
  • 网络Scientific thinking;scientific thought;scientific mind;scientism
  1. 技术MBA培养方式探讨大学生科学思维方式培养研究

    Study on The Style of Techno-MBA Education Cultivating College Students ' Scientific Thinking

  2. 贯穿了科学思维方法的教育内容。

    Third , educational content is penetrated by scientific thinking method .

  3. 现代胸腔镜外科实践中的科学思维

    Scientific Method of Thinking in Experience of Modern Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery

  4. 创造性思维是现代新思维的主要特征,科学思维就是创新思维。

    Creative thinking is the feature of modern mode of thinking .

  5. 医学科学思维与医学道德思维比较研究

    Comparison of the Medical Scientific Thoughts and the Medical Moral Thoughts

  6. 试论系统科学思维方式的特点

    On the Characteristics of the Mode of Thinking of Systems Science

  7. 物理竞赛解题和科学思维培养

    On the Solution to Physical Contest Problems and Scientific Thought Training

  8. 创造者的科学思维对创新实践具有重要的指导作用。

    The science sense of inventor is crucial to innovational practice .

  9. 在化学教学中引导学生科学思维

    To Guide the Students ' Scientific Thinking in Chemistry Teaching

  10. 地震资料解释中的误区与科学思维

    Long-Standing Mistaken Concepts and Scientific Thoughts in Seismic Data Interpretation

  11. 论述了科学思维形成的途径;

    It states the way to the formation of the scientific thinking .

  12. 如果站在思维的层次上说,设计思维则是科学思维与艺术思维的统一。

    Design thinking is the integration between scientific thoughts and arts thoughts .

  13. 以科学思维模式研究管理学科问题

    Study the issue of management studies with scientific thought pattern

  14. 在艺术思维与科学思维之间&浅论创造性思维的本质

    Between Artistic and Scientific Thinking On Nature of Creative Thinking

  15. 类比推理是生物课程中关于科学思维教育方面的理论。

    Analogical reasoning is educational theory of scientific thinking in biology curriculum .

  16. 道家与现代科学思维方式的内在关系

    Inherent Relation between Taoist School and Mode of Thinking of Modern Science

  17. 国外儿童科学思维发展的新探索

    Researches on the Development of Children 's Scientific Thinking Abroad

  18. 理科学生科学思维素质发展的研究

    A research to Develop Quality of Scientific Thinking for Undergraduates of Science Departments

  19. 青少年的科学思维能力研究

    A Study of Teenagers ' Capacity of Scientific Thinking

  20. 在科学思维中隐喻是一种重要的工具和手段。

    Metaphor is an important means of scientific thinking .

  21. 物理教学中科学思维能力培养和训练内容研究

    The study of Fostering Scientific Thinking Ability and Training Content in Physics Teaching

  22. 世界文化史上的五种科学思维模式

    Five Scientific Thinking Modes in History of World Culture

  23. 大学生科学思维方式培养研究论科学学习中的科学思维&析理工类大学生科学思维方式的培养

    On Scientific Thinking in Studies & Analysis of Cultivating Engineering Students'Scientific Thinking Mode

  24. 系统论&地理科学思维新范式

    Systems theory & The new normal of geography thought

  25. 大科学思维与现代地理学的发展问题

    Big scientific thought and developmental problem of Contemporary Geography

  26. 科学思维的范式转换&从简化范式到复杂范式

    The Paradigm Transition of Scientific Thinking : from Predigested Paradigm to Complex Paradigm

  27. 中学生科学思维素质发展模型

    The Model for Developing the Science Thinking Quality of Students of High School

  28. 从科学思维方法看知识创新

    Looking on Knowledge Innovation From Scientific Method of Thinking

  29. 运用现代科学思维方法做好学生管理工作

    Apply Successfully the Modern Scientific Thoughts to Students Management

  30. 科学思维类组的语言结构形式探讨

    An analysis of language structure of science thinking classification