
jiē chù
  • contact;touch;come into contact with;engage;meet;reach out to;get in touch with;come close to
接触 [jiē chù]
  • (1) [touch;contact;come close to;come into contact with;get in touch with]∶碰上;挨上

  • 两个球体只接触于一点

  • (2) [contact;engage]∶接近并发生交往或冲突

  • 接触群众

接触[jiē chù]
  1. 这种物质切莫与食物接触。

    This substance should not come into contact with food .

  2. 一些已经从地球上消失了,些正慢慢地消亡,但它们全都在接触到不断扩展的机械文明过程中经历了变化。

    Some have vanished from the face of the earth , others are dying slowly , but all have undergone changes as they have come into contact with an expanding machine civilization .

  3. 我们不许彼此有任何接触。

    We were not permitted any contact with each other .

  4. 这张专辑唱片让我初次接触了现代爵士乐。

    This album was my first introduction to modern jazz .

  5. 和他人接触是人的基本需要。

    Contact with other people is a basic human need .

  6. 政治家们似乎不接触现实世界。

    Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world .

  7. 马丁不与外界接触,专心写书。

    Martin shut himself off from the world to write his book .

  8. 她未获准接触那些信的内容。

    She was not privy to any information contained in the letters .

  9. 她在日常生活中要接触很多人。

    Her daily life involved meeting lots of people .

  10. 此病不会通过偶然接触传染。

    The disease is not spread by casual contact .

  11. 他倾向于避免一切身体接触。

    He tends to avoid all physical contact .

  12. 他在学生时代接触过许多有趣的人。

    He met a lot of interesting people during his life as a student .

  13. 接触化学药品必须小心谨慎。

    You must be careful when handling chemicals .

  14. 多数人与诊所接触的第一个人是接待员。

    The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the clinic .

  15. 卓有成就的音乐家很早就接触音乐。

    The best professional musicians start young .

  16. “接触式运动”是多种不同体育运动的总称。

    ' Contact sports ' is an umbrella term for a variety of different sports .

  17. 没有接触传染的风险。

    There is no risk of contagion .

  18. 猩红热的接触传染性很强。

    Scarlet fever is highly contagious .

  19. 这显示了脚和鞋接触的地方。

    This shows where the foot and shoe are in contact .

  20. 和其他志同道合的残疾人帆船运动员接触会有帮助。

    Contact with other disabled yachtsmen of like mind would be helpful

  21. 上大学使我接触了西方的思想。

    The college has brought me into contact with western ideas .

  22. 他接触到了政治并且迅速地对它着了迷。

    He had discovered politics and was rapidly becoming absorbed by it

  23. 双方只会通过中间人间接接触。

    The two sides would only meet indirectly , through middlemen .

  24. 艾滋病病毒大半是经异性性接触传播的。

    Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission .

  25. 没有身体接触,我也不想有任何接触。

    There was no physical contact , nor did I want any

  26. 接触食物前尤其对洗手不能有半点马虎。

    Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before touching food .

  27. 我接触到一些非常聪明的哈佛和耶鲁的学生。

    I came into contact with very bright Harvard and Yale students

  28. 科学界常常压根接触不到这些化石。

    Oftentimes , these fossils are not made available to science at all

  29. 他获得了安全许可,可以接触机密信息。

    He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information

  30. 这些单元让孩子们接触到有关某一特定问题的多种观点。

    These units exposed children to many viewpoints of a given issue .