
  • 网络The revolution in science and technology
  1. 随着科学技术革命的发展,世界正朝着科技化、网络化、信息化、全球一体化迅猛发展,进入到了一个学习型社会以及E-learning时代(简称E时代)。

    With the development of science and technology , the world is moving towards technology , network , informatization , globalization swiftly and stepping into a learning type society and the " E-learning " ( referred to as " E times " ) .

  2. 科学技术革命与社会生活方式变革

    Revolution of Science and Technology and Evolution of Social Life Styles

  3. 现代科学技术革命与肿瘤治疗的发展

    Modern Science and Technology Revolution and Progress of Therapy in Carcinoma

  4. 现代科学技术革命与体育&浅析体育科学进步的特点

    Modern science and technology revolution and sports features of sports science progress

  5. 人类正在经历一场全球性的科学技术革命。

    Mankind is experiencing a global scientific and technological revolution .

  6. 科学技术革命中的伦理道德问题

    On the morality in the revolution of science and technology

  7. 现代科学技术革命的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thoughts on Revolution of Modern Science and Technology

  8. 现代科学技术革命极大地影响着流行病学的各个方面。

    Modern revolution of science and technology affected profoundly and comprehensively on Epidemiology .

  9. 现代科学技术革命与实验动物科学

    Modern Revolution of Science-technology and Laboratory Animal Science

  10. 科学技术革命和可持续发展之间有着密切的联系。

    There exists close relation between the revolution of science and technology and sustainable development .

  11. 历史视域中的科学技术革命与马克思主义的关系

    On the Relationship of Marxism and Revolution of Science and Technology from a Historic Perspective

  12. 人学与人格论发展面对当前科学技术革命的挑战

    The Development of Study on Human Being and Personality Facing to the Challenges of Scientific-Technical-Revolution

  13. 新科学技术革命与全球化为中国国际私法的发展带来了巨大的挑战和机遇。

    New science technology revolution and globalization give Chinese Private International Law huge challenge and opportunity .

  14. 当代科学技术革命已经为西方世界经济和社会带来重大和深刻的变化。

    With the revolution of science and techonoly , the Western economy and society have changed greatly .

  15. 研究生物与环境之间相互关系及其作用机理的生态学的发展与现代科学技术革命密切相关。

    Discussion about the Influence of Contemporary Scientific and Technological Revolution on the Gender Division of Labor ;

  16. 在第五次科学技术革命中,新材料家族被推上新一轮科技革命的顶峰。

    In the5th science and technical revolution , new material has been put on the top of the new revolutionary .

  17. 科学技术革命发生的基本原因除了生产的需要之外,便是文化的孕育。

    Besides the need of productin , the cultivation of culture is also the cause for revolution in science and technology .

  18. 到20世纪后期,科学技术革命成为生产力发展的第一推动力,生产力源泉论的现代形式就转化为科技源泉论。

    During the late 20 th century , science and technology revolution became the most important impetus for productive forces development .

  19. 本文是关于科学技术革命与当代社会主义理论与实践发展之间关系问题的理论研究。

    This thesis is the research about the relations between scientific and technological revolution and the development of contemporary socialistic theory and practice .

  20. 资本主义发展出现的新特征,是与新的科学技术革命造成的技术创新特别是产品创新联系在一起的。

    New characteristics of capitalism development is related with the technological innovation resulted by new scientific and technological revolution , especially the product innovation .

  21. 研究现代科学技术革命是制定科学政策、技术政策、创新政策和产业政策的理论基础。

    Research on the modern scientific and technological revolution constitutes the theoretical basis for formulating national scientific , technological , creative and industrial policies .

  22. 现代科学技术革命特别是高技术革命给人类社会的重大影响,表现在社会生产力和经济发展方面.现代科学技术特别是高技术已经成为了经济发展的强大推动力量。

    Modern scientific and technological revolution , high technological revolution in particular , has great influence human society , which lies in social productivity and economic development .

  23. 因此对于大脑思维机制和规律的研究,必将极大地推动人的智力开发和新的科学技术革命。

    Thus , the research of the thinking mechanism and the law of the brain will promote people 's intellectual development and affect new scientific technical revolution greatly .

  24. 文化自觉的动力来自于社会生产力的发展、科学技术革命以及文化内部的矛盾冲突。

    The motive force of culture self-consciousness comes from the development of the social productivity , the revolution of science and technology and the contradiction and conflict inside culture .

  25. 金融的发展、经济的繁荣和科学技术革命如影随形,网络技术革命与新经济、新金融相伴,金融创新异彩纷呈、层出不穷。

    Development of finance and prosperity of economy are accompanied by the scientific and technological revolution . Network technical revolution is in process with new economy and new finance .

  26. 本文对人的现代化含义给予了哲学文化反思,围绕现代科学技术革命对现代人的正负影响进行了理性剖析,并在此基础上,就人的现代化方案提出了独到的观点。

    This study reflects the implications of human modernization , analyses the influences of modern technical revolution on human modernization , and raises original points of view on human modernization .

  27. 知识产权制度的创立是对科技革命所提出的制度需求的一种响应同时它又为科学技术革命提供了合适的制度环境。

    The creation of intellectual property system is a response to the system needs of IT revolution , it also provides a suitable system environment for the scientific and technological revolution .

  28. 科学技术革命推动了现代社会快速发展,使其在人的社会生活中呈现出越来越重要的作用。

    Science and technology revolution give impetus to the fast development of the contemporary society , and its more and more important function has appeared in the social life of people .

  29. 作者通过分析指出,国际格局演变的最终动力来自于生产力的发展尤其是科学技术革命的发展。

    It is pointed out that the ultimate motive force of the change of international patterns stems from the development of productive force , especially the development of science and technology revolution .

  30. 20世纪的科学技术革命给人类社会带来了巨大的变化,被称作医学之巅的器官移植技术也给患者带来了福音。

    The revolution of science and technology in the 20th century has brought great changes to the human society . Known as ' the summit of medicine ', organ transplantation is an evangel to patients .