
  • 网络civility
  1. 大学的制度文明性

    The System Civilization of University Predictor for the civilization Q & A on Sex

  2. 本章第一节‘文化诗学’与多重跨越认为,生态批评从本质上来说是一种文化批评,作为一种文化诗学,生态批评要突出它的跨学科性、跨文明性和跨文化性。

    Section One : Poetics of culture ( span several fields ) argues that eco-criticism is cultural criticism in essence and must highlight its being cross-disciplinary , cross-civilization and cross-cultural .

  3. 第四章主要探究了人与社会之间的异化,这种扭曲的关系分别体现在文明性道德对大卫的约束和异化劳动对格里高尔的压迫之上。

    Chapter four mainly explores alienated relationship between human and society , which is separately embodied on the restraint of civilized sexual morality upon David and the suppression of alienated labors upon Gregor .

  4. 从服务营销的角度论述了图书馆服务质量的六大特性,即功能性、经济性、安全性、时间性、舒适性及文明性。

    This paper discusses on the six characteristics of library 's service quality such as the function , economy , safety , timeliness , amenity and civilization from the point of service marketing .

  5. 其前景是为了地球文明可持续性。

    The prospects are for the sustainability of Earth 's civilization .

  6. 文明多样性与和谐世界

    The Diversity Of Civilization and " Harmonious World "

  7. 跨文明差异性观念与比较文学变异学建构

    The Concept of Cross-cultural Difference and the Construction of Variation Study in Comparative Literature

  8. 产品优势和市场前景:该项目对地球文明可持续性研究起到了奠基的作用。

    The project has played a founding role on the sustainability of global civilization .

  9. 摘要人类文明多样性是人类社会的重要特征,是人类文明进步的动力。

    Human civilization diversity is the important characteristics in human society and motive force of human civilization .

  10. 中国特色社会主义是人类文明多样性发展的必然结果。

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics is an inevitable outcome of development of diversity of the human civilization .

  11. 因此在文明和性之间有一种矛盾,这是佛洛依德所说的问题。

    So there 's a conflict between civilization and sexuality . That 's the issue that Freud talks about .

  12. 如何协调知性文明同心性文明的关系,就成了中国法治建设中最为重要的环节。

    It is the most task for china how to coordinate the relation between understanding civilization and spirit civilization .

  13. 人类文明多样性对中国特色社会主义的进一步发展具有重大的现实意义。

    Human civilization diversity is of importance and practical significance to the forward development of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  14. 作家以这种文明混杂性的形式探索着不同文明间“对话”的新途径。

    By the form of interweaving cultures , Pamuk is seeking new ways of the " conversation " between civilizations .

  15. 文明多样性是人类社会的客观现实,是当今世界的基本特征,也是人类进步的重要动力。

    Cultural diversity is a basic feature of both human society and today 's world and an important driving force for human progress .

  16. 工业文明对性的压抑以不同的形式施加着:康妮在无意识中被他性无能的工业家丈夫克利夫多实施着性的压抑;

    The latter imposes suppression on sexuality in various forms : Connie is unconsciously under sexual suppression by her impotent industrialist husband Clifford ;

  17. 西方的社会进化理论倾向于把变革看成是一个自然的、累积的和有目标的过程,带来人类文明阶段性的前进。

    Western theories of social evolution have tended to see change as natural , cumulative , and purposeful , with civilization advancing by stages .

  18. 我们要共同坚持文明多样性,引领文明互容、文明互鉴、文明互通的世界潮流,为人类文明共同进步作出贡献。

    We should uphold the diversity of civilizations and advance global trend of inclusiveness , mutual learning and interaction between civilizations to promote progress of all civilizations .

  19. 双方都主张世界多极化和文明多样性,都坚持通过对话协商解决彼此分歧。

    Both sides stand for a multi-polar world , a world of cultural diversity , and both believe that differences should be addressed through dialogue and consultation .

  20. 中欧都主张世界多极化,支持经济全球化,维护文明多样性,是推动世界和平与发展的重要战略力量。

    Both supporting a multi-polar world , economic globalization and diversity of civilizations , China and the EU are important strategic forces for promoting global peace and development .

  21. 什麽叫“对于西方文明灾难性的影响?”当美国登上月球时,是不是也可以说是对东方文明的灾难性影响?

    What is the " significant negative effects on western civilization "? When the US landed on the moon , was it a significant negative effects to eastern civilization ?

  22. 为此,我们必须遵循:坚持多边主义、树立新安全观、建立国际政治经济新秩序、尊重文明多样性等几大基本原则。

    So we should follow these principles : upholding multilateralism , setting up a new security concept , establishing a new international political and economic order , respecting the diversity of civilizations .

  23. 其次,阐述文明多样性的表现:从文明发展的历史进程来划分,文明有原始社会文明、奴隶制文明、封建制文明、资本主义文明、社会主义文明。

    Dividing from the development of historical process of civilization , there are civilization of primitive society , civilization of slave society , civilization of feudal society , civilization of capitalist society , civilization of socialist society .

  24. 其中构建和谐世界的障碍包括:霸权主义强权政治、贫富差距进一步拉大、非传统安全尤其是恐怖主义的威胁、文明多样性未得到尊重、环境污染资源枯竭共五个部分。

    One obstacle to building a harmonious world , including : hegemony and power politics , to further widen the gap between rich and poor ; non-traditional security threats , especially terrorism ; the diversity of civilizations is not respected and environmental pollution .

  25. 但自近代以来,西方工业文明现代性的世界历史进程打破了中国传统哲学和文化原有的历史逻辑,形成了传统的断裂,中国的现代化进程呼唤着传统哲学和文化的现代转型。

    However , from recent history , the progress of world history of modernization of western industrial civilization breaks the original logic of Chinese traditional philosophy and culture , forming traditional breakdown , resulting that Chinese modernization progress calls for modern transformation of traditional philosophy and culture .

  26. 包容互鉴,就是要尊重世界文明多样性、发展道路多样化,尊重和维护各国人民自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,相互借鉴,取长补短,推动人类文明进步。

    In promoting inclusiveness and mutual learning , we should respect diversity of civilizations and development paths , respect and safeguard the rights of all peoples to independently choose their social system and development path , learn from others to make up for our shortcomings , and advance human civilization .

  27. 文明的相异性需要对话加以理解、沟通。

    Different civilizations need to be comprehended and communicated by dialogue .

  28. 今天,我演讲的题目是:尊重文明的多样性。

    The title of my speech today is Respect Diversity of Civilizations .

  29. 文明的多样性是人类进化之源。

    Diversity of civilization is the source of human evolution .

  30. 生态文明具有可持续性、和谐性、整体性的特点。

    Ecological civilization has the characteristics of sustainability , harmoniousness and integration .