
sù qiú
  • appeal;petition;recount and request
  • demand;pursue
  1. 这封信最初是由孟菲斯的《商业诉求》获得的,该信还包含了摩根对这一方案的几点担忧。

    That letter , which includes several concerns Morgan has with the plan , was originally obtained by The Commercial Appeal in Memphis .

  2. 情感担保的力量RP网格与广告情感诉求策略

    The Strength of Emotional Bonding : the R-P Network and the Tactics of Advertising Appeal to Emotion

  3. 面对反对党这一重大诉求,当局立场坚定。

    The authorities proved unyielding on one crucial opposition demand

  4. 他们的诉求可能会被一些不知姓名的官员们莫名其妙地驳回。

    They can have their cases rejected , without reasons being given , by nameless officials .

  5. 其设计目标和商业诉求就是运动装,其突出特征就是充满解决问题的巧思和现实生活的实用性。

    The design objective and the business commitment were to sportswear , and the distinctive traits were problem-solving ingenuity and realistic lifestyle applications .

  6. 它是在提诉求?还是只是引起我们的兴趣?

    Is it making a claim ? Or does it only interest us ?

  7. 于是在1884年,美加产职业工会联合会聚在芝加哥,并提出一项主要诉求:一天工作八小时。

    So in 1884 , the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions met in Chicago and had one major demand : an eight-hour workday .

  8. 企业有义务拿出证据证明产品安全、拿出措施提升产品和服务质量、拿出诚意解决涉及到的消费者诉求。

    Enterprises are obliged to produce evidence to prove product safety , take measures to improve the quality of products and services , and meet demands of consumers with sincerity .

  9. 在我看来,结婚的渴望是存在于女人最根本的思想当中的,这真是令我深感抱歉,而且这种渴望几乎马上会被一种同样根本的诉求,也就是重新单身,所取代。——

    It seemed to me that the desire to get married – which , I regret to say , I believe is basic and primal6 in women – is followed almost immediately by an equally basic and primal urge – which is to be single again . -

  10. 城市社区的国家与社会:现实诉求和路径依赖对C市市长公开电话的个案研究

    State and Society in Modern Urban Community : Realistic Appealing and Path Dependence : A Case Study of Mayor 's Publicized Telephone in C city

  11. CD唱片封面设计既体现出强烈时代感又充满了浓浓文化思想,它是大众文化需求的化身,承载着艺术与商业的双重诉求。

    Cover design of the CD disc embodies the blazing sense of the times and the strong thoughts and culture .

  12. 从人均GDP来看,目前我国已经进入中等发达国家之列,在这个特殊的历史时期里,各种利益主体的利益诉求都应当给予充分尊重并进行妥善处理,否则就会影响社会稳定和社会和谐。

    We have entered the range of moderately developed country according to GDP per capita in China . In this special historical period , benefit demand of various benefit body should be fully respected and appropriately handled . Otherwise , our society will be unstable .

  13. 感性诉求广告创意的新思维

    New thinking on the creative idea of ads of sentimental appeals

  14. 人类经验是人类诉求的最后的哲学基础。

    Experience is the final philosophic basis to which human appeal .

  15. 马克思哲学具有鲜明的人文诉求和意蕴。

    The Marxist philosophy has a distinct humanistic appeal and motivation .

  16. 蓄德为先&论书院教育的道德诉求及其历史影响

    Moral Appeal of Education in Classical Academy and its Historical Impact

  17. 电影作为艺术,是市场艺术,其机械复制的生产方式蕴含着商业性的诉求;

    As art the film is a kind of market art .

  18. 马克思政治哲学的价值诉求及其当代意义

    The Value Pursue of Marxist Political Philosophy and Its Modern Significance

  19. 广告诉求的心理基础与广告言语行为

    The Mentality Basic of Advertising and the Parole Act for Advertising

  20. 构建利益诉求新机制的思考

    Reflection on Constructing the New Mechanism of Interest and Right Litigation

  21. 不良资产处置模式创新的制度诉求

    Systematic Innovation of Disposal Pattern of Non - performing Assets

  22. 以此把握触控式虚拟展示中互动体验的受众心理需求和设计诉求。

    In order to grasp the audience psychological needs and design demands .

  23. 情感诉求是人质谈判的一大策略。

    The emotion sue is one big strategy in the hostage negotiates .

  24. 法律适用必须以追求一定的法律价值为诉求。

    The application of law should pursue the legal value .

  25. 第二,家庭暴力应当成为独立诉求。

    Secondly , domestic violence should be independent demand .

  26. 情感诉求广告及其心理效应分析

    The Emotional Appeal Advertisement and Its Psychological Effect Analysis

  27. 首先,广告诉求要准确鲜明。

    First , advertisements appeal to be accurately striking .

  28. 寻求人性诉求是现代广告创意制胜的法宝。

    To seek humanization expression is a successful trump for mod-em advertising originality .

  29. 以面孔建构美丽:两种性诉求广告说服效果的分析

    Face Creates Beauty : An Analysis on Two Kinds of Sexual Appealing Advertisements

  30. 浅议声乐教师应具备的素质浅谈声乐教学中教师的素养诉求

    A View about Qualities that Vocal Music Teachers Should Possess in the Teaching