
  • 网络kosovo;Pristina;kosovar;kosova;Prizren
  1. 需要军队帮助将科索沃人民亟需的食品送抵那里。

    Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are in desperate need

  2. 北约(Nato)向波斯尼亚和科索沃提供了军事援助,使它们能够与塞尔维亚进行军事斗争。

    Nato provided military assistance to both Bosnia and Kosovo in their struggle with Serbia .

  3. 巴尔干欧洲火药桶引爆的历史回顾&北约(NATO)武力解决科索沃问题的前前后后

    The Historical Recurrence Of ' Balkan The Europe Powder-Keg ' Talk About Issues On Kosovo Its Influence Again

  4. 欧盟(EU)在格鲁吉亚设立了停火监察员,并正帮助很多国家组建警力或武装力量,从刚果共和国到阿富汗,从科索沃到巴勒斯坦。

    The European Union has ceasefire monitors in Georgia and is helping to build police or armed forces from the DRC to Afghanistan , from Kosovo to Palestine .

  5. 如果说有哪一位领袖曾为军事干预科索沃的行动作出过辩护的话,那就是英国前首相托尼布莱尔(tonyblair)。

    If one leader made the case for armed intervention in Kosovo it was the British Prime Minister , Tony Blair .

  6. 北约和欧盟(eu)仍然分别在科索沃和波斯尼亚驻有军队,尽管这两个地区的战争已经结束了十多年。

    There is still a NATO mission in Kosovo and an European Union military mission in Bosnia , more than a decade after the fighting ended in both places .

  7. 他们可恼地辩称,如果允许科索沃独立,那么南奥塞梯(southossetia)以及高加索地区亲俄的其他飞地也可以如此。

    They argue mischievously that if Kosovo is allowed to become independent , so should South Ossetia and other pro-Russian enclaves in the Caucasus .

  8. 这个问题首先出现在克林顿(Clinton)政府时期的科索沃危机上;近来苏丹、伊朗及缅甸问题上的僵局增加了激进主义者的不满。

    The problem first arose under the Clinton administration with Kosovo ; recent stalemates over Sudan , Iran and Burma have increased the activists ' dissatisfaction .

  9. 塞尔维亚总统塔迪奇(BorisTadic)称,塞尔维亚永远不会承认科索沃的独立。

    Serbian President Boris Tadic said Serbia would not recognize Kosovo 's independence .

  10. 然而,我们如今生活的这个世界,与上世纪90年代已经有天壤之别。在90年代,西方扩大了北约(Nato),并发动了科索沃战争。

    Nonetheless , we are living in a world very different from that of the 1990s , when the west expanded Nato and launched the Kosovo war .

  11. 星期天科索沃国会开会举行选举投票,这是科从Serbia独立进程的一个非凡的会议。

    Kosovo 's parliament voted Sunday to adopt a declaration of independence at an extraordinary session on its independence from Serbia .

  12. 在科索沃,虚拟战争采取了有人驾驶的f-18战斗机和精确空袭的形式。

    Virtual war in Kosovo meant piloted F-18s and precision air strikes .

  13. 另一些球队一直无法加入欧洲的足球管理机构欧洲足联(UEFA),比如科索沃就是因为塞尔维亚的政治游说而未能加入UEFA。

    Other teams , like Kosovo , have been unable to join European soccer 's governing body , UEFA , because of political lobbying from Serbia .

  14. 西班牙政府一直对科索沃独立持冷淡态度,因为这可能鼓励巴斯克(basque)分离主义活动。

    The Spanish government has been lukewarm about independence for Kosovo because of the potential boost this could give to Basque separatism .

  15. 这是一场正义的战争,并非基于任何领土方面的野心,而是基于价值观,他在谈到北约(Nato)在科索沃的行动时表示,我们不能容许种族清洗的罪恶存在。

    This is a just war , based not on any territorial ambitions but on values , he said of the Nato action in Kosovo . We cannot let the evil of ethnic cleansing stand .

  16. 自北约飞机轰炸斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇(SlobodanMilosevic)治下的塞尔维亚(Serbia)迫其屈服后,8年来,塞尔维亚的科索沃(Kosovo)省就一直处于滞生(suspendedanimation)状态。

    FOR the eight years since NATO aircraft bombed Slobodan Milosevic 's Serbia into submission , the Serbian province of Kosovo has been in a state of suspended animation .

  17. 在隔壁的LucianoMontroni医学高中,科索沃未来的牙科技术人员正在学新型牙科设备的使用诀窍。

    Next door at Luciano Motroni Medical High School , Kosovo 's future dental technicians are learning the ropes on new dentistry equipment .

  18. 科索沃企图对国有电信公司“科索沃邮政和电信公司”(PTK)的75%股权进行私有化,目前它已收到五个投标人的投标。

    Kosovo has received five bids in its attempt to privatise a75 % stake in state-owned telecoms incumbent Post and Telecom of Kosovo ( PTK ) .

  19. 奥罗拉·卡斯特拉提(AuroraKastrati)有一头柔顺的秀发,满脸微笑,说要搞个家庭聚会,庆祝故乡科索沃独立。

    Aurora Kastrati , all smiles and flowing hair , talks about a family party to celebrate her native Kosovo 's independence .

  20. 武克·耶雷米奇(VukJeremic):“在任何情况下,塞尔维亚都不承认科索沃单方宣布的所谓科索沃共和国的地位。”

    VUK JEREMIC : " Serbia will recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of the so-called Republic of Kosovo . "

  21. 资生堂(Shiseido)从7月中旬起,开始在阿尔巴尼亚、科索沃和马其顿销售产品,从而成为首家进军巴尔干国家的日本化妆品集团。

    Shiseido becomes the first Japanese cosmetics group to enter the Balkan countries of Albania , Kosovo and Macedonia when it starts selling its products there from mid-July .

  22. 科索沃独立之后,欧盟授权成立了一个名为EULEX的庞大的警察及司法机构。

    When Kosovo declared its independence , the EU authorised the establishment of a big new police and justice mission named EULEX .

  23. 沙班科玛(ShabanKhema)是一名来自科索沃的IT经理,这个节日季他只想要一样东西——可以留在德国。

    Shaban Khema , an IT manager from Kosovo , wants just one thing this festive season : to be able to stay in Germany .

  24. 科索沃和Metohia和Montenegro省在它们和塞尔维亚共同使用南斯拉夫第纳尔之前,在2004年以前都多年使用欧元。

    The autonomous province Kosovo and Metohia and Montenegro have both been using the euro for several years as of2004 , prior to which they shared the Yugoslav dinar with Serbia .

  25. 纳什(Nashi,俄语意为我们)等支持克里姆林宫的青年团体的数百名成员,也前往美国驻俄罗斯使馆,抗议美国对科索沃和伊拉克的外交政策。

    Several hundred members of pro-Kremlin youth groups including Nashi , or Our Own , also marched towards the US embassy in Moscow to protest over US foreign policy towards Kosovo and Iraq .

  26. 正在访问华盛顿的科索沃总理哈新姆·塔西(HashimThaci)称该裁决是“全世界最好的答复”。审判观察员表示,法院不具法律约束力的裁决将鼓励更多国家认可科索沃的独立地位。

    In Washington , visiting Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci called the ruling " the best possible answer for the entire world . " Trial observers said the court 's non-binding ruling could encourage more countries to recognize Kosovo 's independence .

  27. 科索沃战争对高技术作战军需保障的启示

    Enlightenment of military supplies support from Kosovo war in high-tech war

  28. 她拍摄了一部关于科索沃战争的两集纪录片。

    She made a two-part documentary about the war in kosovo .

  29. 从地图上看,科索沃是塞尔维亚共和国最南面的省份。

    On maps , Kosovo is Serbia 's most southerly province .

  30. 根据他在科索沃战争期间的观察,他对破坏情况作了记述性报道。

    He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War .