
sù sònɡ xínɡ wéi nénɡ lì
  • capacity to action
  1. 论无民事诉讼行为能力人的自认&兼论《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第8条

    Admissions of Incompetent Person in the Common Pleas & An analysis of No. 8 of Evidentiary Rules in Common Pleas

  2. 仅自然人始具有当事人受讯问能力,在解释上不以其具有诉讼行为能力为必要。

    Only the nature man has parties interrogated capability , it is no need to have litigation behavior capacity in the interpretation .

  3. (二)一方当事人丧失诉讼行为能力,尚未确定法定代理人的;

    One of the parties has lost the capacity to engage in litigation and his agent ad item has not been designated yet ;

  4. 第五十七条无诉讼行为能力人由他的监护人作为法定代理人代为诉讼。

    Article 57 Any person with no legal capacity to engage in litigation shall have his guardian or guardians as statutory agents to act for him in a lawsuit .

  5. 第二十八条没有诉讼行为能力的公民,由其法定代理人代为诉讼。

    Article 28 Any citizen with no capacity to take part in litigation shall have one or more legal representatives who will act on his behalf in a suit .

  6. 当出现涉案人、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人死亡、逃跑或者丧失诉讼行为能力等情形时,案件将处于不立案、诉讼中止或者终止的状态。

    Where the person concerned in a case , criminal suspects , or defendants die , escape , or lose capacity , the case will not be put in file , or the litigation will be suspended or terminated .