
zhuān lì lǜ shī
  • patent attorney;patent counsel
  1. 路透社(Reuters)报道,苹果公司(Apple)首席专利律师里查德•“芯片”•小路顿即将离开公司,原因不明。

    Reuters reports that Apple chief patent counsel Richard " Chip " Lutton Junior is leaving the company for unspecified reasons .

  2. 芝加哥专利律师MeredithMartinAddy解释说,法院的裁决非常勉强。

    Patent lawyer Meredith Martin Addy in Chicago explains that the court ruled

  3. 专利律师MeredithMartinAddy说,没有任何人希望压制创造力。

    Patent lawyer Meredith Martin Addy says no one wants to creativity .

  4. 对Withers&Rogers专利律师丹尼斯•凯塞里斯(DenisKeseris)来说,文章开头提到的那个结果是否重要,答案很简单:当然重要。

    For Denis Keseris , patent attorney at Withers & Rogers , the answer to the question of whether this matters is simple : yes .

  5. 美国“世达”(SkaddenArps)律师事务所专利律师乔纳森•贝克(JonathanBaker)也在同一个电台节目中说,大公司很少对个体发明者提出专利诉讼。

    And Jonathan Baker , a patent lawyer with law firm Skadden Arps , who appeared on the same program , said large companies rarely file patent suits against individual inventors .

  6. 两年前,西雅图的专利律师戴维布拉丁(davidbradin)开始关注将各种“挑战”张贴在其网络社区上的研发网站innocentive。

    Two years ago , David bradin , a patent attorney from Seattle , was looking at innocentive , a research and development website that posts " challenges " to its online community .

  7. 有些专利律师说这是理所应当的。

    Some patent lawyers say this is as it should be .

  8. 也许谷歌现在应该用专利律师轰炸苹果了。

    Perhaps Google should now bombard Apple with patent lawyers .

  9. 不信你可以问问微软的专利律师们。

    Ask Microsoft 's patent lawyers .

  10. 绝大多数成员同时也被授予专利律师、欧洲专利律师以及注册商标代理商。

    Most members are also chartered patent attorneys , European patent attorneys , and registered trademark agents .

  11. 除了是一名科学家,莱恩斯还作了50年的专利律师。

    But as well as being a scientist , Mr Rines was for 50 years a patent lawyer .

  12. 因此由大公司、专利律师和专利局所推动,软件专利现在将会被导入欧洲。

    So pushed by the large corporations , patent lawyers and patent offices , software patents shall now be introduced in Europe .

  13. 切斯特卡尔逊的发明者复印,原本是专利律师,以及一名兼职研究员和发明家。

    Chester Carlson , the inventor of photocopying , was originally a patent attorney , as well as a part-time researcher and inventor .

  14. 专利律师(以前被称为专利代理人)从经验上来说已经有实力跨入注册专利代理人的行列。

    Patent attorneys ( formerly known as patent agents ) have qualified by experience and examination for entry of their name on the Register of Patent Attorneys .

  15. 但是这个实用技术学院的创始人,这个专利律师却时常可以在拜访他的年轻和年老的发明家那里看见自己的影子:近似疯癫的性格;

    But the founder of the Academy of Applied Science , and the patent lawyer , regularly recognised himself in the inventors , old and young , who came to see him . The streak of craziness ;

  16. 芝加哥专利律师布拉德利·哈尔伯特一直在关注此案,他表示:“此项裁决是一个清晰的信号,苹果并非不可战胜,仍然有其他替代的操作系统存在。对于三星来说,这项裁决的市场效应和心理效果是不可估量的。”

    Chicago-based patent lawyer Bradley Hulbert , who has followed the litigation , said the decision is " a clear signal that Apple is not invincible and that alternative operating systems are here to stay . The marketing and psychological benefits for Samsung are huge . "

  17. 然而,北京大成(上海)律师事务所的专利律师杨宇宙指出,与美国不同,中国承认“实用新型”专利,这类专利一般更容易获得,而且保护发明的期限比标准专利要短一些。

    However , Yang Yuzhou , a Shanghai patent lawyer at Dacheng Law , noted that China , unlike the US , recognised " utility model " patents , which are typically easier to secure , and protect inventions for a shorter period of time than standard patents .

  18. (三)办理国内专利事务的律师事务所。

    And ( 3 ) law firms that handle domestic patent-related affairs .

  19. 该代理人属于多个实践社群(例如,专利代理人CoP、律师CoP、该代理人所在公司的CoP等等)。

    This agent belongs to a number of communities of practice ( for example , patent agents CoP , a lawyer CoP , the firm the agent works for CoP , and so on ) .

  20. (最让吴昌俊感到沮丧的,是如何保护他的专利不被有律师撑腰的模仿者盗用。)

    ( Ng 's greatest frustration is protecting his patent against aggressively lawyered-up imitators . )

  21. 这使软件专利成为了专利律师和专利局的摇钱树(金驴)。

    This makes software patents the gold donkey for patent lawyers and the patent office .

  22. 苹果与三星的专利纷争此外,律师们还对高兰惠周二将向陪审团宣读的指令说明中的各种内容表示反对。

    Lawyers also aired their objections to various line items in the instructions that Judge Koh will read to the jury Tuesday .

  23. 无论专利权属于谁,它们从来没遇到过它们认为不能拿来用的专利,一位曾为三星代理案件的专利律师山姆o巴克斯特说。

    They never met a patent they didn 't think they might like to use , no matter who it belongs to , says Sam Baxter , a patent lawyer who once handled a case for Samsung .