
  • 网络major;professional student
  1. “专业学生”指的是那种已经拿到好几个学位,依然继续进修深造,而不是去从事和既得学位有关的职业的人。

    Professional student refers to a person who receives multiple degrees and keeps taking courses instead of holding a profession related to the degrees earned .

  2. 在此基础上,结合艺术设计学科特殊属性及教学实践经验设计出一套科学的开发艺术设计专业学生创造性思维的教学方法。

    On this basis , combine the special attribute of art design discipline and teaching method of professional student 's creative thinking of art design of development of designing a set of science of practical experience of teaching .

  3. 她的工作包括评判时装专业学生的设计。

    Her job involves critiquing designs by fashion students .

  4. 通过对实验前后调查问卷及写作成绩、英语综合成绩的SPSS定量分析,结果显示以写促学法在提高非英语专业学生写作水平的同时也间接促进了他们整体英语水平的提高。

    The results of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis by SPSS show that with Write-to-Learn Approach , the students in Experimental Group have developed not only their English writing ability but also their English proficiency .

  5. 高师体育专业学生LTT三级培养模式的实践与研究

    The practice and study on LTT training pattern of the specialize in sports in the teachers college of higher learning

  6. 采用16PF人格因素测试法对河南省高校体育专业学生人格特征进行测试,分析河南省高校体育专业学生心理健康现状。

    This article adopts16PF method to test the personal characteristics of the PE majors in Hanan higher schools and then analyzes the present situation of the psychological health existing among them .

  7. 关于培养数学教育专业学生职业能力的认识

    Remark on Cultivating the Professional Ability of Mathematics Education Major Students

  8. 应用型计算机专业学生培养模式探讨

    Reflections on the Training Models in Application-oriented Teaching in Computer Science

  9. 金属材料工程专业学生素质教育影响因素研究

    A Study of the Quality-oriented Education of Metal Material Engineering Students

  10. 浅析英语诗歌在培养中国英语专业学生阅读能力中的作用及其实现途径

    English Poetry in Developing English Majors ' Reading Competence in China

  11. 试论体育教育专业学生健美操创编能力的培养

    On the Cultivation of PE Majors Ability to Design Body Mechanics

  12. 护理专业学生信息素养培养的思考

    Thinking about culturing of information accomplishment of nursing specialty students

  13. 非英语专业学生英语元认知监控学习策略调查

    A survey on Metacognition Control of non-English Major Students in English Studying

  14. 音乐专业学生学习动机与学习策略形成的外在因素。

    External factor of formation of learning motivation and strategies .

  15. 高职英语专业学生特点与教学改革

    On vocational college english majors traits and characteristics and reformation in teaching

  16. 关于计算机软件专业学生毕业设计工作的探讨

    Discussion on Students ' Graduation Design for Computer Software Speciality

  17. 护理专业学生情绪智力测评研究进展

    Research progress on emotional intelligence test of nursing specialty students

  18. 制约非英语专业学生英语学习自主性的主要因素分析及教学对策研究

    An Analytical Study of Non-English Majors ' English Learning Autonomy

  19. 加强机械类专业学生电子设计自动化能力培养的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Strengthening EDA Ability Training for Mechanical Engineering Students

  20. 对培养高师体育专业学生裁判能力的探讨

    A Probe into Training of Referee Capability of the Physical Education Majors

  21. 浅谈如何提高维吾尔语专业学生的口语水平

    On the Improvement of Spoken Language of Uygur Language Majors

  22. 谈高校音乐专业学生如何学好声乐

    How to Master Vocal Music for Music Students of University

  23. 中医药专业学生人文社会实践课探索

    The Exploration of Humanism Social Practice Curriculum in TCM Students

  24. 高职护理专业学生临床带教工作探讨

    Probe into clinical teaching for high vocational nursing school students

  25. 普通高校体育专业学生科学研究能力系统培养的研究

    The Study on Scientific Research Ability for Physical Education Students in University

  26. 大学英语专业学生的隐喻能力探析

    An Investigation and Analysis of English Majors ' Metaphorical Competence

  27. 论体育专业学生知识结构体系

    The Structural System of Knowledge and Training Countermeasures of PE Major Students

  28. 强化实践教学,提高食品专业学生综合能力

    Strengthen the practice teaching to improve the comprehensive ability of food science students

  29. 高职计算机专业学生开设数据结构课程的重要性探讨

    On Importance of Data Structure Course to Computer Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges

  30. 高校生物技术专业学生创业教育模式的研究

    Studies on the Mode of Enterprising Education of Biotechnology Professional Students in University