
sù sònɡ shí xiào
  • extinctive prescription;limitation of actions;limitation of prosecutions
  1. 对当事人约定保证期间的意思进行解释可得出结论:约定的保证期间的性质是诉讼时效。

    A conclusion about explanation to the communal intentions of the parties can be reached that agreed guaranty period is a extinctive prescription .

  2. 我国现行立法上没有关于物权请求权制度的具体规定,尤其是物权请求权是否适用诉讼时效的问题没有明确,这也带来了学界争议以及法律实践中法律适用的困惑与混乱。

    The Civil Law of our country does not provide for the system of right of the real claim , particularly the problem of right of the real claim applied for extinctive prescription or not , what brought about by the theoretical disputes and the confusion in the law applicable .

  3. 法律对诉讼时效另有规定,依照法律规定。

    If the law has other provisions concerning limitation of action , those provisions shall apply .

  4. 第一百三十六条下列的诉讼时效期间为一年:

    Article 136 The limitation of action shall be one year in cases concerning the following :

  5. 从中止时效的原因消除之日起,诉讼时效期间继续计算。

    The limitation shall resume on the day when the grounds for the suspension are eliminated .

  6. 第一百三十七条诉讼时效期间从知道或者应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。但是,从权利被侵害之日起超过二十年的,人民法院不予保护。

    Article 137 A limitation of action shall begin when the entitled person knows or should know that his rights have been infringed .

  7. 未参加登记的权利人在诉讼时效期间提起诉讼的,适用该判决、裁定。

    Such judgments or written orders shall apply to those who have not registered their rights but have instituted legal proceedings during period of limitation of the action .

  8. 文化传统、社会变迁与诉讼时效立法

    Cultural Tradition , Social Changes and the Legislation on Negative Prescription

  9. 关于我国行政诉讼时效制度的一些思考

    Reflection on the Prescription of Action in Administrative Litigation of China

  10. 物权请求权与诉讼时效制度的适用

    Claim of Right in Rem and the Application of Action Limitation

  11. 诉讼时效司法实务研究

    A Study of the Judicial Practices of Limitation Time in Lawsuit

  12. 浅析保证期间与诉讼时效

    The Difference and Relations between Warranty Period and Limitation of Action

  13. 撤诉后债权诉讼时效是否中断

    Whether or not Time Effect Is Interrupted After Withdrawal of Lawsuits

  14. 第六章是对实际承运人相关诉讼时效问题加以研究。

    Chapter 6 studies time bar problems about the actual carrier .

  15. 民事权利的诉讼时效适用问题研究

    On the Civil Rights ' Application to the Limitation of Action

  16. 中国诉讼时效有关问题的反思

    Reflect on Correlative Problems about Three Kinds of Prescription of Lawsuit

  17. 论保证期间与诉讼时效的转换及适用

    On Transformation and Application of Guaranty Duration And Limitation of Action

  18. 诉讼时效证明责任分配问题研究

    Research on the Distribution of Burden of Proof to Limitation of Action

  19. 绕过法定诉讼时效的聪明做法。

    Clever way to get around the statute of limitations .

  20. 论诉讼时效与自然债务法律效力

    On Lawsuit Time Limit and Legal Effects of Natural Debt

  21. 时间(英文)论保证期间与保证诉讼时效&兼评《担保法》及其司法解释的相关规定

    The Period of Guarantee and the Limitation of Time on the Adpromissiones

  22. 关于完善诉讼时效制度的几个问题

    Some Issues Concerning the Perfection of System of Limitation of Legal Proceedings

  23. 首先介绍了有关民事权利适用诉讼时效的两个不同概念:诉讼时效的客体与诉讼时效的适用范围;

    On Object of Limitation There are two different concepts .

  24. 这即是诉讼时效的制度基础之所在。

    This is the constitutional foundation of limitation of action .

  25. 行政诉讼时效制度研究

    A Research on the Limitation of Action in Administrative Litigation

  26. 诉讼时效的适用对象和法律效果

    On the Object of Application and Legal Consequence of Prescription of Action

  27. 债权人否认公司法人人格之诉讼时效问题研究

    Research on limitation of actions about creditor traversing the corporate personality of companies

  28. 从中断时起,诉讼时效期间重新计算。

    A new limitation shall be counted from the time of the discontinuance .

  29. 论诉讼时效效力的启动模式及其影响

    Enable IK Solvers The Mode and Influence of Limitation of Action 's Effectiveness

  30. 第四部分诉讼时效适用范围的几种典型立法例及与我国立法的比较。

    Part IV proposes some typical legislation examples and comparisons of China legislation .