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  • equilibrium price
  1. 特别是长期均衡价格高于、低于还是等于(b)中的短期价格P2?

    Specifically , would the new long-run equilibrium price be above , below , or equal to the short-run equilibrium price in part ( b )?

  2. 该算法在受到自身服务质量(Qos)约束的条件下,通过主用户系统使用均衡价格的方案达到利润最大化。

    The primary user systems maximize their own profits by using the equilibrium price scheme under the conditions of the quality of service ( QoS ) constraints .

  3. 均衡价格附近的价格变化F预测

    Fuzzy Prediction of Price - Change Near Balanced Price

  4. CAPM模型揭示了风险与收益的关系,即一个证券的收益与其风险呈线性关系,同时也说明了证券均衡价格如何形成的机制。

    CAPM reveals the relationship between risks and returns , which is liner . And it explains how security equilibrium prices .

  5. 连续统消费者集合下一种Leontief经济的生产价格和一般均衡价格

    A Leontief economy prodution price and general equilibrium Pricer with a continum of consumers

  6. Brouwer定理与均衡价格

    Brouwer 's Theorem and the Equilibrium Prices

  7. 无成本假说是资本资产定价模型(CAPM)“资产均衡价格与投资者偏好无关结论”的根本原因。

    The No-cost Hypothesis is the fundamental cause for " Asset equilibrium price has nothing to do with the investor 's preference " in Capital Asset Prices Model ( CAPM ) .

  8. IPO发行定价是否符合二级市场的均衡价格是判断发行定价是否合理的一个重要的标准,因此本文利用的上市后月均价作为多因素定价模型的因变量。

    Whether the price of IPO is consistent with secondary market pricing is an important standard which determine the reasonableness of the pricing . Therefore , the price of the listing for one month is chosen to be the dependent variable .

  9. 马歇尔均衡价格论的价值决定评析

    Review on the Value Determination of Marshal 's Equilibrium Price Theory

  10. 供应链管理中的订货批量与均衡价格模型研究

    A Model of EOQ and Equilibrium Price in Supply Chain Management

  11. 资本市场中均衡价格向量的存在性

    Existence of an Equilibrium Price Vector in the Capital Market

  12. 供应链中的均衡价格和广告策略研究

    The Equilibrium Price and Advertising Strategies in a Supply Chain

  13. 资产回报、住房按揭贷款与房地产均衡价格

    On the Asset Return , Mortgage Lending and Property Price

  14. 本文研究了流动性风险对证券均衡价格的影响。

    The paper studies liquidity risk 's effect on balanced stock pricing .

  15. 用软对策论分析均衡价格的形成机制

    Analysis of the Scheme of Price Equilibrium with Drama Theory

  16. 本文分析农民增产不增收的原因有两条,其一是在于农产品供给没有满足市场的需求,造成均衡价格偏低;

    There are two reasons for the decrease of farmers ' income .

  17. 均衡价格减少,但均衡数量增加。

    The equilibrium price decreases but equilibrium quantity increases .

  18. 劳动价值论与均衡价格论的比较与分析

    A Comparison and Analysis about Labour Theory of Value and Equilibrium Price Theory

  19. 农地租赁均衡价格形成及演变的实证研究

    The Formation and Development Trend of the Balanced Price of Renting Arable Land

  20. 房地产评估的价值区间及均衡价格研究

    Study of Interval and Equilibrium Price to Assess the Value of Real Estate

  21. 均衡价格&动态市场价格的形成与变化趋势

    Equilibrium Price : the Price Setting in Dynamic Market and Its Changing Trend

  22. 市场均衡价格和数量取决于市场参与者的数量。

    Equilibrium market prices and quantities depend on the number of market participants .

  23. 非均衡价格&数量调节交通分配模型

    Disequilibrium traffic assignment models by price-quantity regulation

  24. 模型的结论为:在一定条件下,电子商务中介的加入将扩大搜寻范围,降低均衡价格。

    This thesis models the effect of online intermediaries on search cost and equilibrium price .

  25. 西方主流经济学中的两个伪问题&评均衡价格与经济均衡

    Two False Problems in Western Mainstream Economics

  26. 运用均衡价格理论探讨高教服务价格改革

    Discussion as to the Reform of Higher Education Service Price Based on Equilibrium Price Theory

  27. 国会通过了飞盘价格高于均衡价格2元的价格下限。

    A concerned Congress votes to impose a price floor $ 2 above the equilibrium price .

  28. 本来资本市场的有效性指的就是均衡价格对信息的有效性。

    In fact , the efficiency of capital market means that equilibrium price is efficient to information .

  29. 基准利率对市场均衡价格的任何偏离,都会通过风险结构和期限结构传导扩散到整个利率体系。

    When interest deviates from equilibrium , it will affect whole interest system through risk-frame and term-frame .

  30. 从商品交易角度出发,商品的供求决定着商品的均衡价格。

    From the trade point , commodity price is decided by the balance of supply and demand .