
sù sònɡ fèi yòng dān bǎo
  • security of costs
  1. 笔者认为,规定诉讼费用担保制度仍是有必要的。

    The author believed that it was still necessary to introduce this system .

  2. 第一部分,诉讼费用担保制度的起源和发展。

    Part 1 fee origin and development of fee system of security for costs .

  3. 第二,健全约束机制,包括完善原告资格的限制,限制原告的处分权利及建立有条件的诉讼费用担保制度。

    Second , perfect the restriction mechanism : perfecting the restrictions of the plaintiff qualification , limiting the plaintiffs sanctions rights and establishing the conditional guarantee system of the litigation cost .

  4. 其次,对股东派生诉讼中的诉讼费用担保制度进行了探讨,基于我国股东派生诉讼之现况,建议我国可暂不引进诉讼费用担保制度,以促进股东派生诉讼的适用。

    Secondly , the shareholder derivative litigation costs of a security system was discussed , based on the current state of our derivative litigation , suggest not introduce the cost of litigation system in order to promote the application of the shareholder derivative lawsuit .

  5. 作为一种阻却恶意诉讼的约束机制,诉讼费用担保制度在各国的实际应用中并没有发挥良好的作用。

    As a restraint mechanism for malicious actions , the system did not play well in practice .

  6. 主要内容是股东代表诉讼的前置程序;诉讼费用担保机制的设立;对股东处分权的限制;败诉股东的责任约束。

    Shareholder litigation on behalf of the main contents of the pre-procedure ; legal costs of setting up security mechanisms ; disposition restrictions on shareholders ; losing the responsibility of the shareholders constraints .

  7. 建立、健全我国股东派生诉讼制度的途径有:采取诉讼费用担保制度、限制原告股东的处分权利、明确股东败诉时的赔偿责任等。

    To establish and perfect our country litigation system of shareholder derivation , we need to use the lawsuit expense guarantee system , limit the plaintiff shareholder 's punishment rights , clear the compensation responsibility when shareholder lost a lawsuit and so on .

  8. 股东派生诉讼制度存在原告界定范围过窄,诉讼费用担保不明确,管辖及举证责任不明确等问题。

    There are many problems existed in the stockholder 's derivative suit system , such as lawsuit fee guaranty , evidence responsibility and government is not clear , actor rang is not wide .

  9. 本文第四部分探讨了股东代表诉讼程序中的衡平机制,即诉讼前置程序制度和诉讼费用担保制度。

    The equitable mechanism of the system of shareholder representative action has been discussed in the fourth part .

  10. 为了防止以上现象的出现,各国法律设计了股东代表诉讼的多种制约机制,如原告股东的资格、前置程序、诉讼费用担保、和解的审查与批准等。

    In order to avoid bad infection , many countries ' law frame restriction , such as the qualifications of plaintiff , pre-suit procedure , Security for expenses in derivative suit , examination and approval of pacification .

  11. 如原告股东提起诉讼存在恶意或者在诉讼中有不当诉讼行为,则由原告股东自行承担上述费用。第四部分,简要阐述了股东代表诉讼制度的诉讼费用担保制度的意义。

    If the plaintiff was malicious or had misconduct in the action , the plaintiff should bear all the above costs . Part ⅳ briefly analyzed the significance of the sponsor system of litigation costs in SRA .