
jiē dài yuán
  • receptionist;desk clerk
接待员 [jiē dài yuán]
  • [receptionist] 企业或职业单位雇用来迎接和帮助来访者、公务接洽者或病人的人

  1. 接待员领路来到董事会会议室。

    The receptionist led the way to the boardroom .

  2. 接待员的职责到底是什么?

    What exactly is required of a receptionist ?

  3. 多数人与诊所接触的第一个人是接待员。

    The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the clinic .

  4. 那接待员一点忙都不帮。

    The receptionist was less than helpful .

  5. 接待员一眼就认出他了。

    The receptionist recognized him at once

  6. 接待员为拖延而道歉,解释说这天太忙了。

    The receptionist apologized for the delay , explaining that it had been a hectic day .

  7. 值班的接待员几乎为他费尽了力气,但还是没用。

    He had the duty receptionist almost jumping through hoops for him . But to no avail .

  8. 人事部经理一直在到处物色接待员的人选。

    The personnel manager has been casting about for somebody who can act as receptionist .

  9. 让接待员把你的电话接到我房间。

    Ask the receptionist to put your call through to my room .

  10. 例句接待员好像没注意听。

    The receptionist didn 't seem to be listening .

  11. 路过老板和同事的办公室时,向他们问好,对办公室的管理员和接待员微笑。

    Say good morning to your boss and peers as you walk past their offices , smile at janitors7 and receptionists in your office .

  12. 接待员给我指了B等候室的位置,就在大厅的头上,右边第一个门。

    The receptionist instructs me to go to waiting room B , down the hall , first door on the right .

  13. 接待员:Ryan有您的电话号码吗?

    R : And does Ryan have your phone number ?

  14. subfor接替裁判病了,我得代为裁判.我是Liz我是名接待员。

    I had to sub for the referee , who was sick . I am Liz .

  15. [qh]我是Liz我是名接待员。

    Who are you ? [ qh ] I am Liz .

  16. 【英文原文】Wouldyoucaretohold?——要等一会吗?作为公司的前台接待员,第一天上班时,我一个接着一个地接听电话,就象那些身经百战的老接待员一样。

    There I was , my first day On the Job as a receptionist , handling one phone call after another like an old pro , when an employee stopped by my desk .

  17. 北京万科物业服务有限公司(BeijingVankePropertyServiceCo.Ltd.)的人力资源经理宋贵波在招聘会上招聘保安、接待员和清洁工。

    Song Guibo , a human-resources manager at Vanke Management Services , was at the exchange to fill vacancies for security guards , receptionists , and cleaners .

  18. 有些公司对小组的评估甚至在面试之前便已经开始,比如位于美国波士顿的环游旅行公司(GrandCircle)。公司的接待员会观察求职者在大厅等待面试时的行为。

    At Grand Circle , a Boston-based travel company , evaluation of the group begins even before the interview starts , as the firm 's receptionist observes the behavior of candidates waiting in the lobby .

  19. NOVO接待员:早上好,RUYJ广告公司。

    NOVO RECEPTIONIST : Good morning , RUYJ Advertising .

  20. BookRoom活动的人为部分是接待员提供订房信息。

    The human part of the BookRoom activity is for the receptionist to provide room-booking information .

  21. HBO电视台的新剧《西部世界》讲述了创造者、人工智能接待员和游客们在未来西部主题的公园里的故事。

    HBO has once again stepped up the TV game with their latest hit , " Westworld , " which follows the creators , AI hosts and guests of a futuristic Western theme park .

  22. 妮古拉•索普(NicolaThorpe)第一天去普华永道(PwC)在伦敦的全球总部当前台接待员,结果还没领薪水就被请回家了,原因是她穿错了鞋子。

    When Nicola Thorpe turned up for her first day 's work as a receptionist at PwC 's global headquarters in London , she was sent home without pay for wearing the wrong shoes .

  23. 但是,当普华永道雇佣Portico为其招募的大堂工作人员时,管理层或者是根本不在意,或者是不愿费心去看一看该机构对其前台接待员施加了什么规定。

    But when PwC hired Portico to staff its lobby , the management either did not care about , or did not bother to look at , the rules the agency imposes on its receptionists .

  24. 宾馆接待员:夫人,您怎样付款?

    HOTEL RECEPTIONIST : How will you be paying , madam ?

  25. 接待员:您需要帮忙提行李吗?

    R : would you like some help with your luggage ?

  26. 接待员将详细情况写在了一张小卡片上。

    The receptionist wrote the details out on a small card .

  27. 洛克希德公司在北京的全部员工,只有一名兼职的接待员。

    Lockheed 's entire Beijing staff amounts to one part-time receptionist .

  28. 我是华亭宾馆的接待员张明。

    This is Zhang Ming , a receptionist from Huating Hotel .

  29. 您出去的时候顺便把这个单子交给接待员。

    Take this slip to the receptionist on your way out .

  30. 她成为演员以前是个接待员。

    She had been a receptionist before she became a actress .