
  • 网络Kauf bricht nicht Miete;emptio non tollit locatum
  1. 第一章是对买卖不破租赁组原则的概述。

    Chapter one is about general situation of sales not devastating lease .

  2. 买卖不破租赁的法理困境及其出路

    The Dilemma in Jurisprudent of No Break of Lease with Bargain and Outlet

  3. 论买卖不破租赁原则

    On the Principle of Sales Not Devastating Lease

  4. 论买卖不破租赁

    On No Break of Lease with Bargain

  5. 第四部分回到我国买卖不破租赁制度的规定上,反思现行规定的缺陷,提出立法建议。

    The fourth part back to our business leasing do not break the rules and regulations on reflection , for legislative proposals .

  6. 不动产租赁权性质初探买卖不破租赁与租赁权的善意取得

    On the Nature of the Leasehold of Real Estate Law Does Not Differentiate Chattels from Real Estates and Leasehold of Bona Fide Acquisition

  7. 二是租赁物是否为出租人所有而让与租赁物,不同情况下买卖不破租赁的适用是不同的。

    The second is the lease for all , the shipowner with the lease , different circumstances and not applicable leases are different .

  8. 最后提出完善我国买卖不破租赁制度的立法上的建议。

    In the end , it puts forward the perfection suggestions of the legislation of the system of no break of lease with bargain .

  9. 该制度赖以生存的社会基础仍然存在,可以带来很大的经济效益,而且具有买卖不破租赁原则不能代替的功能。

    This system is the survival of social basis still exist , can bring great economic benefits , but also has " trade does not break leasing " principle cannot replace function .

  10. 三是租赁期间范围太大,租赁合同分阶段性的特点,使不同阶段适用买卖不破租赁的情况也不同。

    The third is the scope of the lease period was too big to lease part of the initial stage , apply to different business leasing do not break the situation is different .

  11. 买卖不破租赁制度是随着社会经济的发展,为了维护公平正义,保护弱势承租人的利益产生的。

    The system of sales not devastating lease , with the social and economic development , in order to maintain fairness and justice , to protect the interest of vulnerable tenants , has generated .

  12. 所谓买卖不破租赁原则,是指在租赁关系存续过程中,租赁物被让与或设定物权的,承租人对取得租赁物所有权或他物权的人,可主张其承租权,此即所谓对抗力。

    The so-called principle of sales not devastating lease means that a leaser can affirm his right to lease to anyone who has property right of the lease subject while the lease contract is being performed , namely the adverse claim .

  13. 在此部分笔者首先对买卖不破租赁规则的基本内涵、立法目的以及适用条件进行介绍为提出次承租人能够使用该规则做下铺垫。

    In this part , the author firstly introduces the connotation of " sales can not devastating lease " principle , legislating purpose and applicable conditions which is as the groundwork to bring up that the sub-lessee can use the principle .

  14. 买卖不破租赁的规定,脱离了债权相对性原则,例外地使承租人不必承受出租人让与租赁物的风险,使承租人取得某种接近对世的权限。

    The rules of not breaking the sale of lease , breakthrough the principle of debt relativity , exception to Lessor not have to bear the risk of the leased property , Let the lessee has some close to the permissions .