
The litigation taking on will perhaps occur problem that have already sentenced to the subjective range of strength outspread because difference of legislation system of every state .
Imposition of the duty notice on state institutions is conducive to ensuring the charged to exercise their rights .
Because it is beneficial to achieve fairness and justice for the prosecutors to assume the objective responsibility in criminal procedure .
The defendant should prove that his frondose administrative behavior is legal and the plaintiff has overrun the period of prosecution .
In countries of continental law system the surveyor system basically bears similar function with the expert witness system in the lawsuit .
How to distribute the duty on testifying events and to assume the consequences is Very important issue on the criminal procedure .
Defense lawyers bear the responsibility for accurately maintaining applicable laws and fulfilling lawful rights and interests of the parties in criminal proceedings .
Limitation of adducing evidence plays an important role in deciding whether the litigants should bear the risk of unfair decision .
The basic theory on the burden of proof will be firstly stated , which is the basis for prosecuting attorney takes the main responsibility of proof in criminal trial .
If you win your case you will normally be awarded costs .
Fourthly , the responsibility of the cost of civil public interest litigation .
Court mediation agreement is in nature a kind of notarized contracts by court in action .
The burden of producing evidence , which makes a great significance to the criminal practice , is an important issue .
I put forward six ways of bearing civil liabilities and two defenses of our examiners ' undertaking civil liability in criminal suit by summarizing responsibility principle of examiners ' civil liability .
In this paper , the writer make several recommendations which is in the establishment of a civil commitment after borrowing the ideas from abroad , so that make a better to the national conditions of Chinese public welfare litigation system .
The standard of proof in criminal procedure indicates a legal requirement , which the subject of burden of proof in criminal procedure advocated by the evidence .
In the Civil Public Prosecution , one hand , the status of litigation between Prosecutor Institution and adversary parties are equality , which enjoy the equal lawsuit right and undertake the equal lawsuit obligation .
Lead plaintiff institute proceedings on behalf of the plaintiff groups , who not only enjoy the right of action on behalf of the plaintiff group , but also take responsibility for maintaining the obligation to maximize the interests of the plaintiff group .
Criminal suit function refers to the role and function that the national special organs and the people who involved in the suit , should play to accomplish their purpose and take their task .
Chapter IV focus on the procuratorial organs instituted environmental public interest litigation in several important aspects , including investigative powers , the cost of litigation , the outcome of the litigation bear .
The thesis discusses this distribution among the subjects of litigation , such as the investigative organ , the procuratorate , private prosecutor and the accused .
By letting judicial organs undertake the disadvantageous results caused by illegal behaviors which breach the legal litigation procedure , the criminal procedural system of sanction restricts the procedure-breached behaviors and provides rights relief to victims .
However , the situation of the judicial practice is complex , so the different type of the third party has different litigation rights and incurs different litigation obligation and the burden of proof .