
jūn shì
  • balance of power;equilibrium;equipoise;equilibrium of forces;equilibration
均势 [jūn shì]
  • [equilibrium] 力量相当;力量平衡的态势

  • 保持均势

均势[jūn shì]
  1. 力量均势从工人向雇主倾斜。

    The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers .

  2. 各公司正在试图让劳动力市场的均势向有利于自己的方向倾斜。

    Firms are trying to shift the balance of power in the labour market back in their favour .

  3. 传统社会文化背景下的均势型村治&一个个案的调查分析

    One Case : Equipollent Villager ' Self-Government in Traditional Social Culture

  4. 均势外交中的五极&论尼克松-基辛格的多极均衡

    Five Powers in Diplomacy of Equilibrium & Nixon-Kissinger 's Multipolar Balance

  5. 这些资金所用之处的均势已经发生了决定性的转移。

    The balance of where that money goes has decisively shifted .

  6. 均势理论与世界秩序

    The Theory of Balance of Power and the World Order

  7. 均势外交是伍廷芳采取的外交策略。

    The diplomatic strategy of balance of power was adopted by Wu .

  8. 他们担心这会打破世界力量均势。

    They were afraid this would upset the world balance of power .

  9. 均势供应链及其利润分配机制探讨

    Balanced Supply Chain and Discussion of Its Benefit Allocation Mechanism

  10. 从均势制衡的难题看多边主义的兴起

    The Rise of Multilateralism due to Balance - of-Power Difficulties

  11. 试论西方均势理论的合理内核

    The Rational Kernel of the Balance of Power Theory in the West

  12. 我相信这个均势将被维持。

    I believe this state of equilibrium will be maintained .

  13. 必须确立欧洲的均势。

    The equilibrium of force must be established in Europe .

  14. 霸权均势:冷战后美国的战略选择

    Hegemonic balance of power : post-Cold War U.S. Strategic Choices

  15. 许多欧洲人不喜欢这种均势政治。

    Many Europeans recoil from that kind of balance-of-power politics .

  16. 我们将不惜一切代价维持世界力量的均势。

    We would maintain the world balance of power at all costs .

  17. 维也纳体系下的均势与百年和平

    Vienna System 's Balanced Power and the " Rise of Peace "

  18. (力量、重要性等的)均衡,均势他们的婚姻在传统和现代价值观之间保持着微妙平衡。

    Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values .

  19. 均势与东北亚安全模式的选择

    Balance of Power and the Choice of the Secure Pattern of Northeast Asia

  20. 现实主义崇尚以均势秩序堆护世界和平;

    Realism advocates safeguarding world peace with the order of balance of power ;

  21. 温盐双扩散系统中均势场的二维模拟

    2-Dimensional Simulation of Thermohaline Double - Diffusive Convection System

  22. 少数派在新闻媒介战中最终获得了均势。

    The minority group has at last achieved parity in the media stakes .

  23. 新政党的壮大打破了力量的均势。

    The growth of the new political party upset the balance of power .

  24. 试论尼克松政府全球均势外交

    On the Global Diplomacy of Equilibrium of Nixon Administration

  25. 权力均势到底往左倾斜多少仍有待观察。

    How far the balance shifts to the left remains to be seen .

  26. 均势理论具有永恒的生命力。

    The theory of the equilibrium has eternal validity .

  27. 军事均势是和平共处的保障;

    Military balance is the guarantee of peaceful coexistence ;

  28. 本文的第三部分主要论述历史和现实中的均势实践。

    In the third part , the balance of power practice will be discussed .

  29. 较低水平常规力量的可核查的全面稳定均势;

    Verifiable , comprehensive and stable balance of conventional forces at a lower level ;

  30. 这更有可能标志着地缘政治均势正在发生结构性转变。

    Much more likely , it marks the structural shift in the geopolitical balance .