
  • 网络Benefits of litigation;profit of actions
  1. 重构我国民事诉讼审判权的范围,应当在现代司法理念的基础之上,将诉的利益作为核心基准。

    To reconstruct our country 's imperium civile 's utilizing range , we should put profit of actions as the basic core standard to measure imperium civile 's utilizing range , which is based on the modern ideal of judicature .

  2. 因此,学者们根据诉的利益理论对相应的权利进行了界定。

    Therefore , rights are defined by scholars according to standing .

  3. 本章最后分析了诉的利益的本质。

    This chapter finally has analyzed the essence of the benefit of litigation .

  4. 利益法学是诉的利益的学说渊源。

    The benefit legal science is the theory origin of the benefit of litigation .

  5. 第三部分是诉的利益的实体考量标准的建构。

    Part 3 : Constructions of the standards of consideration of interest of litigation .

  6. 论行政诉讼诉的利益

    On Interests of Action in Administrative Litigation

  7. 如何确立这种筛选机制的评价标准呢?诉的利益就是这样一个标准。

    How establishes the evaluation criteria ? The benefit of litigation is this kind of standard .

  8. 笔者认为,诉的利益属于诉讼要件之一。

    The author believed , the benefit of litigation belongs to one of the lawsuit qualification .

  9. 原告资格是一种程序性权利,必须具有诉的利益。

    The plaintiff qualifications are one kind of procedural right , must have the benefit which sues .

  10. 诉的利益是大陆法系民事诉讼理论中极其重要的概念,作为民事诉权要件之诉的利益是法院判决的前提。

    Interest of Action is an extremely important conception in the theory of civil action in Continental Law Family .

  11. 此时,不得不利用诉的利益对其予以甄别和保护。

    At this point , we are forced to use the interest of litigation to discern and protect these .

  12. 在我国民事诉讼法的理论体系中,诉的利益是一个被忽视的概念。

    In the theory system of Chinese civil procedure law , the benefit of litigation is a neglected concept .

  13. 诉的利益是当事人诉诸诉讼所具有的法律利益及构成司法救济的必要性。

    Suit interests are the legal interests that parties have in a suit and the necessity of judicial remedy .

  14. 但是现代性的诉讼,在诉的利益上与传统的诉讼类型寻在差异,对当事人的适格理论产生了冲击。

    However , in modern lawsuits , the difference of interest of action between modern and traditional one poses a tremendous strike .

  15. 用诉的利益或者裁判上值得保护的利益界定行政诉讼原告资格是当今世界各国行政诉讼制度的发展趋势。

    Using interests in action or interests deserved to be protected by judgment as the criterion is the trend in modern times .

  16. 我们应把当事人适格、诉的利益以及诉讼目的作为环境公益诉讼原告资格的认定标准。

    We are supposed to turn litigant qualification and the interest of litigation into the standard of the establishment on plaintiff qualification .

  17. 行政诉讼诉的利益之基本理论主要包括涵义、产生、本质和功能四个方面。

    The fundamental theory of interest of action of Administrative Litigation mainly includes its concept , its source , its essence and function .

  18. 诉的利益是民事诉讼法中一个基本术语,它涉及到民事诉讼法诸多理论的构建和程序环节的设计。

    The benefit of litigation is a basic terminology in the civil procedure law ; it involves too many civil procedure law theories and procedures .

  19. 本文主要目的是初步构建民事诉讼法学中诉的利益的理论体系及其具体制度,全文共五章。

    The main goal of this article is initially constructs the theory system and concrete system of the benefit of litigation in the Civil Procedure Law .

  20. 它的产生和发展得益于权力制约理论、公共信托理论、诉的利益扩张理论的提出与应用。

    It benefited from the development of power generation and control theory , the public trust doctrine , v. interests expansion and application of the theory presented .

  21. 所以,在立法上,我们有必要将现行民事诉讼法所规定的起诉条件中涉及到诉的利益的部分予以排除,而对起诉条件仅做形式上的要求。

    Therefore , in the legislation , we must remove the benefit of litigation from the prosecution condition , but request the prosecution condition only in the form .

  22. 首先,从诉权理论出发,探究了股东提起派生诉讼的实体法基础和程序法依据,即股东权和诉的利益。

    First of all , based on the theory of the right of suit , explored the substantive law and procedural law basis on the shareholder derivative lawsuit .

  23. 而对诉的利益判断的具体标准,世界各国民事诉讼法大都是从诉的种类的角度加以规定。

    But to the concrete judgment standard t of the benefit of litigation , the various countries civil procedure law mostly stipulate it from the angle of litigation type .

  24. 而诉的利益之定性,其实就是指诉的利益究竟是属于权利保护要件、还是属于诉讼要件问题。

    The qualitative of the benefit of litigation , actually refers the question which it is belongs to the right protection qualification , or belongs to the lawsuit qualification .

  25. 环境民事诉讼诉的利益研究第五部分运用民事诉讼中诉的利益理论和当事人适格理论分析行政诉讼原告资格的法理基础。

    A Research of the Interest of Claim in Law of Procedure for Environmental Dispute Resolution The second part analyses the basic theory of the plaintiff qualification on administration litigation .

  26. 关于诉的利益判断的一般标准,往往以否定或阻却诉的利益的事项出现,这些事项具有防止滥用诉权的作用。

    About the general judgment standard of the benefit of litigation often appears in the denial items . These items have the function of prevented the abuse in the right of suit .

  27. 这部分首先从破除理论障碍出发,引入了诉的利益理论和信托理论,然后构建了以检察机关、行政机关为主,以公民个人、社会团体为辅的公共设施公益诉讼的原告体系。

    In this part , theories about interests of litigation and trust are introduced to break theoretical barriers , and then the plaintiff system of public inerest litigation of public facilities is constructed .

  28. 为了正确判断当事人提出的诉讼请求是否具有诉的利益,应当从客观和主观两个方面来分析诉之利益的要件。

    In order to judge correctly whether the claims that the party puts forward have interest of action , we should analyse the important documents of the interest of action from objective and subjective respects .

  29. 要想认识诉的利益之本质,必须首先对诉的利益进行科学合理的定位,并探讨诉的利益的性质。

    Want to know the essence of the benefit of litigation , first , we must carry the benefit of litigation on the science reasonable localization , and discuss the nature of the benefit of litigation .

  30. 笔者认为,无论是在诉权理论、诉的利益理论,抑或是在当事人理论上,社会公众都应对国有资产流失问题具有无可争辩的诉讼权利。

    The author thinks that , whether in litigation theory , the litigant advantage theory , or is to be in the theory , the social public to the loss of state-owned assets is indisputable litigation rights .