
  1. 均等化转移支付规模的研究首先需要确定“均等化”目标的含义。

    The research on the fiscal transfer payment scale of equalization requires defining the meaning of the equalization target .

  2. 第三,构建一个较为符合山东西部县乡财政实际的均等化转移支付制度。

    Third , to build an actual transfer payment model in line with the western Shandong county and township fiscal equalization .

  3. 实证研究表明,均等化转移支付需求较大,而且,地区间的差异较为明显。

    The research finding shows that there is a great demand for the transfer payment of the equalization with obvious regional differences .

  4. 基本公共服务均等化与转移支付制度设计

    Equalization of the Basic Public Services and Design of the Financial Transfer Payment System

  5. 建立均等化的转移支付制度,使各级财政能力和财政支出达到平衡;

    Transfer payment system will be established to realize finance balance of central and regional government .

  6. 地区间农村小学教育均等化财政转移支付模型&基于财政能力和财政需求的视角

    Financial Transfer Payment Model of Promoting the Equalization of Rural Primary Education & Based on the Standpoint of Financial Capacity and Financial Needs

  7. 政府间财政转移支付是实现地区公共服务均等化的重要制度保障,而公共服务均等化是转移支付制度的目标。

    Fiscal transfer payment between governments is the important system guarantee to realize regional equalization of public service ; equalization of public service is the aim of transfer payment system .