarservice)赴纽约上市。

    Now he is preparing to take the company , EHI car service , public with a New York listing .

  11. 这种解决方案假定每个与AcmeTravel有业务关系的航班、旅店和汽车租赁代理都将其预约系统作为Web服务而具体化了。

    This solution makes the assumption that each airline , hotel and car rental agency with which Acme Travel deals has externalized its reservation system as a web service .

  12. 2007年,企业租车公司(EnterpriseRent-A-Car)收购了合并之后的全美/阿拉莫车队,成为美国最大的汽车租赁公司。

    Then in 2007 , enterprise rent-a-car acquired the combined national / Alamo fleet , making it the largest car rental company in the US .

  13. 中国汽车租赁业现状与发展实证研究&以JL汽车租赁公司退出市场为例

    On Normative Research of Status and Development of China 's Automobile Lease Industry

  14. 过去几年,全美汽车租赁公司(National)收购了阿拉莫(Alamo),安飞士租车(Avis)与巴吉(Budget)合并,Thrifty与Dollar成功联姻,而赫兹则收购了优势租车公司(Advantage)。

    In the last few years national bought Alamo , Avis merged with budget , thrifty hooked up with dollar ( DTG ) and Hertz acquired advantage .

  15. 许多做到了这一点的公司都变得家喻户晓,比如网络视频供应商Netflix和汽车租赁网站Zipcar。

    Many services that do are hugely popular , like Netflix ( NFlx ) and Zipcar .

  16. 所以,如果不算机场外租车点,赫兹与Dollar合并后将占汽车租赁市场的38%,肯定会引起华盛顿的警觉。

    So if one strips out off-airport locations , the Hertz and dollar deal would command around 38 % of the of the rental market , which is sure to raise alarm bells in Washington .

  17. 为了添加与航空公司、汽车租赁和宾馆等伙伴的集成,BPEL调用它们所提供的Web服务并使Acme的伙伴在恰当的时候调用Acme的Web服务。

    BPEL adds integration with its airline , rental car , and hotel partners by invoking web services provided by them , and by having Acme 's partners invoke Acme 's web services when appropriate .

  18. 而且租金还出奇地便宜:一嗨汽车租赁有限公司(eHiCarServiceLtd.)一辆续航里程90公里的国产荣威(Roewe)租金仅相当于25美元/天。

    And it 's surprisingly cheap : eHi Car Service Ltd. charges the equivalent of just $ 25 a day for a Chinese-built Roewe with a range of about 90 kilometers .

  19. 美国AutoNation汽车租赁公司、彭斯克汽车集团(PenskeAutomotiveGroup)以及GroupOne(美国第四大汽车经销商&译注)等公司至少有三分之一的销售额来自丰田、本田和日产等日本品牌。

    AutoNation ( an , Fortune 500 ) , Penske Automotive Group ( PAG , Fortune 500 ) , and group one all get more than a third of their sales from Toyota , Honda , and Nissan .

  20. 扩充我们的汽车租赁实例,假设我们想通过EAI来保持RentalSystem中列出的HireUnit保持最新,提取、合并,并转换两个源列表。

    Extending our car rental example , suppose we want to use EAI to keep the Hire Unit list in RentalSystem up to date , extracting , merging , and transforming the two source lists .

  21. 南非有一家Europcar汽车租赁公司,它名为Xplorer的设备。

    In South Africa , Europcar , a car-rental firm , offers a device called the Xplorer .

  22. 二者间的合作将建立起联合汽车租赁系统,增加Lyft平台上可供出租的的汽车数量。

    The partnership will also create a joint car rental service for drivers to increase the number of vehicles available through Lyft .

  23. Zillow计划与TrueCar召开为期一整天的高层会议。TrueCar网站通过收集汽车租赁数据,为消费者提供汽车价格信息。

    Zillow is planning an entire day of executive-to-executive meetings with TrueCar , a site that provides pricing information to consumers gleaned from collecting auto leasing data .

  24. 汽车租赁&汽车销售和消费的新方式

    A New Method of Vehicle Sales and Consumption - Vehicle Rental

  25. 欧美汽车租赁业发展报告

    Report on Development of the Vehicle Rental in America and Europe

  26. 我们可以一起去汽车租赁处。

    We can all go to the car rental agency together .

  27. 考虑汽车租赁公司维修能力的汽车调度研究

    Multi-location Vehicle Dispatchment Considering the Maintaining Capability of Car Rental Firms

  28. 华驰汽车租赁有限公司是国内综合汽车租赁服务提供商。

    Is a service provider for domestic comprehensive automobile lease service .

  29. 你是我们频繁汽车租赁公司的会员吗?

    Are you a member of our frequent rent-a-car club ?

  30. 国内汽车租赁业病在哪?

    Domestic car rental industry is in a bad way ?