
  • 网络Caption;text;narrative memoranda;textual description
  1. 因为她在行李箱里……Splash网站于今天下午4点30分将照片下的文字说明更改为“有人看到泰勒·斯威夫特的保安们正在将一个巨大的箱子抬向一辆SUV。”

    Update , 4:30PM : Splash has changed the caption on this suite of photos . It now reads : " Taylor Swift 's security guards are seen moving a huge case into the trunk of an awaiting SUV . "

  2. 通过图形动画、音响语音和文字说明实施计算机辅助教学.优化K-Java程序动画显示效果的几种方法

    To carry out computer-aided teaching by way of graphic animation , audio phonetics and literal caption ; Enhancement of Graphic Animation at K-Java Application

  3. “欢乐喵星人”指,你在网上发现的那些标有搞笑文字说明的猫咪照片,文字说明中通常还掺杂着拼写和语法错误。

    LOLcat refers to pictures of cats you find all over the Internet accompanied with funny captions1 , typically with misspellings and incorrect grammar .

  4. LOGO创意设计及寓意的文字说明。

    LOGO creative design and the implication of the text description .

  5. 夏威夷大学人类学家克里斯汀·R·矢野(ChristineR.Yano)正在为全美日裔国立博物馆的凯蒂猫艺术回顾展撰写文字说明,《洛杉矶时报》引述了她的考证。

    The Times quotes Christine R. Yano , an anthropologist from the University of Hawaii , who was preparing the written text for a retrospective of Hello Kitty art at the Japanese American National Museum .

  6. SVG图形还可以使用语音或盲文软件等手段来帮助视觉有障碍的人查阅,其中可以使用文字说明来描述一幅图像的形象。

    Meanwhile , SVG graphics can be made accessible to people with visual disabilities by means of voice or Braille software , which can use the text description to describe the image .

  7. 文字说明:与安第斯山脉‘玛咖’植物合影的豆薯种植者。

    Caption : yam bean grower with an'ahipa'plant in the andes .

  8. 每幅图片都配有一段非常详尽的、确凿的文字说明。

    Every image is accompanied with a very detailed factual text .

  9. 谈谈食品成分的计量表述和文字说明问题

    On the Expression of Measurement and Introduction to Food Composition

  10. 狂野蘑菇的文字说明现在显示为魔法效果。

    Wild Mushroom 's tooltip now shows the magic school .

  11. 产品的质量与文字说明不相符。

    The quality does not conform to the instruction .

  12. 最有效的技术插图应该具有简单、直观的特性,并且避免使用大量文字说明

    The most effective technical figures are simple , straightforward , and not heavily detailed

  13. 你的文字说明了一个企业应用体系结构。

    Your text illustrates an enterprise application architecture .

  14. 这些资料可包括候选人的照片和不超过250字的文字说明。

    This information may include a photograph of the candidate and up to250 words .

  15. 有特殊要求请文字说明。

    Give words instructions if needing special demand .

  16. 我们仅仅修复了一个文字说明下数字的显示错误。

    We just fixed a bug where the tooltip was showing the wrong number .

  17. 平法图主要由图形元素、尺寸标注和文字说明三部分组成。

    Plane Whole Show Method Graph include graphic elements , dimension and textual description .

  18. 提供更多的描述性文字说明设置,并防止不正确配置设置。

    Offers more descriptive text to explain the settings and prevent incorrect configuration of settings .

  19. 如果该规格是可执行的代码而非文字说明,那更就好了。

    Even better if the specification is actually executable code instead of pages of prose .

  20. 他们是不是黄色的矩形窗上,你可以把一些文字说明。

    They are instead yellow rectangular windows onto which you can put some text notes .

  21. 文字说明显示:倡导低碳、呵护地球。

    The caption indicates that we should advocate low carbon economy and cherish the earth .

  22. 看了文字说明你就会对此有更深的了解。

    You will have a better idea of it after you read the verbal instructions .

  23. 审计项目计划由文字说明和表格两部分表述。

    An audit plan shall consist of the two parts of word explanation and tabular expression .

  24. 我喜欢读有关某一主题详细文字说明的观光英语教材。

    I like to read Tourism English materials with the detailed word information about one topic .

  25. 键入一个文字说明。

    Type a text note .

  26. 包装上的文字说明

    Writing Elucidation on the Packaging

  27. 仔细标注图形,并用文字说明所有你能确定的变动。

    Label the diagram carefully and write out in words all of the changes you can identify .

  28. 根据圣经的文字说明,耶稣实际是上帝的儿子。

    According to a literal interpretation of the bible , Jesus is the actual son of god .

  29. 有关质量管理的章节也应包括如何进行质量检查工作的文字说明。

    The section on quality control should also have directions on how the inspection should be done .

  30. 以上部分的建议报告,要求结合文字说明以及图纸介绍两部分。

    The Proposal for the above to incorporate two aspects , namely , written description and graphical explanation .