
sù sònɡ dài lǐ rén
  • agent ad litem;legal representative;law agent
  1. (一)是本案当事人或者当事人、诉讼代理人的近亲属;

    He being a party to the case or a near relative of a party or an agent ad litem in the case ;

  2. 律师担任诉讼代理人或者辩护人的,其辩论或者辩护的权利应当依法保障。被告的辩护律师向陪审团提出抗辩。

    When a lawyer acts as an agent ad litem or a defender , his right to argue or present a defense shall be protected in accordance with the law .

  3. 第二节诉讼代理人

    Section 2 Agents ad Litem

  4. 诉讼代理人只有在有特别授权委托时才可以代替当事人行使回避申请权。

    The agent cannot substitute the his principal without special empowerment .

  5. (二)被告及其诉讼代理人答辩;

    Defence by the defendant and his agents ad litem ;

  6. 自认人包括当事人、诉讼代理人、共同诉讼人和第三人。

    Self-admissioner includes parties , representatives , common litigators and third parties .

  7. 作为妻子诉讼代理人的初级律师提出要求获得赡养费判令。

    Solicitor acting for the wife make an application for a maintenance order .

  8. (三)第三人及其诉讼代理人发言或者答辩;

    Oral statement or defence by the third party and his agents ad litem ;

  9. 但是,诉讼代理人查阅案件材料不得影响案件的审理。

    However , law agents'consulting of case materials may not affect the hearing of cases .

  10. 审判人员不得接受当事人及其诉讼代理人请客送礼。

    Judges may not accept dinner invitations or gifts from the litigants or their legal representatives .

  11. 被告及其诉讼代理人在作出具体行政行为后自行收集的证据;

    Evidence collected by the defendant and its litigation agent after delivery of specific administrative action ;

  12. (在法律上)未成年人或其他无行为能力者的诉讼代理人。

    A person who acts on behalf of an infant or disabled person ( in law ) .

  13. 向受送达人委托的有权代其接受送达的诉讼代理人送达;

    Through the litigation representative who is empowered by the recipient of service to receive the service for it ;

  14. 侦查阶段聘请的律师不构成辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪的主体。

    If what is obstructed is only the extrinsic evidences of civil procedure , the crime is not constituted .

  15. 完善了当事人及其诉讼代理人收集证据的方法和程序保障规则。

    This paper perfects the means of evidence-collecting and its procedural safeguard rules for parties and their agent ad litems .

  16. 诉讼代理人为了申请再审的需要,可以查阅已经审理终结的所代理案件有关材料。

    A law agent may consult the materials relating to the case it represents for the purpose of applying for retrial .

  17. 审判人员应当听取公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人的意见。

    The judges shall heed the opinions of the public prosecutor , the parties , the defenders and the agents ad litem .

  18. 对提供伪证的当事人、诉讼代理人和证人等,要依法予以制裁。

    Giving false testimony of the parties , witnesses and legal representatives , and so on , must be in accordance with the law sanctions .

  19. 对于在一般民事案件中,监护人的地位又分为三种,分别是法定代理人、法定诉讼代理人以及诉讼当事人。

    In common civil cases , there are three status of the guardian : the legal representative , the agent ad litem and the litigant to the lawsuit .

  20. 社会团体可受委托成为诉讼代理人,公民可以借助社会团体的力量行使诉权。

    The social organizations are legal representatives when they are entrusted , and citizens can exercise their right to lodge appeals with the support of the social organizations .

  21. 公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人经审判长许可,可以对证人、鉴定人发问。

    The public prosecutor , the parties , the defenders and agents ad litem , with the permission of the presiding judge , may question the witnesses and expert witnesses .

  22. 增设本罪的出发点是为了规范辩护人、诉讼代理人的执业行为,保障刑事诉讼活动的正常进行,实现审判的公正。

    The aim of adding this article is to regulate the conduct of the defender and the legal agent , ensure the smooth undergoing of criminal procedure and achieve fair trials .

  23. 是本案当事人或者当事人、诉讼代理人的近亲属,诉讼或诉讼的正当理由。

    Where he is a litigant in the case or a close relative of a litigant or his legal representative , an action or a suit or just grounds for an action .

  24. 一般来说,在话语冲突中,诉讼代理人可以理解法庭语轮控制、打断和重复等方法的意图,配合法官的审判。

    Generally speaking , litigation representatives can understand the intentions of the court during the conflict talk when the court resorts to the control of the turn distribution , interruption and overlap .

  25. 诉讼代理人代为承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,进行和解,提起反诉或者上诉,必须有委托人的特别授权。

    Where the litigant representative acts to recognize , abandon or alter the litigant request , lodge a counter-charge or file an appeal , he must have the special authorization of the represented .

  26. 在取证范围的重新分配问题上,笔者认为,应赋予当事人及其诉讼代理人对除拒证权事由以外的其他事项享有取证权。

    Regarding redistribution of evidence achievement range , the writer hold an opinion that it should give litigant and his attorney the right to obtain evidence of issues except rejection testifying right causes .

  27. 检察官的配偶、子女不得担任该检察官所任职检察院办理案件的诉讼代理人或者辩护人。

    No spouse or child of a public procurator may serve as an agent ad litem or a defender in a case being handled by the Procuratorates where the public procurator holds a post .

  28. 诉讼代理人的权限如果变更或者解除,当事人应当书面告知人民法院,并由人民法院通知对方当事人。

    Where the power of a litigant representative is changed or removed , the litigant shall inform the people 's court in writing , and the latter shall notify the litigant of the other party .

  29. 在法庭审理过程中,审判人员应当注意听取公诉人、当事人、辩护人和诉讼代理人提出的量刑意见。

    The judge shall , in the process of court proceedings , attend to the opinions put forward by the public prosecutor , the parties , the defender and the attorney with respect to sentencing .

  30. 作为民事实体法上的监护人也可以作为法定代理人委托诉讼代理人代理被监护人进行诉讼,此情况下监护人在民事诉讼中的诉讼地位仅仅是法定代理人。

    As the guardian in civil substantive law , one can also entrust agent ad litem with the lawsuit , in this situation , , the guardian is just a legal agent in civil substantive law .